(Michael) 'Owning Up'

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"Are you ok?" Michael questions you as he sits next to you on the couch. "What? Oh... Um it's nothing" you say as you hug your knees. "Tell me, what's wrong?" he replies in a soft and soothing voice, coming closer to you. "Hmm" you reply looking at the floor. "Come on, please!" he begs looking at you. "I- I failed" you say disappointed with yourself. You failed your favourite subject in school and you don't want to have to repeat year 12. "I failed art, I don't understand" you almost cry.

"It's not the end of the world!" he said placing an arm around you. "I don't know what to do..." you swallow, that's not all your hiding. You've had feelings for Michael for ages and you don't even know whether he likes you back. "Argh" You say in frustration."You'll live!" Michael chuckles a small laugh. "No I won't, I have nothing to live for, now..." you say as a tear rolls down your cheek. "Don't ever say that! Ever! You have me!" Michael says looking at you, he grabs your waist and lifts you up.

"Stop!" you say barely speaking as you have no energy to move, let alone speak. "Listen, you can always go to tafe next year...Or just do art for a hobby!" Michael says with hope. "Mmhmm" You mumble looking at Michael's top. You feel fingers on your chin, as they lift your head up. Your eyes meet with Michaels as he smiles. "You're hiding something" Michael smirks. "What is it?" He continues. "Nothing.." You mumble not sure whether he heard.

"Or do I need to tickle it out of you?" He laughs. "You wouldn't!" You reply stepping away from his grip around you. Michael just nods, knowing him he probably isn't lying. "5... 4... 3... 2..-" He starts counting down, you quickly say "Ok! Ok just please don't!" You quickly get your phone out of your pocket. Click on messages with Michael and type.

'I Like you a lot'

Michael's phone goes off, as he checks it you just stare at his bright coloured hair. "Say it to my face" Michael looks up to you. You start to blush, you still don't know whether he likes you. "Come on, don't be afraid! Tell the world!" He grins at you. "I LIKE YOU A LOT MICHAEL FUCKING CLIFFORD" You yell and then giggle a small laugh, It feels good to yell at the top of your lungs and say something you've been holding in forever.

"I LIKE YOU TOO (Y/N)" Michael says looking at you in the eyes. His hands travel to your waist as they pull you close. "I've waited a long time do this" He whispers in your ear as his hot breath tickles against your neck. Suddenly his face is millimetres away from you, your noses almost touching. Your eyes travel to Michaels lips and then to his eyes. You were just about to look back to his lips, but they were on yours.

You quickly close you eyes in shock but kiss back just as passionately. It was only small but it was effective. Your stomach starts to do flips as you start burning up. Did that just happen? "I like you" Michael gently whispers. "I like you too" You say smiling at him.


Did ya like that?... After I've finished writing the group one next, I'm putting my Imagines on hold for a while. Maybe 2 weeks. I'm starting a new fanfic its a Calum one so stay tuned for that!!

Thanks for reading! :) x

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