(Luke) 'Tell Me The Truth'

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 Dedicated to Cella! CANT FIND YOUR USERNAME SORRY! hope you like it :) x



"Luke! You're really annoying me! I'm trying to study for an exam!" You shouted half annoyed by the fact Luke was touching your long ombre hair. "How did you get your hair this long?" Luke ignores you. "Argh!" You say slightly angry. "When's your exam?" He questions now sitting on the couch, rather than the floor with you. "Next week on Tuesday!" You reply looking back at him. "You have like four days to study! Let's do something fun!" Luke says to you grinning with hope. "Lucky for you, you're my best friend in the entire world!" You laugh and shut your book, placing it on a table. Walking to the couch you sit next to Luke.

“What did you have in mind?” You question Luke referring to things to do. “I dunno, maybe just chat about stuff?” His voice lowering for some old reason, like he was telling a secret. “Uh, okay what about?” You question him again. “Uh, school?” You suggested, you’re brown eyes staring into space. “Hm I hate school!” Luke complains. “This is impossible!” You lightly chuckle looking over to Luke. “How about we play truth or dare then?” Luke looks at you and grins; you shake your head as a no. “No way, knowing the stuff you could think of!”

 You yawn and tilt your head, making it lean on Luke’s shoulder. Out of nowhere Luke shuffles and removes your head from his shoulder. You sit up straight surprised by his action. "Are you okay?" you knot your eye brows together confused by the sudden change of moods by Luke. "Fine" was Luke's reply. "Okay, well I'm sorry!" you place your hands in your lap and fiddle with your fingers, not knowing what to say next. "Well this was a waste of my time! Later!" You watch Luke walk to the front door and half slam it. 'What did I do wrong?' you questioned yourself. you sit there and think, why did Luke all of a sudden change? Was it because you placed your head on his shoulder? Surely that can't be it.

You decide to run towards your room, quickly pacing and laying on your bed. Grabbing your phone you decide to text Luke.

'Luke, what's wrong?'

You play a few games to make time pass, hoping he'll reply. Ten minutes later, no reply. You start to worry and text him again.

'Luke you can tell me! I won't judge, you know that! Please reply! Why are you ruining our friendship for? God damn it!!'

You swallow and walk to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water and chucking it down. You almost sprint back to your room where you left your phone. A missed call and text from Luke appeared. You opened the text and read it.

'Why didn't you pick up? Huh!'

You growl and throw your phone down onto your bed not wanting to look at it. Suddenly it beeps again, grabbing it you see another message from Luke.


You look at it confused and annoyed again you don't reply. How do you reply to that? Suddenly it beeps again.

'Why Cella... I can't do this anymore!'

Tears start to form as you read the words, is your friendship over? Is that what Luke thinks? Does he like someone else and can't see you anymore? What is Luke hiding? But most of all will you tell him your true feelings?...

Your vision goes blurry and you can't see, you wipe your eyes and look at your screen to see it filled with salty tears. You wipe them away with your long sleeve shirt.

'Luke, what the hell is wrong with you? Why are you saying all this crazy things! TALK TO ME! I guess its fine if you never wanna see me again, because by the looks of it. That's the way its gonna be! Speak now, or forever hold your peace!!!!'

You heard a knock on the door, quickly pressing send you walk to your front door. Grabbing the door handle you slowly open the door. There standing in front of you was indeed Luke.

"Luke what do y-"

Everything escalated quickly, you were in shock to even process what was happening. Luke separated and stepped forward, whispering something in your ear.

"I love you Cella..."

His breath tickled against your neck making you slightly shiver and get butterflies. "I took me ages to realise, but I love you... More than a friend. Please forgive me for my actions? They were stupid and selfish and I-"

This time you cut him off, by showing him how you felt. You wrapped your hands around his neck, kissing his lips deeply. His hands moved to your waist as he slightly deepened the kiss, making every happen so fast, yet so slow. Enjoying the moment, you run out of breath and pull away. "I love you too Luke!"

"Do you forgive me?" Luke looks up, staring into your eyes. His bright blue ones looking at you with hope and sorrow. "Of course! Just tell me the truth next time, yeah?" A grin appeared on his lips as he cuddled you in his arms. Some things are worth telling, even if you are afraid....


Not the best, sorry! Updating Michael one ASAP WOO!

Please vote or comment? Maybe baby! lol

Byeee <3 thanks for reading!

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