(Luke) 'In my Dreams'

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Dedicated to Mary!! Hope you like it! Sorry if its not the best... (Kinda fetus imagine...)



"This is my other friend Luke!" The boy with short black hair known as Calum introduced a blonde boy. You were a new kid at school, your parents had a new job so they decided to move because it would be easier. Luke shyly smiled and mumbled a hello. You smiled back and glanced over at everyone, there was another boy named Michael. He had spikey blonde hair with a very long fringe. "I'm Mary!" You smiled at them and looked back to Luke. His blue eyes shined bright as the sun beamed like a light on his white face, making his skin look flawless.

"Well, uh..." Calum spoke, not knowing what to do. "Okay class, get in groups of two!" The teacher suddenly yelled, making you jump. Students rushed to find a partner, teaming up with there friends. "Uh, who should I go with?" You looked at Calum then to Luke, a hopeful smile appeared on his lips. "Michael!" Calum speaks, you turn your head and smile at Michael. Glazing back at Luke, his face drops. Walking awkwardly over to Michael you stay quite, as you look at Calum and Luke laugh together. "I know you fancy him..." Michael says out of the blue. "How did you know? I just met you guys..." You replying looking slightly amazed by Michaels thought. Did you like him?

"You can tell... I say, he likes you too!" Michael nudges you on the shoulder with his elbow. "How do you know that?" A funny feeling appeared in your stomach, wishing that somewhat was true. "I've known him for a few years, I can just tell by his face and the way his acting, you know?" Michael takes a seat and looks up at you, you decide to follow taking a seat next to him. "Right..." You replying acting as if you knew what he was on about. "Listen, just talk to him... He's easy enough to approach! How about, you try this lunch?" Michael suggests grinning. "Ah..." You fiddle with the tips of your fingers underneath the table. "Oh come on! Just see what happens!"

"Okay..." Was all you replied with, you looked at the clock on the wall hoping this lesson would take forever, not knowing how to approach Luke was going to be scary. You continued talking and being on task, but you couldn't focus knowing that time would soon come to an end. Looking back at the clock, you watch as the minute hand moves slowly. 'Only five minutes left...' You dreaded in your head.


The bell to lunch suddenly rang, gathering your things you wait outside the class for Michael, Luke and Calum. After standing there for a few minutes, no one walks out confused you decide to walk back in, hoping they'll be there. You walk towards the end of the class room and hear people whispering. Poking your head around the corner you see Luke and Michael. "What are you waiting for?" You question them. "Ah Calum was talking to the teacher!" Michael replied grinning again. "Okay," you stepped closer forming a triangle shape with your bodies.

"Back!" Calum yells, "Stop it!" Luke eyes Michael. "Okay let's go! Mary, come with me!" Michael shoves you out the class room door. "Uh..." You stopped in your tracks, not knowing what Michael was doing. "Stay there!" Michael says, wondering off somewhere, looking at the pavement ground you waited. You hear steps of someone come, not paying attention you let your thoughts wonder. 'No one likes me, they can't... I'm not good enough, I'm dreaming if that was true' You sigh and take a deep breath.

"Hello," You hear the quite and shy voice of Luke. "Are you okay?" He continues. "Uh yeah..." You smiled. "Good, are you liking the school so far?" He asks you, his bright blue eyes staring back at you. "Yeah, its been great!" You replied nervously laughing, hoping he didn't think anything of it. "That's cute..." He replies out of the blue. "What?" You knot your eyebrows together and chuckle. "Oh um, your laugh..." Luke mumbles. "Haha thanks?" "Yep!" He says popping the 'p' he starts walking, quickly you catch up and walk beside him.

After a good few minutes of talk you'd learnt a few things about him, he had a dog named Molly, likes the colour blue, loves to sing and write music and has 2 older brother. All these facts triggered through your brain and got you thinking, getting to know someone was always good but what if you fell for them? Would they all of a sudden like you?

'Yeah maybe in my dreams'


Sorry its kinda short/long and crap... Ahhhh! Sorry if that's not how you pictured it to be..... :(


Michael one next, I think I've already started it, I can't remember! that'll be up soon! Stay tuned (that rhymed!)

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