Yorkshire What?!

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The irritating sound of Julian's alarm clock rang out, breaking the peacefulness of the bedroom. I felt a weight shift behind me as I sensed Julian roll away from me to shut it off. Seconds later he was back to spooning me, his right hand resting against my tummy, gently stroking his thumb against my skin. "merry Christmas baby" he whispered in his sexy morning voice. I smiled and rolled over, still in his arms to greet him with a smile. "merry Christmas hotshot" I whispered back, pressing a kiss to his lips. His rough hands travelled along my body, settling in place on my bottom. His lips moved gently across my mouth, down my neck to that sweet spot he seemed to love dedicating time to. "J..." I moaned out, never being able to control myself around him, apparently he felt the same, as I felt his long hard length press up against my heat. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers raking up the back of his head. I arched my back, my breasts pressing up against his skin, almost in his face, "babe, this was meant to be your present" he said against my skin, his lips moving down to the top of my chest. I smirked at his comment, but that was swallowed by the breathlessness he caused me as he sucked one of my nipples into his mouth. I hissed at the sensation, simaltaneously clawing my nails through his hair. He knew the kind of dewy mess he got me into with just a look, or a touch, and when he flicked his eyes to look up at me, he flashed me a cheeky wink and the began his descent under the sheets....


A handful of orgasms, a shared shower and a pile of pancakes later, we were in the Caddie. Christmas gifts and suitcase in the trunk and we were on the way to his mums. It would usually take him a couple of hours to head up to the Berkshire area, but it was already beginning to snow and Julian wanted to get there before lunch. That's when they opened their gifts, and we didn't want to miss it. So I had a little time to try and settle my nerves before I was in the house of Edelman....


We drove up onto the grounds, the house in front of me took my breath away. "oh J, that house" I gushed, taking in the sight before me. "haha that's what mom said when I brought her to see it" he laughed. I looked at him and smiled a little. He pulled the car up behind a Mercedes GLC. "I was just relieved she loved it, I was pretty stupid buying mom a house she'd never seen before" head shot round to him, "you bought your mum the house?!" I gasped. He looked at me like I was stupid. "yeah" he shrugged. "it was her birthday and she kept telling us how she wanted a place up here, since she visits alot. Figured I would surprise her" he said, turning off the engine. I was genuinely shocked, I didn't know what to say to that. "lucky she loved it, or I'd have had to sell it or lease it out" he chuckled. "c'mon, let's head inside, I'm sure mom will want to show you around the place anyway" he said, looking up at the house as he opened his door. I took a deep breath and did the same. 

The drive way was clear of snow, it had settled down a little since we were on the road, but the way it lay on the house and trees surrounding it, made it look so idyllic. I stood looking up at it, fantasising about one day owning a home like this, whilst Julian stubbornly pulled out the presents and suitcase on his own. He waddled up to meet me in front of the car and I managed to take a couple of gift bags off him. I smiled triumphantly, and then followed him towards the front door. Just then, I heard it open up, being greeted by Julian's mum and who I assume was his dad. "you made it! We were worried you'd get stuck in the snow!" his mum beamed a smile at us. "there was a flurry or two, nothing major" Julian responded, stopping in front of them, his dad immediately took our suitcase. "merry Christmas ma" he said, kissing her cheek. She beamed a smile, wrapping her arms around her boy. "and you must be Penny" Julian's dad smiled kindly at me, I could see the crazy resemblance between father and son. "yes" I smiled, "its nice to meet you Mr Edelman" I held my hand out for him to shake, "please, call me Frank" he nodded, taking my hand. I nodded back at him. "oh enough of that, come here sweetie!" his mum interrupted us, I looked across at her and she pulled me into her arms for a hug, "it's good to see you Penny, we're so pleased you're joining us" she said to me as we embraced. I smiled at her and before I could reply, we heard some little voices coming from inside. "are they here?! Is that Uncle Jules?!"

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