A Little Experiment

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That afternoon, I was back in my office after a quick lunch, trying my best to crack on with some research. But I kept finding myself glancing at the roses, sitting in a vase on the corner of the desk. I still wasn't totally sure who they were from. Why the hell couldn't people write a normal message in a card and leave a name?! Instead all I got was:

To my beautiful English Rose. I'd fight through the thorns to caress your velvet petals.

Just the thought of that made me blush. I had to giggle a little at the hidden agenda there too, whoever sent them had my sense of humour. And I had a feeling who that person was...

"Pen, you coming for a coffee?" my friend from a few doors down popped her head into my room. I looked up and smiled. "yeah, I need a break" pushing myself away from my desk.

Gossiping on the way down about my flowers, we reached the staff room and found Taylor and Warren sitting talking sport. They had sky sports on the TV and talk of the NFL season became the topic. I cringed, can I not have a break?! 

"you okay?" Amelia asked me, seeing the subject discussed on the TV. I smiled sadly and nodded. "are we assuming that your flowers are from him?" she said, knowing all about my Julian situation. I sighed and shrugged. "your guess is as good as mine." I told her. "he liked my instagram post though" I told her, her reaction was to raise her eyebrows at me as she chewed on a baguette. I chuckled. "yeah, like when has he been following me on instagram?" I shrugged. "do you follow him?" she asked, and I blushed. I nodded and threw my head into my hands. "I had a look on it earlier, he's flying off somewhere and I was sooo close to caving and calling him" I confessed. "Aww Penny." she sighed, resting her hand on my arm. "then why don't you?" I looked up at her and frowned. "cause I have my head set that I'm staying here. If I call him, I know I'll end up changing my mind"


That night, Amelia had twisted my arm and coaxed me round to the idea of going out. I wasn't entirely in the mood, but I know she was trying to take my mind off a certain wide reciever, so I agreed to it.

"sit down there" Amelia told me, pointing to a chair in her bedroom. "I want to do a little experiment" she said, in a tone I didn't trust. But anyway, I sat down in the chair she pointed to and did as she asked. Why was I doing this?! I shook my head after she took my photo and stood back up, grabbing my purse. "let's go" she instructed, she was a woman on a mission tonight and it scared me.


"I can't believe you've done that. Its not going to make a difference." I groaned, learning what she'd done. "oh come on, just repost it" she said, nudging me. I sighed, knowing it was a stupid idea, so why did I do it anyway?

 I sighed, knowing it was a stupid idea, so why did I do it anyway?

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Going out with this beautiful creature @LadyPenelope
Out on a skool night. So what. Give me detention. @MissAmeila


Twenty minutes later we arrived in town, and were in our first club. My phone pinged with a notification as we stood at the bar. I pulled it out and saw it was another like on my instagram repost. My stomach dropped when I saw it was from him. "well I guess your plan worked. But I don't get what you're getting out of it, other than him proving you right?" I sighed, taking my drink off the barman. Amelia grinned. "can't you see he's reaching out to you?"
"what? By liking my post?" I sassed. She looked round at me like I was stupid. "you listen to me Penelope Pond." she jabbed me in the shoulder with her manicured nail. "that boy still wants you." she said. "and I've not even met him" she added. "now, I'm going to use the bathroom, I expect you to have found us a table by the time I get back, preferably with two gorgeous guys occupying it" she winked and then walked off.

I groaned at the thought. I certainly wasn't in the mood to be playing games with Julian and this instagram shit, nor was I in the mood for flirting with some guy to take my mind off it. Cause whoever I'd be looking at wouldn't be Julian, and quite frankly would never match up to him.

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