The Plan: Phase I

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The following night, after the game, I was sitting in my brothers front room watching the game review. The pundits talking over each play, the reactions from players and fans. I couldn't help myself, curled up under a blanket, popcorn, chips and a bottle of beer, watching my love clattering into the opposition. There was just something even sexier about him when he was on the field in play.

My brother was out wining and dining some contacts he was trying to make a business deal with, so he missed the game. He'd wanted to me go with him, and I should have, but I was feeling a little jet lag from my flight, and besides, any excuse to watch Julian running around in those tight pants was a perfect reason to stay home.

It had been about 12 hours since I'd talked to him last, that being a good luck text earlier in the day before his usual game day routine began. I never liked getting in the way of that, because if I text or called him, he would never ignore me. So it was best to leave him until after the game, which was usually when he called. This time though, when the phone began to ring, it wasn't that particular wide receiver...

"Danny! Hi" I beamed a smile down the phone. "hey Penny, how are you?"
"great thanks, great game by the way, congrats" I said, hearing him chuckle. "thank you. We've just been out with the guys for dinner, heading home now" he told me. "thought it was safe to call you now I've left Edelman" he laughed, making me smile. "how is he?" I smiled sweetly, knowing I sounded sickly sweet. "pain in the ass as always" Danny laughed, "he doesnt stop talking about you" he said, sounded exhausted by it, "sorry..." I cringed, making him laugh. "I should be careful what I wish for, when you're gone he drives me crazy talking about you, and when he sees you he's gonna make me want to kill him!" he laughed, making me too. "he was talking about calling you when he got home so I better make this quick huh" he said, making me chew on my lip.

"I've had an awesome idea. Tomorrow, there's a few fans, competition winners, that are coming to watch us train, meet us and have a thing or two signed. How about I leave some passes at the stadium for you to come along and surprise him?" he suggested, I grinned. "I couldn't think of anything better" I replied.

"awesome" he grinned back. "I will leave them in the welcome area, under your name, just pick them up before 12, we train 12.30-2" he told me, "I'll leave two for you, so if you've someone to bring it'd be cool" he added. "Aw thanks Danny" I smiled, totally not expecting this. "it's a perfect idea, thank you so much for helping me do this" I told him, "no problem. He's like my brother. Just wanna see him happy." he simply said. I smiled at his answer and then he spoke up once more. "I'm almost home Pen, I'll let you get some sleep and I'll see you tomorrow" he said, the word sleep just instantly made me yawn and I laughed lightly, "night Danny" I answered, then I hung up. Now I had another phone call to make.


"Olivia! I know its late, but I really gotta ask you something" I almost exploded once she answered her phone. "hey to you too Penny" she laughed, "what's up?"
"I've just got off the phone with Danny-
"Danny?!" she squeaked, interrupting me. I laughed, "yeah, Amendola, you know, number 80 for the Patriots..." I teased. "you called him?!" she squeaked again, "no, he called me" I said smugly, making her gasp. "anyway, he has come up with a totally awesome way of seeing J" I said, "go on..." she said, sounding intrigued. Then I went on to explain all that Danny had told me. "so, I'll be picking up two passes to meet the players tomorrow, you'll be there with me right?" I asked, hopefully. "without. A. Doubt" she answered as seriously as she could. I laughed. "I'm worried that you're not actually coming for moral support. This is just a way to meet Danny isn't it" I grinned. "no way, nu-uh" she answered, a little too quickly as well. I scoffed and she laughed, "either way, you're going to come with me yes?" I asked again. "of course!" she squealed, making me laugh.

We talked through times and the fact that she was going to pick me up in her car. I was beginning to feel my nerves now, the more we were talking about it, the more real it felt. And that was super scary. But in an awesome kinda way.

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