(Michael) 'Just Say Yes!'

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Dedicated to Nicole! Hope you like it :) x

This originally was a separate Imagine but because of the story line I made it your imagine Nicole!



"Hello?" Your voice echoed through the massive halls of your school, there was a black out all the lights stopped and everyone stayed in class, there were empty halls and it was pitch black everywhere. You were trying to find your friend who said she'd meet up next to your locker. "Oh my god, where are you? Hurry up!" You sigh taking a deep breath out. Suddenly you feel hot breath tickle against your neck, slightly scared you race for the light of your phone, your hand quickly taps the on button, as the bright light from your phone flickers on. "Boo!" The mysterious voice softly whispered, making a strange and nervous feeling appear in the pit of your stomach. "Michael! You scared me!" You frown as you recognised the voice, he laughs. "That was the idea!" He chuckles again.

You stay quite as his body stays close to yours. Feeling uncomfortable you step back slightly. "Don't move Nicole!" Michael's voice whispered in your ear, making shivers travel down your back and goose bumps appear on your arms. Why does he do this to you?

"Leave me alone! What are you doing here anyway!" You shouted hoping he would let you be. Michael was very 'interesting' and bad, he was the player of the school, every girl always says 'yes' to go on a date with him, but not you, sadly he was good looking, and well was partly scary, he had tattoos and an eye brow piercing. Not to mention his hair was dyed black, making him look even more attractive. His piercing green eyes stared right at you, your heart was pacing at an uncontrollable speed, "Oh please, I know you want me. I want you too Nicole don't deny it..." His voice trembled downwards as his lips gently brushed past your ear, slowly making there way to your neck. "Michael stop!" You demanded. You can't fight your feelings but if one thing is sure, you wouldn't let him pressure you into doing anything. 

"Please, stop!" You could feel Michaels soft lips linger, but never place a kiss. "Only because I don't want to lose you!" He smiles. "Please can I take you on a date?" Michael asks you as he steps away from you to stand closer. "Uh..." You think out loud, is this what you want? He didn't even notice you until now, you were just an average teenage girl. "Why?" You ask him. "I really like you and I want you to be mine!" He smirks. "But I-" You pause, thinking of what going on a date with him would be like. "I know you'd like it!" He smirks again, there's something about him that's different. "Why do you 'like' me..." You ask him. "You're different, you saying no, just makes me want you even more. Other girls are just a one night stand.... You, you're more than that!"

"How do I know that though? You might just leave me..." As much as you don't want to admit it, you have a slight attraction to him, only you didn't want to show it. Deep down he is probably the nicest guy, only you weren't so sure. "Come on, just say yes!" He whines. "What if I say no?" You chuckle without meaning too. "I'll keep trying until you go on a date with me!" His voice was loud, in the quite halls. "Just one date?" Michael nods, He pressed his body closer, his right arm placed around your waist, showing off his tattoos. It felt like electricity shocking your body, only the feeling was nice, almost like sparks.

"You're a scary looking guy, with a girl like me? Are you crazy?" Your voice rose in slight anger, making Michael grin. "Only crazy in love!" His voice differs down to a whisper. "You're so, confusing!" "Nicole, I'm taking you on a date!" He demanded, "Oh really? What would we do all day?" You cock and eye brow curious to know. "What ever you want! Just please say yes! I'm begging you!" Michael pleads trying to convince you. "I dunno, I've never even talked to you, what's in it for me? You're a bad guy..." You nod at your statement, he was bad, he ditched class to be with girls and didn't care about school, only himself.

"I'm good in the inside, don't judge a book by it's cover!" Michael nearly yells, making you jump from the height of his voice being so loud. "Sorry, please Nicole, I'll do anything!" He takes hold of your hand, and fiddles with your fingers one by one. "Could you maybe start acting nice on the outside?" You look at his flawless face, his memorising green eyes, shining from the white bright light from your phone. His fringe nearly covering his eyes and his beautiful smile, you could never say no to that. For once you think you might have made the right decision, but only time will tell.

"Okay!" You grin showing your teeth, "Fuck yeah!" Michael shouts, it echoes through the halls. "Language!" You point out. "I mean, hell to the yeah!" Michael laughs, maybe this will be the start of a new friendship, who knows maybe even more...


What did you think? Please let me know!! :D

Thanks for reading! Updated this on my birthday... Just saying! (Well the night before, but when half of you read it...)

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