(5SOS) 'Realisation'

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Hope you like this one! :) x


(Assuming your best friend is a girl…)


"(Y/N)!" Your best friend called. You’re in the bathroom doing your hair getting ready for a concert. But not just any concert, a 5SOS concert! You've been dying to see them, and it just happens to be on your birthday. "What?" You yell back to her. "Are you ready to have the best time of your freaking life!" She yells as she appears at the door, you look through the mirror at her. "Hell yeah!" You reply finishing your last curl.

You grab the hairspray and spray them, making sure no hair will come out of place. You smile into the mirror looking at your reflection. You had little makeup on as you don't want to look fake. Your eyes stood out as mascara made your lashes look longer. You finished up with putting lip gloss on. "Ready?" Your best friend asks you. You nod. "Let's go!" You grin replying as you grab your bag and start heading towards the front door.

You finally arrive at the arena; you made sure to get there early to get front row in the mosh pit. "Do I look okay?" You ask your best friend as you stand in line. "Are you seriously asking me that? You look beautiful!" She replies looking at you like your crazy. You look at the glass door and see your reflection. You’re wearing a 5SOS t-shirt which you created and black skinny jeans with vans. You hair was curly and parted in the middle with your fringe on the side. Suddenly the line started moving. "OH MY GOD IT’S HAPPENING!" You yell in excitement. You almost start jumping up and down, but you realise you’re in public and that would be embarrassing. "Breathe!" You mumble as you reach the front of the line. You hand the people your tickets as you enter through the doors.

You almost run to the front row, “Man this is going to be the best birthday ever!” You squeal. Your friend laughs; suddenly you hear a song playing. You look up to see on the small screen, they’ve got a 5SOS video playing. “Holy shit! Oh my gosh!! Ahhh!” You shout with excitement. The whole arena goes dark, as lights start flashing on the stage. You look behind you to see the whole mosh pit filled with fans. “THIS IS SO AWESOME!” You yell over the screams and other noises. You keep your eyes glued onto the stage, hoping they’ll come out any second.

It’s finally happening, there walking on the stage with their instruments in their hands, Ashton walks to his drums and does an awesome drum solo as the guitars and bass join in, they introduce themselves and start playing Out of My Limit. You scream and wave your hands up in the air, hoping maybe Calum will touch it. After a few more songs, storytelling and singing your heart out.

Realisation kicks in. It’s only just sunk in; 5SOS are right in front of your eyes. You’ve only ever seen them in pictures, videos and posters. It’s like they’ve come to life, and there even hotter when you’re up close. You start to silently sob tears of joy, you look up to each of them studying there flawlessness. There perfect hair and eyes, and how amazing they can sing live. If only this moment could last forever.


The next Ashton one should be good! I enjoyed typing it but lets see what you guys think! Should be up shortly!

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