(Luke) 'Harmless Fun'

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You're at the beach with 5SOS. The boys are splashing around in the water, as you sit on your towel putting sunscreen on. You put your shades on and close your eyes. Laying back relaxing as the sun tans your body, the heat keeping you warm from the cold wind. Out of nowhere these cold and wet hands touch your ankles, You look up but then someone else grabs your arms.

"No! Wait! what are you doing! Stop!" You whin looking at Luke who's holding your ankles. Luke smirks and carries you out into the ocean. Knee length they swing and let go, as you land in the cold but fresh water. you scream as you get up and wipe the hair from your eyes. "I HATE YOU ALL" You say grumpily walking back to shore. Sand sticks to your wet feet as you make your way back to your towel.

'So much for that sunscreen' you think as you decide to get up and walk back into the water, There's no point putting more on if your going to get wet, you think as you reach the water. "Gosh, you take things so seriously! Have a little fun once and awhile!" Luke says whilst splashing you with water. "Hey!" You laugh splashing him back. "I so can have fun! See.." You say splashing him again. Luke chuckles and runs into deeper water.

You follow and laugh at the fact that Luke's running like he's in a slow mode scene, with his hands flicking side to side in the air. "You know what would make that look even funnier?" You say smirking at Luke. "What?" He replies. You giggle and say. "If You tripped, like this" You quickly put your foot behind his as he falls. "That's not funny!" He gets up and quickly brushes himself off acting like nothing had happened.

Hours had passed swimming and splashing around with the boys, having fun. You now sit on your towel watching the sun go down. "Where is everyone?" you ask Luke whose sitting down on his towel next to you. "Dunno I guess they disappeared somewhere" Luke replies looking at the sunset. "You know what this beautiful sunset reminds me of?" You question Luke. "What?" He replies looking at you. "This beautiful sunset reminds me of you Luke Hemmings!" Luke chuckles. "How so?" You shrug your shoulders. "Dunno must be the hair" You say looking at his hair admiring its colour.

"Do you know what an apple reminds me of? Luke says looking down at you. "What?" You reply raising an eyebrow. "Your red cheeks" He laughs. "That's not funny!" You say covering your cheeks with your hands. "But that's cute!" Luke whispers removing your hands from your face and coming closer. By now your whole face feels like its on fire. "Listen, I've been meaning to do this for a while... so I'm just gonna do it" Luke moves closer, just a few centimetres away from your lips. His soft and plump lips press against yours making the whole world seem like its faded. You kiss back and smile, wondering what Luke's thinking.

'Harmless fun... that's all it was, Surely he doesn't like me'.


bad ending sorry! :\

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