Parental Guidance

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Smut warning...

"baby, I'm not planning on doing any sleeping now til I get on the plane" he groaned, looking down at me with narrowed eyes. My heart pounded in my chest hard as he continued to grab on himself beneath his jeans.

I knelt on my knees, reaching up to wrap my arms around his neck. His lips pressed against mine as I felt his hands grip the back of my thighs and suddenly he was pulling them towards him and tipping backwards I fell onto the mattress. Him still attached to my lips and my legs wrapped around his waist.

"baby" he breathed, his voice muffled against my lips as he refused to move but millimetres from me. "you're wearing too much" he complained, making me smile against his mouth. For the first time his hand wandered from my hip, up my waist and over the cup of my bra. Immediately I felt those early tingles in my panties as he touched me. "I want this off" he demanded, snapping the strap of my bra against my shoulder. I giggled, "there's a lot of things I want..." I found myself saying in a teasing manner. "huh, like what?" he asked, glancing up at me as his lips travelled down my throat and to the valley of my breasts. He dove right in there, licking a strip between them, his hands grabbing at any expanse of bare flesh he could grip. Naturally my breath hitched in my throat every time he kissed, licked or nibbled. "I want you bare ass naked" I moaned out as he kissed my ribs down the left side of my body. The smirk he wore after my first request was a smug one, I watched him pull away from me, standing facing me, eyes locked to mine, he dropped his pants to the floor. "done" he answered, making me gulp. I didn't lower my eyes any, keeping them fixed on his as he made his way back to his previous position. "next?" he asked, just before dipping his tongue into my belly button. My toes curled at the sensation, almost hinting that he knew my next request. "I want your face between my legs" I gasped as I felt his hands almost instantly spread my thighs apart. The Bastard knew what I wanted. His comment once again muffled as his mouth bit down on the inside of my thigh, "done" he purred, leaving wet kisses leading up to my clothed heat. The anticipation was building too quickly and I was already a dewy, breathless mess at his touch, but then without warning my panties were pulled to one side, away from my aching core, exposing my most sensitive flesh to him and then his warm wet tongue delved deep between my folds, lapping up the juices from the beginning of my arousal.

"baby, you taste so good" he almost growled at me, his voice almost like porn for my ears, pushing me closer to the edge. My toes curled as he did it again, "Julian..."
"that's it baby" he groaned, then taking my clit between his teeth he tugged on it a little. "Jesus J" I squeaked out. I heard him chuckle which made me want to roll my eyes at his ego, but instead they rolled to the back of my head as he pushed his thick finger into my - "that's one wet pussy baby girl" I bit my lip, holding back the groan I so desperately wanted to let go. "you know, I still ain't got my request" he said. I frowned wondering what in the hell he was bringing this up for now. "you need less clothes" he said, then withdrawing his fingers, I whined in protest, making him grin. "turn over. Ass up" was my order. Normally I wouldn't even entertain it, but this was my Julian, and well, the sight of him kneeling there in front of me, his eyes raking over my shape as he slowly pumped down on his long, thick hard shaft had my mouth running dry.

I bit my lip and did as demanded. Waiting mere seconds before I felt the lace of my panties being slowly pulled down my legs. *smack* I jolted forward a little, not ready for that, "such a tight little ass" he grunted, I felt the bed shift with his weight behind me, "Ahh J, fuck!" his tongue was swirling around my pussy, not giving me time to even think. His shoulder pushed between my legs, widening the space, I steadied myself on all fours as then his fingers came back into play.

He was layed flat on his back, my pussy hovering above his face as he expertly thrust two of his thick digits into me. "baby you got such a pretty pussy" he growled at me, "I gotta eat it up" he added, pulling his fingers out of me once more and gripping my legs to pull me down onto his face. That alone had me coming like no tomorrow "Julian... Fuck! I'm... I'm..." I couldn't speak, I could hardly breath as I came hard. Harder than I had in such a long time. I couldn't help the urge to grind down a little onto his face, glancing down between my legs, seeing his gorgeous face nestled right there, it almost had me coming again.

"you like that beautiful?" he smirked after pulling me down so I was sitting on top of his chest. I blushed at his smiling face and he laughed aloud. "you're so fuckin sexy." he smiled at me, making me blush some more. "I gotta see that beautiful body as I fuck you like I wanna" he growled, launching up off his back. Man he was strong, lifting me with him, so he was sitting up right, feet planted on the carpet steadying himself as he held me on his lap. He flicked the back of my bra and off it came and was flung to the floor "baby, make yourself come on my cock" he told me, speaking more gently this time, looking into my eyes, yet the Lust was still present, "I wanna watch you come all over me" he sighed, trying to steady his breathing as by his 4th word I was already stretching out from the size of his cock.

I took him to the hilt and began to grind myself slow. A slow gradual rhythm back and forth got me used to his size, and the closeness of my body to his felt electric as my rock hard nipples brushed against his smooth chest. My heightened sensitivity made it easy for me to come quickly, two more times after that, and things were getting sloppier by the second.

He took my breast into his mouth and he leaned me back. Resting my hands on his thighs, my back arched giving him better access to my chest, raking his teeth over my nipple, making me gasp out. His thumb ghosted over my clit making my pussy clench in pleasure. "Ahh baby, do that again and I'll end this" he grunted through gritted teeth. His vice like grip was sure to leave marks on my skin, he held onto my hips tightly as he ground me down onto his cock. "I'm sorry baby girl but you feel too good..." he hissed and without a warning I felt his cum hit my walls, his cock pulsating inside me, letting me feel just how much he enjoyed this.


"baby" Julian whispered as he brought me up close to him. I looked up at him shyly, still sitting on his lap. He wrapped his strong arms around my waist, pulling me in to kiss my mouth. "that was amazing" he smiled at me, resting his forehead against mine. I couldn't hold back the beaming smile I was wearing. He kissed me again, and again until I shuffled on his lap. "let's get cleaned up" he said softly, realising he was still inside me. I nodded, about ready to leave his lap, when his grip tightened once again. I looked to his eyes and he kissed the tip of my nose, standing up, and carrying me to my bathroom.


He set me down on the counter as he turned on my shower. I sat quietly watching him setting two towels down for us, then checking the temperature of the water. We never spoke a word, he simply looked over to me with a soft smile and I hopped off the counter and through the door into the shower cubicle, Julian close behind closing the door.

The following five minutes were like something out of a romance novel. There was just the sound of the water running around us, as we both cleaned up. Julian took the soap, lathering it up as he stared into my eyes, gently taking his large rough hands and guiding them over my curves, washing away the sex we just had.

I couldn't help but reach up, taking my hands to his stubbled cheeks, bringing him closer to kiss his mouth. I felt so tiny standing there, wrapped up in his body. But he held me like I was the most fragile thing on the earth.

After a few moments I began to shiver, I wasn't sure if it were from the coolness of the water now, or the tender moment we shared, but Julian took it as a sign to shut the water off. He passed me a towel and one for himself, and we dried off before heading back into the bedroom.


He climbed into my bed, laying with the duvet just covering below his belly button, as usual as he watched me hang my towel on the radiator to dry. I then turned to head to my bed, extremely aware that I was still totally naked and he was watching my every move. Yeah I know I'd just done the dirty with him but still.

I slipped in beside him, nestling into his chest as he held his arm open for me to cuddle and I rested my head on his shoulder. "good night penny." he sighed softly, kissing my hair. "night J" I cooed back, drifting off to a peaceful sleep.

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