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"C'mon man! don't tell your mom!" J whispered at Benny as I tried to hide my face in my hands. "you'll understand in a couple of years" he added, making me giggle. "Julian?! Penny?!" We heard footsteps along with Gisele's voice. I shuffled away from Julian just as she appeared down the hall. "Benny, sweetheart, go back to bed" she said softly. He huffed and turned to his room, not before mumbling us a 'goodnight'. Once he closed the door, J and I turned back to Gisele. "you two, downstairs" she said firmly, then turned and walked back down the stairs. I looked back at Julian and he was smirking at me. "this is your fault" I whispered at him as we made our way down to follow her. "is not" he whispered back. "totally is" I snapped a little, trying not to laugh. "is not! you shouldn't look so hot" he declared, "I can't help myself, you know that" he said, making me roll my eyes at his feeble excuse. "she's scary when she's in mom mode" he said as we got to the bottom of the stairs. "I know" I replied, leading the way to the kitchen, finding her and Tom waiting for us. 


We stood there, opposite sides of the kitchen island, waiting for someone to say something. We both hung our heads, me folding my arms, Julian stepping from one foot to the other. "something to tell us guys?" Tom finally spoke up. I slowly looked up at him, seeing a huge grin on his face. My nerves slightly dissipated, as I then glanced to Gisele who was looking between me and Julian. Then I looked to him. He was stood there looking at me warily. But I smiled, stepping closer to him. Running my hands down his forearm, taking his hand in mine as I watched his face break out into a smile. "I guess there is" I found myself smiling. J looked at me and pulled his hand from mine, instead moving his arm around me, pulling me into him. "thank god!" Gisele squeaked, bursting into a smile. We both started laughing, as did Tom. "but do you guys have to tell us something?" Julian asked them, making them both pause and glance at each other guiltily. "well, perhaps we may have wanted to help things along a little" Gisele confessed, making J and I look at each other. "but it was only because Tom said that he could see you guys still had that spark-we thought we might help buffer things along..." she admitted as Tom rested his hand on her shoulder. "Told ya we had awesome friends" J smiled at me, making me smile. 


"so c'mon Penelope! Spill!" Gisele gushed once Tom and Julian had finally gone back down to the rest of the guys like a half hour later. I laughed and watched as she filled up my wine glass. "it's no biggie" I tried to play it off a she scoffed at me. "come on!" she sighed at me dramatically as I laughed. "we just...we were at a charity thing together last night. Walked home together"

"uh huh" she sassed making me smirk, "nothing like that happened" I said, "he walked me home, maybe we kissed" I blushed. Gisele squeaked in excitement. "he's taking me out on a date tomorrow night" I smiled looking down to my glass. "I'm so happy you guys are back together" she gushed. I laughed a little shyly, "I dunno if we're 'back together'" I sighed, "ha! from the way you guys were looking at each other earlier?" She laughed, "we've not even spoken about things yet. We're taking it steady" I giggled at her.


"so do you have plans for next weekend yet?" she smirked at me. "G, cut it out" I laughed it off, shaking my head at her as she laughed. "it's too soon, he's not gonna ask me to go" I said, right as the guys walked in. 

"ladies" Julian smiled as he and Tom joined us in the lobby. I looked round and smiled, I smiled back at him, still feeling my blushes surface when he was around me. "Thanks for having me" I smiled, looking back to Tom and Gisele. "no problem. feel free to stop by every night for a bedtime story" Tom grinned. I laughed and nodded, "thanks" I grinned, "That goes for you too Edelman" he added, Julian laughed, "I'd watch it, Vivian wants to marry this one" I said with a smirk. "that's not gonna happen" Tom scoffed, "hey, I'm a good boy" J interjected, "she's not marrying anyone" Tom chuckled. 

We chatted for a few minutes more, before myself and Julian left the house. "you got a ride home?" he asked as we walked out onto the gravel driveway. "oh yeah, I've got my brother's car for the night" I told him, pointing to the charger. "oh cool." he nodded, walking me over to it. "you think everyone might lay off us a little bit now?" he asked, making me laugh. "hope so. I kinda think we have this in hand, don't you?" I smiled, turning to rest against my brother's car. He chuckled and nodded, moving closer to me. "there's a few things I want to have in my hand..." he smirked playfully, as his hands smoothed over my hips. I let out a giggle as my hands flew to his shoulders. He chuckled, leaning down to press a kiss to my neck. 

"ugh J..." I groaned out in frustration. God the things this guy did to me. "babe...you know what those noises do to me" he growled at me, making me giggle, which turned into more of a gasp as he pressed his hard on against my thigh. he nipped at my neck with his teeth as I gripped his shirt in my hands. "J..." I sighed out again, knowing he'd carry on if I let him. He chuckled more, "you still on for our date tomorrow night?" he asked, pressing another gentle kiss to my skin. "of course" I smiled, looking into his eyes once he raised his head up from the crook of my neck. "awesome" he grinned, "I'll pick you up at 8?" he offered, making me nod, "sure. Can't wait" 

"me neither short stack" he winked. "goodnight baby" he added, kissing my lips. "night J" I sighed, biting my lip as I watched him walk away.

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