The Plan: The Final Phase Part II

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My heart began to race as the majority of the team began to come over. Excitement built up around me as all the fans were about to meet their idols. Especially two little boys standing with their dads in Gronkowski Jerseys.

I turned my gaze away from the little guys and up to the team again. I was sort of familiar with some of the players from Julian attempting to explain the game and who players where. My eyes scanned the group walking towards us, there was Danny, but no Julian? What?! I started to panic, what if its was all going wrong?! Olivia noticed too, "he's going back inside" she said, making me nod. My heart was beginning to drop into my stomach.

"he's going to the bathroom" a whisper took our attention, not noticing Danny standing there grinning. I blushed bright pink and laughed, "hey!" I beamed a smile at him, not sure if I should give him a hug, but he grabbed me and squeezed me. "I'm so glad you're here" he said into my ear, "he's gonna freak out" he chuckled pulling away. I just grinned at him, then feeling his gaze glance to the person by my side, "oh Danny, this is Olivia, O, this is Danny" I introduce them as they both stood smiling at each other. "hey, nice to meet you" Olivia smiled, surprising me at how cool she was being. "hey, yeah, you too, I've heard alot about you" Danny smiled at her, making Olivia glance at me. I gave her an innocent smile and then sidled off to meet some of the players heading our way.


"nice to meet you two girls" Gronkowski nodded at Olivia and I with a gentle smile. "likewise" we grinned back as he moved away from us, almost before the giggling girls squealed, making us look round, again. "Jules!" they squeaked.

He was back.

I saw him slow his jog down until he stopped at the rope; at the opposite end of the line to us and these bimbos. I felt the shakes coming back but the large silhouette of #54 turned our attention. Hightower gave us both a charming grin, which we both returned. "hey ladies, not too cold our here I hope?" his deep voice asked us, making us smile. What's up with Nfl players making us go all shy and giddy?! We made small talk with him for a few minutes, then onto the next, and the next, until we were back standing with Danny.

Most of the team had been and gone and there was just Danny, Julian and Tom Brady to leave. The fans around us were mostly talking amongst themselves as they'd met everyone and was in awe of  what had just happened.

The group of four girls who I felt were simply there to piss me off, pushed round us to get closer to Julian. He was a few people down from us, next to Brady. I saw him move to them, smile at them all, hearing his velvety voice greet them with a "hey". Then came all the giggles and flirting....thankfully none of it from Julian's side of the rope.

Tom however, moved up to us, the girls clearly not being too interested in him, which led us to be gobsmacked. Oliva's true fan girl came out in her, talking about the season so far and the game she was at last night. I simply stood there and took it all in. He came across as the complete legend that he fans pegged him to be. I felt a little rude if I was honest, not having a clue what to say to him, and every so often taking a peek to see where Julian was, when I'd hear his voice over the girls next to me. Then my heart stopped. I could smell the aroma of his cologne creeping into my nostrils. He was talking to the girl right. Next. To. Me....

Danny then appeared between him and Brady, my eyes shot up to his and he was just standing there with a mischievous smile on his face. I couldn't help but mirror it as our little plan was about to explode.

"hey Dola, there's a queue behind me" Julian said, attempting to playfully nudge him out of the way, as he blocked me from his friends view. The group of girls outrageously giggling at him. But I didn't care, Danny laughed but didn't budge. One of the bimbos giggled something at him, Julian looked back and her and smiled, edging over to my spot. "God damn it Dola! Personal space man!" Julian laughed, as he bumped back into Danny. "my bad, my bad" Danny grinned, as he stood still obscuring Julian's view of me. "be my guest" he smirked, stepping to one side. Julian shook his head playfully at Danny, then looked over to me. The laugh on his face dropped as he looked back at me in shock.

His hands clamped over his face and he turned away from me, walking a few steps away. I was briefly shocked, was he not happy? Danny stood to the side giggling, the people around me falling silent at his actions. Looking at me, wondering who I was.

Then he turned back to face me, his eyes wide, hands over his mouth. I chewed on my lip anxiously, but as soon as I saw the smile in his eyes, I began to giggle. He dropped his hands from his face and without warning ran full speed at me.

I squealed as he grabbed me round the waist and hurled me up over the rope and into his arms yelling "What the hell you doing here?!" I couldn't answer because I was laughing so much, he spun me around looking into my eyes, so happy to have me there.

He planted me down onto the ground, releasing his grasp on my waist, to gently placed them on my cheeks. He rushed in and pressed his lips against mine. My eyes fluttered closed and everything around me disappeared, well, briefly, because then cheers, claps and whistles erupted, causing us to part. Julian laughed and I hid my face in his chest.

He ran a hand through the ends of my hair, and kept me against his chest for a moment. "when did you get here?" he whispered, I looked up at him, beaming a smile up at him. "yesterday" I smiled, he held my gaze for a moment and then paused, confusion on his face. "how did you get those?" he said, nodding to my passes that hung around my neck. I grinned, my eyes flicked over to Danny. Julian's head shot round, looking over at Danny who was stood watching us with Olivia, grinning at us. "I'll be right back" he said, kissing my forehead before releasing me from his grasp and running at Danny.

"what ever she told you, it's a lie!" Danny laughed, holding his hands up in innocence, watching as Julian laughed at him, jumping on him. "love you man" Julian said, hugging his friend. "I know" Danny laughed, patting him on the arm. Julian dropped to the floor as I walked back over to them.

"c'mon man, we gotta head back inside" Danny said, hating to break this up. Julian had been just staring at me, his arm wrapped tight around my waist. He sighed and nodded. "what you gonna be doing now?" he asked me softly, running his fingers along my cheek. "waiting for you guys to finish up." I smiled. "Danny said today is your easy day" I added, making him smile. "awesome." he replied, kissing my head again as he pulled me into his body. "meet you in the car park? Can go grab some food?" he offered. I nodded with a smile. "you guys coming?" he turned to Danny and Olivia. They glanced at each other shyly, Danny waiting for Olivia to answer. "yeah, count me in" she smiled, "me too, as long as there's no crazy PDA" he winked, making me blush. "nice one man" Julian fist bumped him. "see you soon then baby" he said softly to me, looking down at me. I looked up at him, his gentle gaze making me swoon. "man I can't believe you're actually here" he whispered, then leaning down he pressed another kiss to my lips. "see you soon J" I sighed after we parted. He gave me a wink and a smirk presumably at his nickname, and then he reluctantly let me go from his grasp and followed Danny to head back inside.

"well, that couldn't have gone better" Oliva moved next to me, hanging her arm over my shoulders as we stood and watched the two men walking back. Julian throwing his arm over his friends shoulders as I bet he was telling him how crazy this was.

"yeah" I sighed back, then releasing we were being left behind. So we started the walk back inside to go and wait for the guys.

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