(Calum) 'Mysterious'

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My sister wanted another request so I'm just gonna use (Y/N)

Please be patient, your requests are coming! :) ENJOY <3



"Come on, hurry up!" Your best friend called, you were running frantically through the house making sure you had everything before you left. It was the day of your cruise holiday, you'd be staying on a huge ship for two weeks, exploring the islands and doing lots of fun things whilst you were there. It was almost valentines day, in fact it was on Wednesday, which was tomorrow. You were really excited but scared in a way, you knew your friend was a catch but you, no one would wanna be your valentine.

"Ready? Let's go!" The voice of your best friend said heading out the door, you locked it and pulled all of your luggage in the boot of the taxi. "This is going to be so much fun!" You and your friend screamed in excitement. "Man I can't wait!" You looked out the window of the vehicle and smiled to yourself, it was about time you got out and did something. To be finally free from everything surrounding you and being able get away for a while, to relax and enjoy life.

The taxi stopped, picking up your pace you jump up from your seat, grabbing your things and grinning to your friend. "LETS DO THIS!" Turning around you look at the view. A huge ship stood up tall, with a long and large ramp towering down from the ships entrance. Your mouth automatically dropped open, forming and 'O'. "This looks amazing! OH MY GOD!" Your friend squealed. "Shall we?" You place your arm out, linking each others arms you skip up the ramp laughing.

"Where's the dorm?" You ask, "Um Floor 2 room 37" You nodded and took in the surroundings, red carpet laid everywhere, pictures where framed and along the walls, you walked past a dining area, loads of fancy tables and chairs were placed neatly on the now dark blue carpet. Everything looked too good to be true, like it was a fantasy of a million dollar star hotel. Finally you reached the elevator, the bright gold doors slid open. Hopping in with your big suitcase and bags, you pressed the 2nd floor.


The elevator doors opened, you took hold of your things and started looking down the hall of doors. Suddenly a vibrating noise came from your pocket, signalling you had gotten a message. Grabbing your phone out and unlocking it. "(Y/N)!" Your friend yelled in front of you, "Sorry!" You replied as you kept walking looking down at your phone. Out of nowhere you felt something hard knock you on the head, or maybe you knocked your head onto it. You looked up to see you were faced with an attractive guy standing awfully close.

"Uh, sorry..." You said stepping backwards and awkwardly looking back towards the ground. "That's okay!" The guy chuckled, his big brown eyes looked into yours. Your heart starting racing as you got a quick glance at all his features. "Uh..." You smiled and looked behind him, "I should go..." You swiftly stepped forward, as your shoulders brushed together, creating a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach. "Well that was intense, and awkward... and embarrassing!" You quietly whisper to your friend as you finally found your room. "Not for me! It was fun to watch! You totally dig him!" The door opened with a key card as you walked in. "Um do you see me with a shovel? Nope!" You laughed at your comeback.

Once you finished settling in, un packing a few things. You started getting ready for dinner, they had a massive restaurant with bands and acts on. You were really excited to go, so you got ready in a jiffy. Wearing a simple plain pink dress with black heels, you were ready to go. "Please hurry up! I don't wanna be late!" You said loudly to your friend who was getting ready in the bathroom doing her hair. You found your phone and placed it in your little hand bag placing it across your shoulder. "Oh please, you only wanna go because of that hot guy you bumped into earlier!"

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