It's Almost Time To Leave

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I sighed as I watched him, sitting by the window in the airport terminal. He'd just taken a call from his manager, and then immediately got bombarded with fans for photos and autographs. I gladly took a seat back and took in all that went on around him, I guess his usual experience when he was out in public. I seldom got to see this when I was with him, and I suppose it was something I needed to familiarise myself with. Right now it was a happy distraction, I hated waiting for a flight. I still hated flying. Although having Julian with me made it so much more bearable.

"Baby have I told you how much you stare?" he smirked, distracting me again. My eyes snapped up to his and I rolled my eyes. "I was just realising where you got your ego from" I teased, after hearing the countless people telling him how awesome he is and the girls trying to flirt with him. (that's a part I didn't particularly like) "but babe it's true, I'm a GOAT" he smirked, trying to tease me, but I just laughed, and then I heard our flight being called, and my smile dropped.  


Several hours later we landed back in snowy Boston. I was happy to get back to what would soon be my new normal, but it was bittersweet as I was heading home again in 2 days. The passed three weeks had gone by way too fast and it felt that I had already began to build my new life here. Olivia said that was the case as soon as I started fallen for Julian. I guess she wasn't wrong. But right now, we were arriving back at Julian's place and I was arranging stuff with my brother for our last night together before I left.

"So we're all meeting at Row 34 at 8?" I double checked with J before replying to Nick. "yeah, I think Danny boy and Olivia are meeting us there too" He added. I nodded and sent a reply to my brother. The 6 of us were going out for dinner before I was leaving, and I was excited to have us all together one more time before I left. 

"you're spending some of the day with Olivia right?" he dropped down beside me on the couch. "yeah, nothing major, just spending time hanging out before I leave. " I said, dropping my phone down on the couch. "I still hate it that you don't know when you're actually  moving over here" he sulked. "I can move whenever I want" I told him for the fifth time, "but I need to work my notice and then book my flight here and also arrange to have my stuff flown over." I carried on. "once I get all of that stuff sorted, I can get my flight booked and that's it" I shrugged, not actually feeling any small amount of nervousness. I knew that it was the best thing I could do in moving here. My whole life was here now, besides my mum. "feels like it's frickin years away" he sulked, making me snort at him. "you lived without me 31 years, I think another few months won't kill you" I chuckled. "I dunno babe, you're like a drug" he grinned, making me laugh, "besides, now Danny boy is all loved up, I haven't got my wing man" 

"wing man?!" I raised my brow at his choice of words. He looked at me a little shocked and shook his head, "you know what I mean" he responded, "hmm" I gave him the side eye and shoved him in the shoulder. 


We spent our final night alone, cuddling up on the couch watching tv, talking and cooking dinner together in his kitchen. "have you started looking at places to live?" he asked, as he stood dicing the peppers to put into the pan. "not really" I shrugged. "I guess I've not really thought about it yet." I answered, admittedly feeling a little unprepared and overwhelmed. "To be honest, I was planning on just getting over here to start with and then look at places once I was a little more settled." I carried on, "I guess I need a car more than a place to begin with" I sighed, stirring the food. Julian nodded. "your brother not providing a company car?" he chuckled, making me laugh, "I'm working on him" making Julian laugh. "how do you feel about moving, and working with him?" 

"pretty good. I think we work pretty well together, if we didn't there'd be no way I would even consider moving here for him" I laughed. "besides, it's kinda late to be second guessing my move now" I grinned. "well I am happy you are moving here." he said, genuinely. "I would have been nursing a broken heart if when I met you, you were just here on vacation." 

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