(Michael) 'Wrapped Around Your Finger'

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This was gonna be (Y/N) but somone requested a Michael one so this imagine is dedicated to Alison! Hope you like it :-)



"Okay well, I'm going to sleep, I'll see you tomorrow! Love you" you replied to your boyfriend Michael on the phone. "Alright bye love you too!" He ended the call, you looked at the time on your phone, 11:23pm. You yawned and prepared yourself for bed. Re-positing your pillows to get comfortable. Turning your phone on silent, you turned your body and cuddled the sheets tighter. Closing your eyes and sleeping.

Clink a noise startled you, you woke opening your eyes looking around your room, nothing made the noise. You snuggled the sheets again and turned the other way going back to sleep. Ignoring the noise. Clank the noise came back, 'ugh what the hell' you angrily threw the warm sheets off your body. The noise started to repeat itself, like it was trying to get your attention. Peeking through the only thing you could think of where the noise was coming from... Your window. Clink clank, squinting your eyes further down to the grass of your backyard, you spot something, or someone.

"Michael?" You think aloud, 'What's he doing here?' You question yourself. Placing a hand on the cold glass of the window you erase the fog that was forming from the warm air inside. His hand pointed down and his lips read "Backyard". You've never snuck out at night before, your parents were bound to catch you, you prayed you were sneaky enough to make it downstairs alive. You signalled him a smile and a thumbs up. Before opening your door, leading to the hall way and stairs. Breathing in and exhaling you closed your bedroom door. Walking on the floor boards with socks on, being careful not to slip. You finally made it to the stairs, pacing fast down to avoid croaks of the boards.

 After making it down stairs silently you sped around the corner and paced fast avoiding the dining table... Or so you thought, the sharp corners of the table legs managed to hit your toe. But not just any toe, your pinky toe. The pain was unbearable, it took everything not to scream out in agony. The hit was extra hard because you were rushing, holding onto your foot and applying pressure to your toe you limped. Making it to the back door, finally. You held the handle and slid the sliding back door opening, acting as if you weren't in pain you saw Michael standing on the grass.

Holding onto the long sleeves of your shirt with your fingertips you placed your arms together, walking towards Michael. "What are you doing here?" You whispered looking cautiously around, hoping not to be seen or heard by your parents who were asleep down stairs. "I needed to see you!" Was his reply, "why?" You questioned, remembering the phone conversation you had not long ago with him. "I missed seeing your beautiful face, I couldn't wait until tomorrow!"

"So you decided to throw rocks at my window and meet in my backyard? Smart move Clifford, very smart!" You said sarcastically. "Why thank you! I tried!" He bowed, making you laugh. You looked back towards the back door, thankfully it was closed. "Well, on the way down I hit my foot on the corner of the dining table, I could have died, I took a big risk coming here!" You looked down at your toe which was aching. "It's your backyard?" He chuckled, the smile plastered on his face disappeared when he saw you frown in pain. "It really hurts!" You wine almost crying because you had to keep the pain in, to try and not get caught. "Let me take a look?" Michael bent down and took your fuzzy warm sock off.

"It's gonna leave a bruise, it's already red as fuck!" Michael says as he put his index finger over your little toe. "Ah!" You flinch away. "Sorry!" He backs away, placing your warm sock back over your exposed foot. "Fucken table, might hit it with a baseball bat or some shit later for payback!" You said furiously eyeing your toe which still stung. "Just forget about the table, I'll make the pain go away..." You looked at Michael confused, until he started coming closer. "I wanted to spend a moment with my girl" "At 1am in the dark, using your 'bright' hair for light?" You laughed at the fact that it was pitch black and even his bright hair wasn't bright enough.

"Hey, don't tease da hair!" He faded, hearing his feet move across the grass. "Hey Mikey, come back!" You grabbed hold of his arm, sliding your fingers down to his hand and grabbing hold. Pulling his hand back and stepping closer to him, you cupped his left cheek, feeling his scruffy stubble growing. Pressing your index finger upwards, lifting his chin. You pressed your lips up against his, it startled him at first until hes lips started moving in perfect sync with yours. His cool soft lips felt like a pillow, only better. You pulled away and smiled to yourself, knowing you did good. Suddenly his lips caught you by surprise as they deepened the kiss. Pulling your bodies closer, Michael's hand traveled to your waist, motioning up and down, making you feel warm.

His head come intact with yours, the feeling of his fringe on your forehead made you smile. "Alison," he paused, catching his breath. "I love you so much!" He continued whispering in your ear, his breath triggered warmth across your neck. "I love you too Mikey!" You whispered back into his ear. Wondering if that's what he felt when you whispered. "I better go, I'll miss you!" "Go to sleep babe!" Your heart melted at his words, still. "Why don't you come?" You questioned slowly entwining your fingers with his. You could tell he was smirking as he squeezed your hand tight. "I like the sound of that!"


I DUNNO I JUST GOT MICHAEL FEELS FROM IMAGINING THIS... rsghalohfaeodhfao hope everyone enjoyed reading it though! I dont even know if it was any good -_-

but gUYS











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