(Michael) 'Ew!'

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Would you guys prefer long intros or long outros when I do ---------????

Something amazing happened but I'll explain after! I'm feeling happy and inspired so let's go with the flow!!



"I'll have a Caesar salad, thanks." You smiled at the waitress and handed back the menu. You were trying to get into a habit of eating healthy and that meant staying away from carbs. "Ew!" You heard the whisper of Michael who then placed his order, getting a pizza. "Oh ha ha!" Your fingers twirled the straw inside your glass of water. "It's not so often we get to hang out you know, the least you can do is order something that's actually worth it!" The sudden words from Michael stunned you, your jaw dropping. "Hey I can eat whatever I please! Thank you very much!"

"Ew! You're even drinking water! What has gotten into you (Y/N)?" Michael started to harass you. "Oh be quiet!" A scoff came from him. "That's the best come back you got? 'Oh be quiet!'?" A smirk plastered on his face. "Quit messing with me! I just want to eat healthy! Ain't nothing wrong with that!" Your voice rose a little, you start to notice people staring. A waitress appeared with a bowl. "Caesar Salad?" She didn't think before placing it near you. "Oh yes, that's for m'lady." A devilish smirk played upon his lips as he saw the bowl of salad.

"Real mature!" You say as his food comes to the table. You could instantly smell the toppings on his pizza. "Jealous are we?" You gazed your eyes down to your salad and then grabbed a fork, "not at all." You reply placing some lettuce in your mouth crunching. "Oh sure!" "Can we please just have a normal conversation?" You roll your eyes and continue to play around with your food whilst Michael enjoyed his pizza. "I know you want some! Just take a bite, come on!" He tried to persuade you. "Um no thanks." You couldn't bare to watch him devour slices of heaven- yet at the same time eating healthy had made you learn to say no.

After lunch the two of you strolled through the park on the nice sunny evening. "You know, it would be nice if you could support me with my diets." You weren't one to be serious- especially with Michael around but sometimes things got the better of you and you needed to express yourself. "Sure thing, but can we start this tomorrow?" Your eyes widen. "Are you serious?" A smile plastered on your face. "Yeah," Michael's hand entwined with yours. "Let's get some pizza on the way home." A chuckle escaped his lips. "Sounds like a plan!"


I'm aware my imagines aren't that great as what they were in the beginning- sorry.

I wrote this next part about two weeks ago...
Sooooooooooooo the amazing thing that happened:

Today I went out for lunch for my brothers 19th birthday where I saw a person named Michael! Now Michael has a successful YouTube channel with his twin brother Danny. 'TheRackaRacka' and they do action/gore videos sometimes containing their version of Ronald McDonald who's a psychopath! It doesn't sound very appalling but I assure you their work is outstanding!!

They're from Adelaide, Australia and I've come to interact with Danny a bit through Instagram- shit I'm blabbing on ANYWAY I didn't bring my phone because I didn't have pockets and I kept thinking to myself 'if only I saw them.' Not thinking I'd have any chance in the world to see them! And I was casually sitting down at the table and looked up- seeing a guy dressed in a black and white top with jeans- and freaked out when I saw his face! Realising who it was I felt my cheeks go red and started to say quietly to my sister 'oh my god- that's Michael!' Out of all the times I didn't have my phone!

I was freaking out and throughout the whole time I just kept staring at the door he went through hoping he would come back out- he didn't but that's because he was in the gaming room and funnily enough I'm not 18 yet so that didn't quite go down. Long story short- I only saw a glance of him. I came home and had a spaz to my friend who wants to hug Michael- she said she would've just ran and hugged him not caring but how was I suppose to know? I kept thinking to myself 'just say hi for my friend!' But when my brother went into the gaming room he didn't see him. Better luck next time!? I guess!

QUESTION- what would you do in this situation? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Sorry to bore you, if you read all of that- you're a legend!!

Have a great day/night!

-Sarah xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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