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The night came and went, and I was sat in my office waiting for a call off Danny. He messaged me back a few hours after I'd contacted him and said he'd love to help me out. I'd briefed him on my reasoning and gave him my number to arrange the plan.

See, I may as well admit it now, now that I had talked it all through with my brother and my boss knew the situation. I knew that I had this once in a lifetime opportunity to go and start a fresh in a new country, with my brother, I'd have been crazy not to do it, but then I met Julian too, and he just threw my mindset into overdrive, and I was worried that I'd lose sight as to why I'd be moving over there in the first place. But after the big goofball came over here to find me and show me he really did care, was there really a dilemma to be had? I guess he showed me that there was more of a reason to go out there. Don't get me wrong, things could still go pear shaped, like with any relationship, but I knew I was doing this for the right reasons. Julian was purely an added extra. And what an extra he was.

"hello?" I answered the phone after a few rings, seeing Danny's face flash on my screen, but it was quiet on the other end of the line. "Danny?" I questioned, wondering what the hell was going on. Had he butt dialed me? I pulled the phone away from my ear, about to cut the call when I heard scrambling on the line and then a whisper shout of "hey! I'm here, I'm here" I brought the phone back to my ear and frowned, "Danny? What's going on?!" I asked with a smirk, what was he up to? "is that Julian I can hear?!" I whispered to him "yeah, he turned up at my place like a half hour ago, and I sent him outside to cook some burgers, but he keeps coming in and out getting shit from my fridge" he whispered making me giggle. "I gotta take this call Edelman! Gimme a minute!" he yelled out, making me pull my phone from my ear from the sheer volume of his voice. "jeez Danny!" I complained, hearing him chuckle, "my bad" he apologised, knowing he'd be blushing. I heard him close a door and the background noise ceased.

"so... The plan" he stated, making me laugh. "the plan" I smirked back. "how has he been since last night?" I asked. Danny sighed, "a pain in the ass, a little more than usual." he replied, making me smile. I'd spoken to Julian last night and decided to tell him that the contract would be put on hold until after Christmas as they needed me to do some travelling for new products they were looking at manufacturing. He bought it, although as you can imagine he was not too pleased. Yet we still didn't speak about the bigger picture.

"he hasn't said anything to you about why I've not made my mind up then?" I asked him, "nah," he said, "um, to be honest with you, he's totally nervous you're gonna stay there" he told me. That surprised me, "huh? Really?"
"yeah, he doesn't wanna ask you about it cause he's worried you say the answer he doesn't wanna hear." he carried on. "so the sooner we do this plan thing the sooner we put him out of his misery" I said, "and mine!" Danny chuckled, making me laugh. "so, what you got planned?"


I wasn't on the phone for too long with Danny, after all he had Julian there and soon he'd be wanting to know who Danny was whispering with. So we got some kind of plan of action layed down; the next two weeks were simply going on as normal, although Julian thought I'd be out of the country...the third week of December I was going to be heading out to Boston for the holidays. I'd already hashed things out with my brother, he wanted me over there too, so that's where I was going to be. Obviously this was when I was going to surprise Julian. I just needed to figure out when exactly that would be.

During the meeting with my boss, he wanted to discuss my plans. He obviously knew I'd gotten an offer from my brother to move, hence why I had the new office etc, but now I'd had a few weeks to settle into my new role, he wanted to get something written down on paper, in other words, his and my terms of employment in a contract. I however, had other plans, and that's when I handed in my letter of resignation.

He wasn't totally surprised by it, nor was he totally pissed, we got on well and I'd always been a hard worker, he was more sad to see me go really. But even he couldn't argue that this opportunity doesn't come around too often. I had his blessing and that made this so much easier.

My brother, who I'd called before my meeting was relieved that I'd finally made the decision to move. He apparently knew that I would, but I needed a kick up the arse. Although he'd like to say he knew I'd leave home, I don't actually think he was so sure. But still, before Christmas we were going to start the paperwork and start applying for all the visas etc that I'd need. This was the part I wasn't looking forward to, but luckily I could leave all that to him. I just had to concentrate on keeping Julian in the dark....

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