(Calum) 'Waste The Night'

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I'm having feels listening to this song so yeah... This is what I imagined. This isn't a request! I don't think anyone requested a Calum one... That I'm aware of.

Please be aware they are closed, I'm trying to finish them off.

Enjoy :-) x



"Calum! We can't be seen doing this!" You panicked. "And where did you get these?" You asked staring down at the ice skating shoes. "It's a secret babe." He chuckled not wanting to give away anything, obviously you were going ice skating. "It's 1am?" You were up for an adventure but why this late, you were curious. "(Y/N) calm down, you trust me?" You swallowed and nodded as he lifted your chin with his finger, your eyes meeting.

"Good." He whispered pecking your lips, you continued walking for what seemed like forever with the street lights beaming and the cold snow flakes falling. Cuddling up to your warm jumpers hand in hand Calum pulled you to a stop. "We're here." You glance at the ice rink in front of you, "it's empty..." You say speaking softly. "You know I can't ice skate Calum." You see his eyes curve and his lips form a grin. "I know, I know." Your brows furrowed in confusion.

"Is this like a mid night date?" You laughed. Calum was known for pulling great dates, but this was without warning. He pulled you off the couch from watching a movie, now why? Was the one question you wanted an answer for. "No, I mean yes. I can't be spontaneous? I can't bring you here and enjoy doing this in peace? With no one watching?" Calum remained still but looked over to the ice rink.

"Come on!" He pulled your hand to a bench as you applied the ice skating shoes. "Wait, we're breaking in?" "No... Well technically..." His eyes moved in another direction. "Calum!" You playfully punched him in the arm. "Hey that hurt!" You watched as his rubbed his arm with his hand. "Ready?" He asks entwining your hands together. "If you want to watch me fail then yes!" You were nervous, but excited. You trusted Calum, a lot.

"Here we go!" Calum gracefully stepped one leg over the ledge leading towards the ice surface. "I'm not that tall..." You freaked out, how were you supposed to get over? "You leave me no choice!" Calum leans over the ledge and gently grabs your back, followed by a little jump you were now in his arms, basically floating on ice. You held tight on the swam of his shoulders, not wanting to fall.

"Ah!" You huffed as Calum let you down, you didn't move. Scared you'd fall. "Come on (Y/N), babe." Hands wrapped around your waist, gripping tight for reassurance. Calum was sweet like that, always comforting you when you needed it the most. "Just glide with me." His hands parted but still remained in contact with your waist. He carefully started moving his skates on the ice as you slid across freely with his control.

"Left foot, slide, lift and glide with the right foot. And repeat!" Calum made it sound easy. "Well I can't say I'm not trying!" Calum's hold was strong behind you as you attempted to skate in an open area. "Right, left..." You kept repeating, finally getting the hang of it. "You're crushing it babe!" Calum's voice cheered as you somehow managed to slow down.

"You know, I still can't believe I get butterflies when I'm with you." You joked but when you saw Calum's face you knew the words meant a lot. "You mean sparks? Because I know we're meant to be."  Calum was killing you tonight. You looked down, trying to hide the blush appearing on the apples of your cheeks. "Come here." He whispered so seductively you didn't hold back from a passionate kiss. His hands roaming your body as it deepened, his lips parted only millimetres away from yours.

"I'm not wasting any time I have with you, you're the only precious thing I need to be happy." You joyfully started to tear up and giggled when the words left your mouth. "That includes pulling me off the couch to bring me ice skating? God I love you so much Calum." You collided with a small thud as your bodies were glued to each other. Standing in the middle of the ice skating rink, nothing mattered besides him. "I love you too (Y/N)."


That feeling of finishing something at midnight..
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COMMENT YOUR FAVOURITE SONG OFF OF 5SOS' NEW ALBUM!!! I love Waste the Night and Vapour, and castaway... Pretty much every god damn song!!

BYEEEEEE for nowww!
Sarah x

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