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It was really dark by the time we arrived in Winchester. Maybe a little  after 8pm, but right now I didn't care. I pulled up a few houses before Nick's and switched off the engine. "you can't just go up there knocking on his door. It's his sister! How would you feel?!"

She was right, if it were Nicki in Penny's shoes I'd want to rip the guy's head off before I'd heard him out. But I ignored her and climbed out of the car anyway. "just wait here, I won't be long" I told her, closing the door before she could protest any more.

I stared down the house as I made my way down the side walk. I didn't know what the hell I was going to say, what his reaction would be, or whether he'd even talk to me. But I was out of options now. I'd left it as long as I could, I was desperate again, and talking things through with Nicki was making me see that I couldn't risk it any longer. I needed everyone in her life to know how I felt about her.

Knock knock knock

"hold on a sec!" a guys voice calls out on the other side of the door. Hell, give me a super bowl game any day of the year than having to do this. My heart was thumping in my chest. And it wasn't even her I was about to face. I held my breath...

"Jules" the unexpected shock was clearly evident on his face. "Nick" I nodded, tensing my jaw, attempting to not appear hostile, but the situation had me feeling pumped; my emotions were at a fever pitch anyway, and my adrenaline was high.
"I uh, what're you doing here?" he said, still looking shocked. "yeah, um sorry, but I'm desperate man. I need to talk to her, I don't know where else to turn-"
"I wish I could help you Jules, but she's not in right now" he said, "she left about an hour ago" he added. My whole body froze up. "wait. Hold up." my heart began to pound harder. "you mean she's actually here?!"

Her brother looked pale. He'd totally given the game up. The rage that was simmering under my skin for the passed month was suddenly undeniable and I was about ready to erupt.

"She just wanted some time to think things through" Nick tried to reason. "I didn't know that you didn't know she'd moved" he added. All I could see was red. But I nodded, acknowledging him. My emotions were mixing like a hurricane. Anger and fear, heartbreak that it was true, she didn't want me no more.


"uh, can you just... Uh..." nothing is worse than seeing a grown man cry. He turned away, locking his hands behind his head, not knowing how to process this new information. Obviously he came to try and contact her through me, not find out she'd moved out here and not told him. It was a bit of a shock for me too, I thought he'd have known somehow. I just stood there looking at him, I could see the poor guy was in turmoil. He looked like a broken man and I did feel for him. No matter that had happened, which I didn't completely know, he looked like he was paying the price for whatever he did (or didn't) do. 

After a few beats of just standing there, looking out off my porch, he turned around, looking like he was trying to hold it together, as his final threads were unravelling. "I gotta go" he said, then without me being able to stop him, he bolted down the steps and to his car. Slamming the door and speeding off, wheels screeching on the tarmac as he sped down the road. 



"JULIAN! CALM DOWN!!!" Nicki yelled at me as I sped away. "what the hell did he say?!" She gasped, holding onto her seat. I wasn't driving that fast. I was still seething as I made my way back home. "she's already fucking moved here" I said through clenched teeth. "what?!" my sister squeaked. "she's been here for god knows how long and I didn't even fucking know!" I yelled, smashing the wheel with the heel of my hand. I ran my hand through my hair and took a few breaths. I needed to calm down, but I couldn't. This was it. My life was done where she was concerned. I'd fucking lost her. But then something clicked. "Olivia would know about this. If fucking Danny knows she's here..." frantic thoughts ran through my head as I sped off as the lights changed.



"what are you gonna do now?!" I asked him once we got into the safety of his house, after that god awful car ride back. He was storming around the house like something possessed. It wasn't all too often that we expericened Julian this angry. But when we did, it was pretty scary. "I'm gonna fucking call Danny boy. I think he's got some explaining to do" He barked at me, disappearing off into another room, slamming the door. 

I dropped down onto the couch letting out a big sigh, smoothing my hair back with my hands. I couldn't believe the utter mess that this was. I chewed on the inside of my cheek and thought for a moment. Would I be stupid enough to do what I was contemplating doing, with him in the next room? I guess I was.

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