(Michael) 'More Than Friends?'

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Your getting tickets to see a movie with 5SOS you walk into the cinemas to find its completely empty. You walk up to the last row of seats up the back. Sitting down your ready to watch the movie. But 5SOS have other plans, they want to have some fun. You sit there waiting for the Ads to pass so the movie can play. Ashton and Calum decide to twerk in front where the big screen is. You laugh as Michael tries to twerk but fails.

"I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU DO ANY BETTER!" Michael yells so you can hear. "BRING IT ON!" you yell back, you quickly make your way down the stairs and to the front. You get ready in your twerking position. "Watch and learn boys!" You say laughing. You finish twerking and turn around. The boys are speechless. "What?" You say looking at each of them. "Nothing" Michael says walking back up to the stairs. "What's up with him?" You say looking at Calum, he just shrugs his shoulders.

"Michael likes you" Luke says whispering in your ear. "How do you know that?" You whisper back. "He's jealous because the boys were looking at you, and your ass" Luke finishes walking away. You stand there and think, then walk up to Michael who's sitting down. You sit next to him as he just looks at the screen. "What's up?" You ask him, he stares straight ahead ignoring you. "Fine if you don't want to talk!"

You start getting up but you feel a hand on your wrist. "Wait" Michael says looking at you. "Ok" You say sitting back down. "Finally the movies starting!" You quickly look at the screen and then back to Michael. He chuckles and replies. "Yeah, Anyway I have to tell you something" You just remembered what Luke had said, He likes you. Its probably going to be hard for him to come out and say it.

"I Like you" Well that was... simple and fast. "Uh cool" Crap don't stuff this up, you tell yourself. "I uh, like you too" You smile at him. Butterflies go nuts in your stomach. "More than a friend?" Michael asks you. "Yeah" You smile back, the movie starts playing as you pay attention to it. But you cant get Michael out of your mind.

Suddenly a hand reached and lands on your arm. You look down and then up to see Michael smiling at you. You smile back and whisper. "More than friends for sure" Michael grins as you too watch the movie in peace with the boys doing who knows what. All you know is that something with you and Michael is about to take the next step.


might update these Imagines weekly! wooo! working on a group one if that's possible to do?

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