(Ashton) 'Afraid of Letting Go'

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Did you guys have a good Christmas? This one might be sad.... I don't know yet.... hopefully still romantic :D weeee!! hope you like it! :) x

p.s I'm writing this at 11:34pm and am feeling emotional... thought I'd share that.....



"I don't know what to do.... She won't open the door, I just.... I want to help her!" You heard your boyfriend talk into a phone. "But I can't!" You hear him shout in frustration. You swallow the lump in your throat, as the tears stream down your face. You just want someone to comfort you, but your frozen and can't move. All you want is to be in his arms, for him to hold you tight and say everything will be alright. You sit on your bed thinking about all the memories that you shared together. You'd just lost your best friend... The friend you've known since child care. The friend that was always their for you. The friend that was there to comfort you in situations like these. The bestest friend you could ever have, is now completely gone... forever.

"Okay! Sorry, I'll try!" Ashton shouts. Suddenly a knock on the door stops you from your thinking. "C- Come I- In..." You mumble quietly, as the tears still come crashing down. "(Y/N)!" Ashton says rushing to your side. His arms cuddle you tight as Ashton slowly rocks you back and forth. "Shh its going to be okay, we'll get through this... together!" His voice sounds soft and angelic. "I know its hard, trust me I know what it's like ... You'll be fine I've gotten through it, and you will too!" Ashton mumbles close to your ear. "I can't believe it, I can't -I just..." You sob into Ashton's chest. "I- I don't know what to do anymore, shes gone Ash.... And she's never coming back!" You sit up wiping your face quickly with your fingers.

"It takes time (Y/N).... I'm gonna be right beside you, through thick and thin!" Ashton caresses your cheeks as you look at him in the eyes. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger?" You question and then continue. "Bullshit my best fucking friend is dead! I'm weak as hell and I'll never stop feeling this way!" You carry on and burst into tears. "Babe thats not right, work doesn't kill you, but that'll make you stronger!" "I don't fucking care Ash! I'm sorry! I've never had to deal with this and frankly I don't know how!?" You practically yell at him. "I love you and I don't want to lose you too okay!"

"You won't (Y/N) I'm here for you always!" Ashton says pulling you in for another hug. You place your arms around him tight. "I feel empty and lost... and afraid..." You blurt out. "I know, I know." Ashton whispers kissing your cheek. "It's okay to be afraid of letting go, just know it will only make you a stronger person. And with someone you love to help you get through every step of the way..." A tear runs down your cheek. "I got it!" Ashton says whilst chuckling. "Thankyou so much, for everything you do!" Ashton smiles with his amazingly white teeth. "Anything for my princess!" He grins leaning in close.

"I love you so much Ashton!" You slightly smile caressing his cheek pulling him close, Ashton smiles back and whispers. "I love you more, we will get through this!" Every thought in your mind disappears when your lips connect with Ashton's. He's like air, you can't live without him. He's what keeps you breathing and on the ground.

Nothing makes you feel safer than being in his arms, he's your everything and you don't ever want to let him go...


uhh so that was unexpected of me to write.... finished it at 12:14am!! wooo please vote or comment?

I felt like that was a tad confusing and boring and sad?? I dunno.....???????????????? sorry!!

Thanks for reading! :) x

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