Boston On A Bus

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The next morning I was walking down the sidewalk, on my way to the candy store I met Julian at yesterday. My stomach was turning somersaults as I headed to meet him. I'd spent all night tossing and turning, being so freaking nervous for today. I mean, he was absolutely gorgeous, totally above my usual attraction level. How did I manage that?!

Anyway, I pulled my grey beanie over my ears a little more, I thanked the lord I had brought it with me to Boston, my wavy dirty blonde hair was not behaving today so i tugged it on hoping I could cover my bad hair day. I'd opted for a cowl neck thick knitted grey jumper with a pair of black skinny jeans and my favourite biker style ankle boots. I pulled my black leather jacket around my body a little and hoped I wasn't waiting too long for him to arrive, when as I approached the candy store, he emerged from inside the shop, armed with two take out coffee cups and what looked like a stash of something in his jacket pocket.

"Good morning" he beamed a playful smile at me. "hey" I replied, smiling up at him. "hope you've not been waiting long?" I asked, him shaking his head, "I just got here, to get some provisions for our trip" he replied, passing me a coffee cup. "our chariot awaits" he nodded over the road. I looked over to find a city tour bus with its engine running, waiting for the tourists to board, of which there were quite a few queuing at its doors. I smiled instantly and nodded, "cool"


Not too long later we were on the move, beginning the journey around the city of Boston. "so, how was work yesterday? I hope you didn't get in trouble with your boss?" I asked, thinking back to how we parted yesterday. He smiled a little and shrugged. He was looking as good as he did yesterday, if not a little cuter, wearing a black beanie hat and a thick navy blue coat. "it was fine, as always. Nothing exciting happened." he said, I noted how vague he was about whatever his job was, but I didn't push him. I guess he was just a little more private about his life, even though he loved to know all about mine.

"I so need this, this morning" I sighed, cuddling my warm coffee cup. Julian laughed a little, "and how about these?" he said pulling out a stash of candy from his jacket pocket. "oh god gimme the Skittles" I laughed. He passed them to me, and I ripped open the bag. "rough night?" he laughed. "kinda, I hardly slept, wondering whether I should be taken around the city today by a guy I didn't know, and whether he might drag me off somewhere and murder me" I said, popping a few of the red ones into my mouth.

Silence. I looked up and Julian was sat looking at me with a raised brow, making me burst into laughter. "the trips not over yet...." he growled a little at me. That made me giggle a lot more. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he did take me hostage....


We were onto our second round of goodies, this being a Dove chocolate bar. We decided to share this one, thinking it may be a little too greedy to have once each. The Bus stopped at Fenway Park, where people were allowed to get off and have photos taken. I took a few snaps on the bus as we were sitting on the top level, and had a pretty good view of what I needed to see. The tour guide prattled on about the sports of the city, obviously mentioning the Football team I saw but a few nights ago.

"I went to see my first Patriots game last Friday"
"oh really?"
"you seem surprised?" I answered, he shrugged and laughed a little, fidgeting in his seat. "no, um, well I guess I wouldn't have expected you to have gone to a game yet" he replied. "my brother has taken an interest to the sport since living here. He thought I'd enjoy it so we went."
"it was pretty cool" I nodded, making him grin at me. "don't get me wrong, I can't tell you the rules or who plays and where, but I enjoyed it" I told him, making him chuckle, "well I know who plays and what the rules are," he said, "but I'm more than happy to take you to a game and teach you a few things" he smiled looking into my eyes. "sounds good" I blushed. "I made a friend there too, she goes to every game, she was trying to tell me who was who... cooing over some guy, number 80 I think he was. Had some weird name, hard to pronounce." I frowned trying to remember. "Amendola?!" he laughed, sounding surprised. "that's the guy" I laughed. "the girl wants to marry him" I giggled. "I'll have to tell him that..."

"huh?" I asked, hearing him mutter under his breath. "oh Nothin, he's a ladies favourite." he nodded. I shrugged. "so is Edleman apparently." I added, looking out over to the baseball field. "oh yeah... Heard that too" he replied, stretching and placing his arm over the back of our seat. "I honestly can't say. Never seen the dudes" I commented, "probably have egos the size of their thighs" I rolled my eyes. "ouch" he sighed quietly. I smirked and then the bus pulled away.


The tour was probably the best idea Julian could have had. I got to see areas of the city and made a note of the places I wanted to go back to and visit properly. Two being the Skywalk Observatory and the Aquarium. I loved animals.

"so that was a pretty successful date" he said as we stepped off the bus. My ears pricked up at the word date. "um yeah, I really enjoyed it." I nodded, looking up at him as we stood on the side walk, where we joined the tour this morning. "I'm glad. I'm just bummed I have to go to work now" he said sadly, which I was aware of and why we didn't stop off for lunch during the trip. "yeah, but it's cool." I shrugged. "I can go home and get a little work done myself" I said. He smiled down at me and gently picked up my hand. It was the most contact we'd had so far. "could I maybe take you to dinner one night to make up for leaving you twice now?" he offered. I felt my face blush, still not believing he was wanting to spend time with me, let alone taking me to dinner. "um, well you don't have to make it up to me, but it would be nice to go for dinner" I blushed even more as he smiled that smile he had. "awesome" he purred at me. "can I get your number so I can call you to arrange it?" he asked, thrusting his hand into his jeans pocket to fish out his cell phone. "yeah sure." I smiled, then typing my number into it. "cool. Well can I call you later?" he asked, pushing his hands into his jacket pockets, looking at me a little shyly. "okay," I blushed, finding myself getting even more shy. "catch you later" he grinned. "see you soon" I smiled, then reaching up on my tiptoes and softly kissing his stubble cheek. "and thank you for today" I whispered, dropping back down to my usual height. "anytime baby" he winked and then turned away and we headed off in opposite directions.

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