(5SOS) 'Paper Planes'

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 “Okay class, get to work! You know what to do!” The voice of your science teacher said as she left the room, going to photo copy some new work sheets. Most of the class was either working, or talking quietly. You were sitting down at the back, writing down answers to a question from a work sheet. “Ouch!” You whine as you feel something hit you on the arm. You look at your pencil case and see a paper plane, which had hit you. Looking up you glance at each student and see 2 people laughing, pretending to do their work Ashton and Michael. You look at the plane and see words written in pen. Unfolding the plane you see a message.

 ‘Fancy hanging out with us?’ You knot your eyebrows confused. Why are they messaging you? They don’t even talk to you in class. You grab your black pen and write back on the paper. ‘Say what? Why are you talking to me, I don’t even know you guys…’ The truth was, you knew them, almost everything about them. They were the comedians in class along with Calum and Luke, they mucked around whenever they got the chance. I guess you could say they were the ‘popular’ kind of students, except they were somewhat nice to people. You fold it back into a plane and chuck it at them. Suddenly another plane comes from a different direction, almost making you jump.

 “Score!” You hear Calum’s voice coming from the right. Luke laughs; you angrily grab the plane and open it, revealing another message, written in pencil this time. ‘Talk to us! =P’ you take a glimpse of Calum and Luke and sigh. ‘Why does every guy always look so hot for?’ You question yourself. ‘Why?’ You wrote on the paper. Throwing the plane back to Calum and Luke, it lands on the edge of the table and Luke reads it, he smiles and replies. You breathe heavily, getting back to answering the question you were doing before. The best thing about sitting at the back it that no one is behind you; also you can look at everyone and hear what they’re saying.

 Rubbing your eyes you look down at your sheet, one more question until you’ve finished everything. “Oh fail!” Ashton yells, you look up and see Michael getting out his seat and grabbing the paper plane, you quickly look at your book, seeing at the corner of your eye Michael. He puts the paper plane quickly on your desk and sits back down. Taking hold of the paper once again it reads: ‘You should get to know us! =)’ You looked at their hand writing and replied with; ‘What are you playing at?’ Calum and Luke’s plane come moments later as you threw Ashton and Michael’s back to them.

 Opening there’s it read; ‘Because we’re nice guys! Do you have a valentine? - Luke’ you were shocked by what it read, your cheeks started to flush a rosy pink colour, luckily no one was near you to see. ‘I don’t understand… Why me? And no Luke I don’t, because I’m a shy little bitch! P.s no one loves me’ Why are you telling him that? You have no idea but it’s certainly true. You’re scared to approach people; afraid that they’ll judge you, being shy doesn’t help either. You quickly throw it back, all this writing and throwing is making your arm hurt. ‘Nothing, just trying to make friends! What ya doing on valentine’s day? Got anyone special? - Ash’ Ashton and Michael’s plane read.Looking wide eyed at the paper you thought ‘Something is seriously going on!’

 ‘Uh… okay… I’m not going to reply, if you’re desperate to know, you’ll actually talk to me!’ You prayed to god they wouldn’t actually talk to you. Why do you have to be so awkward? Laughing came from all directions as you saw Luke throw the plane back at you. Everyone became silent, “Okay class I’m back!” The teacher opened the door and paused looking towards all four of them. “Luke! Calum! Ashton and Michael! What do you think you’re doing? Stop mucking around! Do it again, and you’ll have detention!” The Teacher spoke, appearing through the door. You swallowed and looked towards the teacher.

 Looking at the clock, it was almost time to pack up for lunch. “Complete this sheet for homework, alright you can all pack up now!” The teacher handed out the sheets as everyone rushed to pack up, placing things in there school bags. The bell went soon after, people rushing out the door. You waited patiently for everyone to leave.

You looked outside to see Ashton, Calum, Michael and Luke waiting for you to come out. "You know you should just push though people rather than waiting for ages!" Calum said, his dark hair flowing with the wind. "I like being nice!" You paused, they all stayed silent like they were expecting you to continue. "Why were you guys sending me flying planes with notes? I was happily working!" You say now slightly frustrated with them. You walked to were you normally sit, they followed shortly behind. Once you sat down on your bench, you grabbed your lunch. Getting it out your bag you slowly ate, being careful not to get anything on your face, especially because you were in front of four quite attractive boys.

"But some people are rude, yet would you be nice back? I think so!" Calum replied to you tapping the table randomly. You didn't answer, you swallowed and looked at each of them. They were all so flawless with there hair all different colours and positions. Different eye colours and heights, making them all stand out. "So, were talking to you! Why don't you talk to us more?" "Because I'm shy, in fact I don't even know why I feel so... Comfortable around you guys..." Suddenly something came into your mind, did they know your name? "Do you guys even know my name?" you questioned interested to see if they did. "Yep, it's (Y/N)!" Ashton replied. "Lucky guess..." Ashton shrugged. "Wasn't a guess! Anyway.... Valentines day! Anything or anyone special?" Your cheeks burnt up of the thought of valentines day.

You hated seeing cute couples walking around holding hands, the girls grinning and holding presents. "Uh... Um no... Why?" A smile appeared on most of there faces. "Great, we can celebrate it all together!" "What are you suggesting?" You finish eating your lunch. "W- wouldn't you all have girlfriends or something? Surely you have girls falling for you guys all the time?" You mumble looking at the floor. "There all sluts and just want us for attention, were not into those kind of girls" Michael says before Ashton replies. "Yeah, exactly!" Ashton smiles at you. "Okay..." You look at Luke trying not to stare for long. "Well, what do you say?" Calum whispers. "What do I say to what?" You look at him confused. "We spend valentines day together? I think we'd all get along well!" Calum persuades. "Oh um, sure... I guess" You nervously laugh.

"Great!" Calum says, they all sit around you on the bench. "Let's be friends!" Luke says to you, sitting down next to you. "Yeah!" Michael agrees, wrapping his arms around you tightly. "Can't breathe!" You struggle, tapping Michael on the shoulder. "Oh, sorry!" He laughs, letting go. "AND THE FRIENDSHIP BEGINS!" Ashton yells.


Holla! Longest group Imagine I've ever done! Hope you liked it :)

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