Heating Up

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As the title suggests, this is a prelude to a steamy chapter, so please, if you're faint of heart - or under 16 - you have been warned...

Outside the bar I found Julian stood talking to the taxi driver, leaning on the roof of the car. Why must my heart skip a beat every time I see him?! I must have caught his eye and he looked over and gave me a huge smile. "You ready to go baby?" I nodded at him and walked over as he opened up the door for me.

The journey back to my apartment was a quiet one, for me at least. The driver had recognised Julian so the whole journey was those two talking football. I didn't mind too much as it gave me time to sit back and relax, take in the moment and simply watch the fine man sitting beside me. It was also pretty cool listening to him talk about his craft. I got to see just how passionate he was about what he did.

After a while he caught me watching him, and as the driver carried on waffling about something, Julian flashed me such a smile, accompanied by a wink and I was almost a soggy mess. I blushed and bit my lip as I carried on undressing him with my eyes, not that he noticed, his attention was almost back on his fan in the front seat. Yet he took a hold of my hand and brushed his thumb over my knuckles as he chatted away.


We made it back to my place and as soon as I was through the door I kicked my heels off and threw my keys onto the kitchen counter. Julian shut the door behind us and placed his shoes beside mine. "well your fans really are world wide huh" I teased watching him walk through the kitchen towards me with a light frown on his face. "uh well yeah" he sassed, "got my number one fan right here ain't I" he smirked, reaching out to touch my waist with his large hands. "is that right?" I asked, hoping to hold back the obvious goosebumps his touch brought me. "I know that's a fact" he groaned, a little in a whisper looking down into my eyes as he tilted his head a little to one side. He leaned down, closer to me as I was reaching up on my tip toes, when there was a knock on the door. It startled us both but I dropped down to the floor and sighed. Julian rested his mouth against the top of my head briefly. "you better answer that" he whispered, disappointed someone disrupted out moment. I nodded and moved away from the warmth of his body, flicking on a lonely lamp as I made my way over to my front door.

"Mrs B" I answered a little shocked, wondering what the little old lady from next door was doing up at midnight. "Penelope dear, I saw you were followed in by some large gentleman" she said, I really had to hold back my giggle at her description of julian, and I glanced round at him knowing he was listening. He was leaning up against the kitchen counter, his arms crossed over his body, eyebrow raised and smirk plastered over his face. "and I just wanted to make sure you were okay" the nosey old bat said. "yes thank you, as you can see, I'm fine." I smiled politely. "yes dear, well, I hope you don't make too much noise, I have to get my beauty sleep you know" she told me, which I have to say, I didn't exactly know how to repsond to. "goodnight dear" she said and then hobbled back to her flat.

I closed the door in a daze, turning back to look at Julian, who had a huge grin on his face. "Mrs B?" he asked and I grinned. "she's an old busy body, wants to know everyone's business." I rolled my eyes. "she'll have seen you over the last few days and convinces herself you're a stalker or something" I rolled my eyes again. "and about making too much noise?" he raised a brow at me, causing me to blush. "dunno what she's talking about there" I answered, then turning away towards my bedroom before that conversation could escalate any further. "I'm going to change, make yourself comfy" I said, not daring to look him in the eye again.


A minute or two later, I came back out into the living area, seeing Julian sat on the couch waiting for me. "J?" I asked in a tone that suggested I wanted something. He turned his head in my direction, "please could you unzip me?" I asked. Seeing him immediately get up off the couch, I turned round for my back to face him and waited.

He gently pushed my hair over my left shoulder, then taking his time, he slowly pulled the zipper down my back, exposing my skin down to the top of my panties. I heard him exhale, and felt his breath tickle my bare, exposed skin. "thank you" I said just louder than a whisper, my skin jumping with electricity as I felt his finger tips ghosting over my neck. "no problem" he whispered back, feeling his presence right behind me, the warmth of his body radiating through to mine.

Then I felt his lips press against my skin on the side of my neck, followed by a gentle breeze as he blew on the newly caressed skin. The light whimper I let out was a sure sign to him I was putty in his hands about now. He held his hands gently on my shoulders and pressed another kiss to the top of my spine. "J..." I sighed breathlessly. "I know, I'm sorry baby, you just... You make me lose all control" he whispered, letting his touch fall away from me. I turned around to face him, his eyes were looking down towards the carpet, but I knew how to catch his attention once more....

"b-babe?" he stammered, most probably in shock as I took my hands to the hem of my dress and peeled it from my body. His eyes as wide as saucers as he watched me step closer to him, wearing nothing but my underwear. Neither of us said another word, but the kiss I pressed against his lips was about enough to tell him what I wanted. (if the semi nakedness wasn't enough of a sign...)

His hands flew straight to my bottom as I pressed myself up against him. My arms wrapped around his neck as I smothered his mouth in kisses once more, until that is, he pulled away quickly, just to mutter the word "jump" and I immediately wrapped my legs around his waist.

We travelled to my bedroom in the dimly lit apartment, crashing through the half open door, where he threw me down onto the bed. I watched with great anticipation as he pulled his tight white t shirt off with one hand, revealing that god like body he'd so perfectly sculpted. I drew my bottom lip under my teeth as I bit down, my whole body ablaze with desire for this Wide Reciever that had stumbled into my life.

He loitered hesitantly in front of me, his belt buckle and zipper undone. His right hand disappeared down the front of his jeans, pulling them down just enough to see the first curls of his pubic hair. My mouth involuntarily watered at the thought of what he had hidden away down there, and I couldn't take much more.

I reached out, pulling at the waist band of his jeans, getting inpatient for the fun to begin, which made him smirk at me. "eager much?" he winked, making me roll my eyes. There was that confident guy I'd met. "leaving me hanging and I might just fall asleep" I teased, immediately egging Julian on. "baby, I'm not planning on doing any sleeping now til I'm on that plane" he groaned, clearly still palming himself with his hand that was still down his pants...

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