(Luke) 'The Cafe Boy'

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Dedicated to Abbey! Hope you like it



"Do you wanna leave now?" The voice of your auntie called. "Okay, I guess..." Making your way towards the front door you looked down at your phone. 'Tonight should be good' you thought looking at the time. You were heading to a cafe, after that you were going to enjoy watching a live football match. "Let's have a good time!" Your auntie cheered, walking to the drivers seat of her car. "Yes!" You replied excited to see your favourite player play live again. Hopping into the passenger side you buckled the seat belt in, the drive to the cafe was silent, but not an awkward silence thank god. It only consisted of you going on twitter and listening to the radio.

Walking out of the car you entered the cafe. "Pick a table!" Your auntie said following behind, you decided to pick one close to a window. You sat down, facing opposite to the door so you could see everything that went on in the cafe. A waiter came and took your order, smiling you answered. "Pizza sounds good thanks!" They nodded and wondered off. After waiting approximately 9 minutes and 12 seconds, not that you were counting or anything. The food had arrived, the cafe wasn't that busy so it was quite a long wait. Although you weren't quite hungry.

The cafe door suddenly opened with a ring automatically directing your eyes towards the door, a tall blonde figure walked along the rows of tables. Your eyes darted straight to his, he gazed back smiling. His memorising blue eyes never leaving yours. You watched as he sat down, never taking your eyes off him. Ignoring all the noises around you, the people in the kitchen, your auntie arguing on the phone talking to your uncle. Nothing mattered except those eyes of the boy who just walked in, it was like he was the only person in the whole cafe. His lips were a fresh pinky peach colour, a smile formed on them as you shyly and awkwardly looked away. Who was this boy?

A small smile appeared on your lips as you looked at him, your gaze never left. Until his eyes met yours. Looking down at your hands which held your phone, then back up. Whoever this boy was, he was fucking sexy. He smirked, showing his perfectly straight white teeth. Before biting down on his bottom lip exposing the top of his teeth once more. 'I'm about to drown in a hot mess' you couldn't help but giggle a little, quickly looking away you could feel his eyes still staring. "Abbey, we have to leave if we want to make it to the game..." "What?" You replied turning your head, facing away from the hot guy. "We have to leave.." She repeated smiling. "But," you swallowed, would you ever see this guy again?

"Gather your things." Your auntie stood up, pushing in her chair and waiting for you to follow. Slowly standing up you pushed on the chair, placing it back under the table. Looking back at the hot guy once more, you walked through the exit. Stepping small, never wanting to leave. You saw the train station in view. Suddenly hearing footsteps behind, like a presence was behind you. Turning your head and looking back, a figure stood behind you smiling. A smile formed on your lips as you saw the stunning boy from the cafe.

"Excuse me?" His voice was deep, surprising you. You stopped in your tracks, does he want to talk? "I didn't catch your name?" His smiled slightly, waiting for you to reply. "A- Abbey.." Your voice trembled. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl, I'm Luke" his smile makes you melt every time, but him smiling with makes you go crazy, getting nervous and blushing you look down. Not sure of what to do or where to look. He was perfect, the most perfect human being you've ever seen. "Would you like to hang out sometime?" He was getting closer with every sentence he made. "Sure I would love you!" He chuckled, you realised what came out of your mouth and corrected yourself. "I mean too!" You nervously laughed, 'way to go me!'

"You're cute when you blush!" Him saying that made your cheeks appear even more red. The hotness of your skin burned down as the cold air hit your face. "Abbey, the train is coming!" You auntie yelled, waving you to come over. "Could a beautiful girl like you give me her number?" You couldn't believe what you were hearing. "Uh sure!" You smiled looking into his blue eyes once more. "I'll text you!" He replied looking at his phone once you had entered your number. Suddenly your phone buzzed, making you look away from him, 'hey Abbey, it's Luke ;)' appeared on your screen. Smiling to yourself you replied. 'I know silly! You're standing right in front of me! ;)' you glanced up, pressing send. He showed a grin as he typed away on his phone. "Abbey! Hurry!" Your auntie yelled furiously. "Coming!" You took in what he was wearing for the first time. Skinny jeans and a hoodie. Perfect.

"I gotta go! Talk to you later!" His eyes met with yours, "okay bye Abbey!" You loved the way your name rolled smoothly off the tip of his tongue. Finally making it to the train you looked at your phone. Another text and another grin spread widely across your face. You continued to text throughout the evening, the football was all a haze. Nothing mattered apart from the scores anyway. His voice kept echoing as you remember the soothing sound of him talking. You couldn't wait to officially hang out together knowing you would have a blast.


Probably could have been longer :-(

I just remembered I forgot to put Luke having a lip ring hahahah WHOOPPPSS

Thanks for reading! X

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