The Show

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Tonight was such a special night. I'd always dreamed of attending a VS show and here I was, with Danny on my arm, on the pink carpet posing for the photographers before we headed inside to take our seats. "I can feel how excited you are babe" Danny laughed as he pulled me tight into him. I smiled at him, gosh my boy scrubbed up well. "not as excited as you though huh" I teased. He grinned but shook his head. "honey there's no one I'd wanna see more in that lingerie than you" he said kissing my temple. He was such a sweetie. We posed for a couple more shots and then moved along to head inside.


Our seats were amazing. Three rows up from the runway. I was stoked. We had about 15 minutes to go and the place was filling up fast. "D, is Julian even coming?" I asked, spying the empty seat beside him. He nodded, not looking up from his cellphone. "any minute now, he's just text and said he's in the building" he answered. I rolled my eyes, I knew these two would be a handful tonight, they usually were when they got together. But this would be the first time I'd be with them alone. I puffed out a disappointed sigh, turning to my left to see some older lady sitting in the seat next to me. Miserable looking with a crazy amount of Restylane in her face. I frowned, it wasn't my Penny. She should be here. I pouted.

Commotion and loud voices distracted me again from my pouting, feeling Danny moving and his voice getting excitably louder, I assumed Julian had arrived. I watched as Danny hugged him, immediately they were grinning and laughing like frat boys, "Liv" he beamed a smile at me, moving passed Danny to lean down to kiss my cheek. "you look beautiful" he added, "thank you." I smiled back. Before the conversation could even really begin, the announcer interrupted everyone, giving us a start time of 5 minutes. Julian took his seat on the other side of Danny and I shuffled to get comfortable for the show. I was sort of glad Julian was there, it distracted Danny from me so I could watch the show in peace.


All the girls looked absolutely stunning, I was so envious, they looked like they were having a ball. My Queen, Elsa, came walking out as Bruno Mars began '24k magic' and my heart soared. She was my total girl crush. She was followed by Jasmine, Lui, Lily and then Adriana herself. I found myself shoot a glance down the row to Julian, I couldn't help it. I noticed him watching the girls, like everyone was, but I wasn't so sure who he was looking at. But as Adriana passed by us, his head went down and he looked in the opposite direction. Danny leaned in to say something to him, making Jules turn his head in my direction so I quickly looked away and back to the girls so he didn't catch me peeking at him.


A couple hours later and the guys and I were at the after party. The show had been amazing, going by way too quickly. But now I was getting too over excited as I spotted some of the angels hanging out here with the guests.

Julian and Danny were at the bar with none other than Ed Sheeran. We were laughing because Danny was teasing Jules, joking he was talking to the Brit because he missed Penny so much. Julian flashed him an unimpressed stare, making us laugh more.

Taylor, one of the models, and a friend of a friend, found me and pulled me over to the dance floor for a dance or two. I was glad to leave the boys for a little while and have some girly time. That then led to her taking me over to some of the other girls, two of them being Elsa and the other, Adriana.


She was a beautiful woman, without question, and actually a lovely person, not that I didn't expect her to be, she was happy to be there talking with me, all the girls were. "how's Danny?" she asked me with a smile, figured she knew him from the time she and Jules dated. "yeah he's good." I smiled, "somewhere around here" I laughed, looking around me briefly. And that's when the man himself appeared, slipping his hand around my waist and kissing my cheek. "babe" he greeted me, "Adriana" he nodded at her, "Danny" she beamed a smile, "I see things are good" she giggled eyeing us both, making me laugh too. "couldn't be better" he answered, slyly squeezing my hip. "how about you?" he asked, just as Julian appeared with another drink in his hand. I took it from the look on his face he wasn't expecting us to be in conversation with his ex, but when she noticed him appear, she never answered Danny's question. Instead she greeted Jules with a smile and I watched as they both shared a brief hug and a kiss on the cheek. I couldn't hear what was being said, although it appeared to be small talk. I tried not to eavesdrop, and Danny saw the turmoil I was in, so he turned so I couldn't see them, "chill out babe, I can see you're stressing out" he spoke calmly to me. I tore my eyes from Julian and Adriana to look in my boys big brown eyes. I huffed a little. I had no reason to not trust either of them, but my alliance was to my bestie, not his. "c'mon, I hear they've got some goodie bags being handed out in the other room, maybe there's a few things we can try out later" he winked at me playfully, leading me away. "what the hell do you think they're giving away?" I gasped at him, laughing at his innocent expression.


Admittedly, we lost sight of Julian for the rest of the evening after that moment. I felt as guilty as hell leaving him with Adriana. What was Penny going to say if she found out? I couldn't not tell her what happened and how they were together. well, not that anything happened, they were just adults talking. There didn't seem like there was anything to really tell her. Not what I saw anyway...

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