(Michael) 'Catch Me If I Fall'

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Dedicated to Alexis (I like your name! It flows with this imagine and Michael's name! Haha) anyway, hope you like it!



"I'll catch you!" Michael smiled as he jumped off his swing, stepping a few metres in front of you. "I don't trust you!" You replied instantly. "Oh come on!" He pleaded as he watched you. "No! You'll drop me!" You kept swinging your legs back and forth making you go higher. "Just jump! I'll catch you and what's the worst that could happen?" You chuckled at his words. "Um I could fall!?" You shook your head. "Please Alexis!" Michael stood up straight putting his hands on his hips. "If you fall you'll land on me! I'll have the hard landing!" He complained. "Do you wanna fall on the ground? Because I don't see you catching me!" You questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Duh! Let me catch you already!" "Why should I?" You stopped swinging your legs, letting the already powered up motion of the swing let you down slowly. "Fine!" You finally gave in, Michael nodded and got his hands ready, motioning for you to jump. "Okay, jump now!" His voice was steady as he focused on you. "Uh, alright on three!" You hesitated. "Three!" Michael and you counted, placing your arms on the chains you lifted your body weight off the swing. You landed right in front of Michael, your feet trembled down unbalanced as you tilted towards him, crashing him down onto the dirt and hearing a thud.

"Ouch!" Michael said in pain. "Sorry! I kind of lost my balance, but you were in the way!" Your head was on his chest, looking upwards to his chin. "So this is my fault?" Michael's chest rose as he  spoke. "Yes, indeed!" You nodded grinning at him. "Alright then!" Michael said not believing you. "Are you just agreeing? You think it's my fault?" You looked at him. "Hey I never said that!" "But the tone in your voice!" You pointed out. "What about it?" He asked staring you down.  "Ugh, why do I bother arguing!" You thought out loud. "Ha, yeah why?" Michael tagged along questioning you.  "I don't know!" You breathed out and resting your head on his chest.

"Michael?" You move your head so it was close to his. "Yeah?" "Will you catch me if I fall? Next time?" You smiled connecting your eyes with Michaels. "You bet ya!" He grinned. "Even if I miss first time round, I'll pick you up if you fall to pieces!" Michael chuckled. "Are you saying I'm gonna shatter to pieces if I fall? I'm gonna die!"  "Figure of speech my friend!" Michael's hand moved to your hair, placing a stray of it behind your ear. Making a sweet sensation of heart warming butterflies go wild in your stomach. "Yeah? From your own damn song!" You laughed along with Michael. "Shh, you're ruining this moment!" His soft voice whispered in your ear. "I'm ruining thi-" You were cut off by warm lips pressing against yours, it stunned you at first but then they moved in perfect sync. Like you were made for each other.

"I'll make everything better!" Michael's lips lightly brushed across your bottom lip. As you hovered over him, still on the ground from when you fell. You smiled and layered your soft lips with his, deepening the kiss. His touch of his hand on your waist startled you, making you remember where you were. "Mikey, I think we should get up now!" "But I liked where this was going!" He complained his eyes meeting with yours. "Maybe we can continue this later?" You smirked. "I like the sound of that!" Michael smirked back. "So, we should probably get up!" A laugh escaped your lips as Michael stared. "What are you looking at?" You put your hands on his chest pushing yourself up and meeting your foreheads together.

"You..." His answer was simple. "Why?" You asked him. "Have I ever told you, you're so beautiful?" "Well, you have now!" You laughed. "Ugh stop it!" "Stop what?" "You're adorable!" Your heads separated slightly as his index finger poked your nose gently. "Cute as a button!" Michael quoted. "Now you're ruining the moment!" "Wha-" You cut Michael off this time and crashed your lips with his. Michael stopped to catch some air. "You know, by saying that you're actually ruining the moment!" Michael said shrugging his shoulders. You playfully rolled your eyes, "God, I love you Michael Clifford!" "And I love you Alexis (Y/L/N)..."



Kinda based on lyrics I thought it was pretty cool... Let me know if you liked it by commenting or voting! Keeps me motivated to keep updating!

Your Last Name = (Y/L/N) In case you didn't know! JUST SAYING okay ummm

Thanks for reading!

Byeeeee :-) x

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