Leaving On A Jet Plane

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"you really can't swipe my passport" I huffed at Nick as I rummaged through my carry on. He chuckled and threw it onto my lap. "figured if you missed your flight I could keep you here" I shook my head at my oaf of a brother, "what? Work starts up again tomorrow and I could do with you here" he grinned. "and if I had already worked my notice then I would be with you tomorrow, but you're going to have to wait a few more weeks" I laughed, making sure my passport was tucked away safe in my bag. I was in my brothers charger, in the parking lot of the airport, making sure I had everything I needed before I left him.

"call me when you land"
"don't I always?" I grinned at him as we shut the car doors. He nodded and grabbed me for a hug. "I love you little sis"
"love you too" I said, squeezing him tight. "once I've booked my flights I'll let you know." I said, pulling back to look at him. "good. I'll make sure everything's sorted at this end." he assured me, "just enjoy your last few weeks at home" he added, "I'll try" I smiled, taking my suitcase off him. "see you soon Pen" he grinned, "be safe"
"I will, see you later" I smiled, finally moving towards the airport. I looked over my shoulder and waved at him before disappearing inside.


Is it just me, or is the flight home always quicker than the flight to wherever you want to go? I felt like I was home in about three hours. It could possibly be because I'd watched Magnificent 7 on the plane and then fell into a Chris Pratt filled sleep... Anyway, I was back in sunny old England, driving down the road to my flat. Despite everything that was going on lately, I was happy to be going to my own little safe haven. I was going to miss this place. That feeling increased once I was through the door once again.

Everything how I left it, but now with a full fridge, as I stopped by the supermarket on the way from the airport. It was a little before 5pm, but I was starving, so I pulled out a couple of groceries and began to prepare something to eat. Of course I called my brother and Julian, messaged Olivia and then even called Amelia to say I would be back at work the following day. No one is ever ready to go back to work from having time off, but knowing it was going to be my final few weeks, I wanted to enjoy every minute.


"so you have to be free next Friday" Ameila told me as we sat having our usual coffees on our morning break. "oh really?" I smiled, knowing why. "you really think we'd let you leave without a little get together?" she smirked. I rolled my eyes and laughed, "I guess I can make room in my chocker diary for it" I replied sarcastically. Ameila chuckled, "how are things going? You have any luck on selling your furniture?" I nodded at her, swallowing my muffin. "yeah, actually, my old neighbour, her daughter came yesterday and had a chat, she's up for having some of my main items. She's broken up with her husband so she needs a fresh start and stuff for her new place." it was really lucky actually. For me anyway, not for her obviously." oh it's a shame you couldn't have sold her your flat too" Ameila laughed, "you're joking, if I was her I wouldn't want to live next to her mum" I gasped, knowing how nosey she was with me, never mind what she'd be like with her daughter. "ah yeah I guess not." Ameila nodded, "can't believe you've been home less than 72 hours and you've already got stuff sold." my friend sighed. My heart briefly sank, everything was starting to hit home that I wouldn't be here after the next few weeks. "I know, it's all feeling final now." I nodded, "I agreed my notice with Bobby this morning too. I've got 7 days to work." I swallowed, seeing Ameila's face fall again. "only a week?!"
"yeah, he knew I was taking the job over there, so he had already started looking for my replacement." I sighed, "it's happening way faster than I was expecting," I added, "what about your flat though, if you can't sell it in time?"
"oh that's fine, my estate agent will be in charge of everything so I can leave it up to them. They know what I want to sell it for. When it does sell I will have my solicitor here sign the paperwork. It'll be fairly hassle free. I hope" I told her pulling a worried face. "cool" she nodded. "so what's left for you to do then?" I sighed thinking briefly, "I need to sort out the stuff I am taking with me, get it all shipped out. Get my car paperwork all ready to pass on to Steve in the office"
"oh yeah I forgot he's buying your car" she nodded, "yeah, and it's pretty handy, I'm leaving it here in the garage when I come and hand my office keys in. I wanna get most things tied up in the next week or so. I can stay as long as I need to, but I guess I'd just be prolonging the inevitable." I shrugged." true, and I guess Julian won't want to be left waiting huh" she winked at me.


"it's not right that I'm not taking you to the airport" Julian huffed as he pulled on his shirt. He was getting ready for training, which meant his skin tight gear that left little to the imagination. "it's fine" I sighed after hearing him tell me the same thing about 50 times since we woke up. "you have to go, and I'm pretty sure I can just about manage to get to the airport okay." I smirked. He glanced at me with an unimpressed expression. I giggled and rolled onto my belly as I watched him grab his hoodie and hat from the closet. "well hurry up and come back." he said, turning back to me, reaching down to leave a lingering kiss on my lips. "you can't leave me waiting too long baby, there's only so long I can survive without you"


My stomach fluttered at our goodbye. He left me in his bed once he was ready to leave, telling me he loved me and littering my face with kisses. This goodbye wasn't as emotional as our previous ones as we both knew I'd be seeing him again soon. I guess I was treating it as a 'see you later', as opposed to a goodbye. Not that it didn't feel sombre, it was just, different. And I couldn't wait to get back to him. And him me, I guess....

edelman11 waiting for my girl to come back like

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edelman11 waiting for my girl to come back like.... #Imreadyforyou #gettinsquirrely @LadyPenelope

I giggled at his latest Instagram post, blushing at the same time. I prayed my brother didn't follow him on there, as it wouldn't have gone down well.

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