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Just a filler chapter today guys, but enjoy!

We made our way down to the lobby of the hotel, and it wasn't hard to spot the guys. They were flocked by fans. I glanced to Olivia as she looked on at them. My deeply buried insecurities shifted a little as I saw the girls of the group looking up at the pair of them, all doe eyed and heaving chests. But when Danny spotted us, and nudged J, my insecurities stayed dormant. Julian locked eyes with me and gave me the widest smile. "ugh we're so lucky" Olivia sighed to me, as we both stared at the two handsome men staring back at us. "oh yeah" I sighed back, biting my lip as I saw Julian's jaw clench. That look in his eye meant I was giving him something more than a pleasurable view...

We headed over, and I couldn't help but notice the girls give us a little bit of a sideward glance, but I brushed it off as Julian took my hand in his. "Hey baby" he whispered as he pulled me up close, to press the softest of kisses to my mouth. "hey" I smiled up widely at him. "you look awesome" he said, looking in my eyes. His hand rested on the small of my back as he turned to guide me out of the lobby.


"Man, like why is he always here like three hours early?" Danny sighed as the four of us moved through the restaurant to where Tom and Gisele were seated. I laughed, hearing Olivia scoff, "that's why we always end up looking tardy" he added. "no that's cause we have to wait like 10 hours for you to style your hair" Julian teased, making me giggle more. "ha, nothing to do with your crazy untameable beard" Danny muttered. Julian turned around to glare at him over his shoulder, but Tom's voice distracted us.

"Finally on time guys!" His cheery voice had us all smiling. "hey man" J greeted him first, then Gisele, kissing her cheek. I hugged them both and took a seat next to Tom, Julian following me. Once we were all seated, the waiter came over with water and a wine menu for us ladies. The guys were on their meal plans of course so were strict on what they were consuming.

"how was the flight ladies?" Tom asked, looking between myself and Olivia. "good thank you" I smiled with a nod, "I wasn't actually as traumatised as usual on a flight" I blushed with a smile. "looks like you'll need to be investing in a jet Jules" Tom winked at me before grinning at J, who was in the middle of drinking some water. He choked a little on it, making us all snigger. "maybe in a few years" he grinned at us. He put his glass back down on the table and placed his arm across the back of my chair, brushing his thumb against my bare shoulder. I smiled at him, causing him to wink back at me. Smirking as my cheeks immediately coloured up.

"you okay?" he asked me quietly as the other four carried on our conversation. "you got everything you need in your room? Is your room okay?" he fussed, before pressing a gentle kiss to my lips, making me smile. "yeah, thank you. everything is fine. How are you?" I asked just as softly. "cool. I'm awesome. So glad you're here" he told me, "me too" I smiled. I opened my mouth to say something else, but a short sharp cough had us both breaking our gaze. We looked at the others round the table and I blushed. Four sets of eyes were on us, "Care to share?" Danny teased us, making Olivia giggle. "we're good Dola" Julian smirked, pulling me closer. I glanced at Tom who was sat with a large grin on his face, Gisele sat smiling beside him. J pulled me closer and kissed the side of my head.


A few hours later, and we were all retiring to bed. Tom and Gisele headed on up first, "G'night old man" Julian chuckled, making Tom give him a look "I can still beat your ass" Tom told him, before breaking out into a huge smile. I gave Gisele a hug, followed by Tom before Julian pulled me roughly under his arm, wrapping it around the back of my neck. I grabbed his suit jacket to steady myself as he caught me off guard. "me and you are going for a walk Bubs" he said in my ear. "bubs?" I questioned his choice of name. "yeah bubs. let's go" he smirked, walking me away from the restaurant.

I don't even know where Danny and Olivia had disappeared off to after we'd said goodbye to them, figured they went back to the hotel. I was too loved up, snuggling into Julian to actually care. "So how are the pre-game nerves right now?" I asked as we walked aimlessly. He smiled at my question. He nodded, "I'm okay... once I get my kit on, my head's in the game" He told me. I bit my lip at the thought of him in his jersey, his thighs in those tight pants. Jesus christ his thighs..."you alright?" he asked, distracting me. "oh, yeah" I blushed. "seemed a little away with the fairys then" He chuckled. "um, no, just thinking about how much I'll be admiring your thighs on Sunday"

"ha, yeah?" He smirked, pulling me around to face him. "oh my god yeah" I widened my eyes at him, with a smirk of my own. My hands ran up his chest as they always seemed to when I was facing him. He looked down at me with that boyish smile of his. "I'll be admiring everything" I added, with a sigh, making his smirk grow wider. "funny, I do that every moment I see you" he said, making me giggle, "I know" I smiled, reaching up on my tip toes. My lips almost brushed his, but I pulled away, walking off, leaving him standing there watching me move away from him.

"you gotta stop leaving me hanging" He laughed, grabbing my hand from behind. I giggled, moving round to look at him again. "Oh but it's fun to tease you" I smiled sweetly. He growled at me and pulled me closer, cradling my face in his hand as he looked into my eyes, "you'll pay for it" he whispered, his voice carrying that husky growl he had when he was turned on. "oh, I hope so, Bubs" I smirked back, before kissing him ferociously.

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