(Luke) 'Trust'

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Dedicated to Angel! Hope you like it :) x



Luke has been a little of guard lately, he wouldn't sleep or cuddle with you at night. You have no idea why, and for some reason it looks like you're just about to find out. "I SAW YOU WITH HIM!" Luke yells at you, he looked at you with tears forming in his eyes. "SAW ME WITH WHO? I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!" You yell back confused at what Luke was saying. "DON'T LIE ANGEL!" Luke looks down and runs his hands through his hair looking stressed. "I'm not lying if I have no idea what you're on about!" You answer back with some attitude, Luke sighs angrily. "Michael! I saw you with fucking MICHAEL! My best fucking friend Angel!"

"First of all, you 'saw' me with him! We didn't even do anything! I was just hanging out with him, whilst you were busy doing who knows what!" "Oh so now this is my fault?" Luke spat back, you swallowed. Will this be the end of something that was supposed to be forever? "Can't I be friends with your friends? What's so wrong about that!? Huh Luke!" You wiped your eyes and sniffed. "A girl and a guy can never be just 'friends' and you know that!" Luke exclaims. "Oh really? Is that just because I fell for you? Uh hello! I think if you ask Ashton or Calum, heck even Michael I bet you I'm there friend so don't you say that!"

"Argh! You know what I'm done, night!" Luke says walking off to the lounge room. 'Why would he even think that? I love him and nobody else, I would never hurt him like that...' You thought as you made your way to your bedroom that you share. You lay down on your side of the bed and cuddle against the blanket. You close your eyes and attempt to sleep, but all you see is the fight flashing back. Warm salty tears start to fall from your eyes, as you think of Luke leaving you over one stupid thing, which practically didn't even happen. You open your eyes and make your way to the bathroom. Turning on the light you run the hot water and splash it on your face.

You look at your appearance in the mirror, your hair was messy and your eyes were puffy from crying. You wipe your face dry and re-do your hair putting it in a pony tail. You breathe deeply and quietly walk to the lounge. You turn the corner and face Luke, his back facing you as he sleeps on the couch. "Luke... Luke are you awake?" You softly whisper in his ear. He turns over so he's laying on his back. "I'm sorry..." You whisper kneeling, you fiddle with your fingers as you wait for Luke to reply. "No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I ever thought that. I just, miss you... I'm sorry I yelled and accused you of such a thing..."

"Y-you miss me?" You look at Luke and he shyly smiles then nods. "Yes Angel!" He chuckles slightly making you smile. He pats the spot next to him, signalling for you to sit. You get up and sit down, Luke's arm wraps around your waist. He comes closer, slowly and gently he rubs his thumb alongside your cheek. Making you get a funny feeling against his touch. "I'm so sorry, Angel..." Luke's warm breathe tickles touching your ear from him talking. You smile and reply. "It's okay Luke!" You turn your head to face him. Suddenly it feels like the first time you've kissed. Although its not, but why should it be different from the other times?

You stare into his memorable ocean blue eyes, as the moonlight shines through. "God I love you Angel!" Luke says quickly, before you have time to reply his lips are locked with yours moving in perfect sync. You smile and lean your forehead back against his. "I love you too, Luke!" You whisper breathing heavily. "Luke, do you trust me?" You question your voice becoming a low whisper. "Of course I do!" Luke replies. You place your left hand on the side of his cheek and peck his lips once more. "Shall we go to sleep?" You pull away and grab a hold of his hand. "Yes!" Luke replies squeezing your hand tight.

You glance at the digital clock on the wall and read the time, 3am. With your fingers entwined, the two of you make your way back to your room and get some sleep. At least you know you can go to sleep and not have to worry about waking up to fighting. You can actually cuddle against him and keep each other warm.

Trust is important.

You can't fly unless you let yourself fall...

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