(Ashton) 'Just the Two of Us'

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Requested/Dedicated to Maggie! Hope you like it :) x



"Whatcha doing Maggie?" Ashton asks. "Homework that's due tomorrow and I haven't even started!" You reply annoyed at yourself, you've been spending the past few days with the boys and Ashton. Therefore you left your homework to the last minute. "Oh man that sucks!" you just nod trying to think. "Want help?" Ashton says getting a chair and sitting next to you. "Yes please!" you say staring at your computer. There's a blank page. "What do you have to do?" he questions. "Write a song for music, then play an instrument and/or sing" you have butterflies, you really don't want to do the task because you choose to sing and play guitar as well which will be challenging. "Alright so what instrument?" Ashton says, his voice becoming a whisper. "Guitar!" you reply shyly smiling. "Alright so first write a melody and then add lyrics!"

After half an hour of coming up with a few tunes on the Guitar, you now stare at your computer. "Just write what you feel..." Ashton says holding his phone in his hands. "I'll try!" You say taking a deep breath. But nothing comes to mind. "What do I write it on?" you question. "Anything or anyone!" he replies smiling. 'Just write about someone... damn it!' you thought as you tap your fingers on the desk. You take another deep breath and finally decide to give it a shot.

'Your smile just keeps getting brighter every time I see you, the way your teeth show when you grin. Your warm and rich cocoa eyes remind me of happy memories of the days gone by.'

"I have two lines!" You almost yell right next to Ashton. "Great, lets see!" You move your laptop so he can see. A smile appears on his lips. "That's really good! how would you sing that?" He asks, butterflies enter your stomach. This wasn't part of it! How am I meant to know how I would sing it? You think as you stare at the lyrics. You take a deep breath and start to sing them.

(Randomly sing the words.... ha I don't know....)

"Awesome, now right more!" Ashton laughs. "Hm, alright..." You answer and let your Imagination take over. writing random things down hoping they'll be good enough.

'I wish it was just you and me, together... But you don't see what I see. So how are we meant to be? I want it to be us, taking on the world. But you don't see what I see...so how is it meant to be?'

"Woo! Okay that's all I got! My brain hurts!" You laugh handing him the laptop. You stare at him waiting for him to reply. "Maggie! What the fuck!" Ashton says surprised. Instead it scares you. 'Oh crap! I've done something wrong? Haven't I?' You sit there silently as the nerves kick in, waiting for him to say something. "Since when have you become a pro of writing! Seriously!" Ashton smiles. "Um since like, forever!" You say nervously laughing at the end. 'He has no idea does he?' You think as you study Ashton's face.

"I wonder what your thinking..." You stare at his lips. "Why?" Ashton laughs. "Fuck, did I say that out aloud?" You burry your head in your arms, as you feel your face burn up slightly. "This is what I've been thinking for a long time!" Ashton softly says, you look up at him. His face seeming so close to yours. Suddenly you can feel his breath on your cheek. "Now sing the lines!" Ashton says sounding curious but at the same time disappointed that he ruined the 'moment'. "What! No..." You say turning all shy. "I have an idea!" You pop your lips into a smile. "A duet, please Ash!" You beg, that would make you feel heaps better about singing it. "Sounds like fun!" Ashton exclaims as he appears closer again.

Your heart starts racing, will your dream actually come true? After all this time of having a huge crush on Ashton. All because of this Music homework. 'I Maggie, thank my music teacher, for giving me this assignment as this opportunity might not have ever happened' You say in your head. Everything suddenly fades away, nothing in the world could ruin what's about to happen. Ashton's luscious lips are only a centimetre away, literally. You admire Ashton's eyes as they suddenly start to close. BANG POP WHOOOSH is the sound of fireworks exploding all over the place, well at least in your mind.

Ashton's head now leans against yours as he breathes heavily. "So what did you want to call it?" Ashton whispers grinning. "Hm, how about... Just the two of us?" A smirk appears on Ashton's lips. "Sounds perfect!" Ashton says as his lips peck your forehead. Now you only have to worry about performing it, but with Ashton's help. It shouldn't be a problem...


Hope that was alright! please vote or comment if you liked it! :) x

CHRISTMAS THEMED ONES ARE FINALLY HERE haha I have to type them first!


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