(Ashton) 'Don't Waste Your Time On Me'

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NEARLY 5,000 READS ARE YOU SERIOUS HOLY FUCK! hope you like this Ashton one! Please vote and comment if you liked it! :) x



You and Ashton have been reunited from him touring. You've been spending a lot of time together since he's been back. You're worried that he should be spending it with family or getting ready to tour again. It's been a week already and he's touring again very soon. Right now you're at a park in your street sitting down on the benches. "I'm gonna miss you heaps!" You say cuddling into Ashton's strong arms as they cuddle you. "Aw I'm gonna miss you too, but it will be over before you can say Ashton Fletcher Irwin" He chuckles. "Ashton Fletcher Irwin" You smirk.

You get out of his grip and walk up the play ground stairs, over the bridge and to the slide where you sit at the very end. Ashton follows and sits behind you, his legs hanging over the edge. "Don't worry babe you'll be fine" He whispers in your ear. "Fine isn't good" You mumble. "You know, you could come with me, but I know you don't like to travel" Ashton says curious to what you'll answer. "I really would but, I- I need to focus on work" You swallow. "Babe, it's ok... I understand" Ashton assures you.

"Why do you have to travel a lot?" You question him. "It's my job, it's what I do" He replies placing his arms around your waist. "But you've just toured for 10 freaking months and only got a week off! It's not fair" You whin tears forming in you eyes. "Babe, life isn't fair" Ashton tightens his hold against you. You lay back into his lap and sigh. "It's only for a month, you'll survive!" Ashton says now playing with your hair. You close your eyes as his touch gives you slight shivers down your back.

"I love this!" You say referring to him and you spending time together. "I love you!" Ashton says as he pecks your forehead with his lips. You smile and reply with "I love you too!" You two continue to talk about memories you've had. Suddenly Ashton's phone goes off. "Luke says the boys are starting to pack now" Ashton says as he puts his phone back in his pocket. "Well I guess I should go then?" You ask. "No, stay! please?" Ashton begs. "But you have to start packing!" You sit up from your position. Ashton leans his chin on your shoulder. "I can do that tomorrow with you!" He whispers.

"I don't want to get in the way of your packing though" "Hey, don't worry about it, you come first!" Ashton says to you calmly like its not a big deal. "No, Ash I won't come tomorrow!" You're starting to worry, he's spending too much time with you that he won't spend it with his family or to pack for tour. "Why?" Ashton asks confused. "You need to spend time with your family! and pack might I add!" "But I see my family when I get home from spending time with you! Are you saying I'm spending too much time with you?" You swallow at Ashton's reply.

"Maybe" is all you answer. "Maybe spend a day with them? Like tomorrow?" You say wondering what he's thinking. "But I did that like two days ago!" You sake your head. "Ash that was two days ago! Maybe little Harry wants to see his big brother! Maybe something exciting happened and you weren't there because you were with me! Your wasting your time on me!" You lift yourself of the slide and hold out your hand for Ashton. As he grabs hold, you help him up. "But I want to spend this time with you!"

"There's more important things like me in the world" You say as you and Ashton now walk down the street hand and hand. "Like what?" Ashton almost laughs. "Family" You reply looking at him. "Just spend the day with them, Ok?" You reach the front of your house. You stop in the middle of the drive way. "Ok fine, I'll miss you" Ashton says bringing his forehead to yours. "I'll miss you too" You look at his nose that's in view, he's aerodynamic nose.

You smile and gently press your lips on it. Butterflies enter the pit of your stomach as you now stand close. "I love you" Ashton whispers. "I love you too" You whisper back as your lips meet. Ashton deepens the kiss with force and passion. You pull a part to breathe. "Goodbye..." You say as you start walking towards your front door. "I love you (Y/N)" Ashton shouts. You smile and turn around to blow him a kiss. He catches in and put it to his lips. You laugh as you enter your house. Tomorrow will be a sad and lonely day but you have work, you hope that will keep your mind of things.

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