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"I really don't need this shit today" I mumbled to myself, rubbing my face as I stared down at the Sea Buckthorn Pulp I was extracting. I had done months of research on this plant, wanting to trial it out in some of our newest products. Of course I had led the project, and therefore had the task of extraction. It was always tedious, and today was certainly no exception to that rule, particularly not helpful when I wanted to head home and get a couple of episodes of The Walking Dead watched. I was almost about done when my phone began vibrating on the counter beside me.

"heey!" Olivia yelled at me, making me laugh, "hey" I smiled, trying to keep focus on my task at hand. "what ya up to?"
"I'm still at work" I sighed, wishing I'd loaded this off onto someone else. "oh, doing anything fun?" I heard the smile in her voice, "do I sound like I am?" I sassed making her snigger, "I'm extracting" I added, "still?!" she gasped, "yep. I'm so ready to be done with this" I groaned, "then I've gotta combine it with Rosemary" I told her, "what will that do?"
"I'm hoping it will be added to the new Optimal Skin Pro Moisturiser, to boost skin cell renewal and promote supple, healthy skin'" I said in my most proper English accent. Olivia laughed, "huh, well make sure to throw a jar of that my way when it's ready" she said, "you can be the Guinea pig" I laughed. "so what's up?" I said a little chirpier now I'd finished my mundane job for the day. "oh well I've just had Danny call me, said there's a car picking us both up tomorrow morning" she said sounding confused. "why?" I asked, pushing away from the lab counter to go take off my lab coat. "apparently the guys have planned a little shopping trip for us"
"what?" I asked again, wondering if I'd heard her right. "you've not spoken to Jules then? I was hoping you could fill me in on the blanks" she laughed. "no, I was gonna call him tonight when I got home" I explained, "ah well see if you can get any more out of him, cause Danny won't spill" she said, making me hum. "I'll try my best, although I'm surprised he's not let slip already, he's usually shocking at keeping secrets" I laughed.


I walked into my apartment and sighed in contentment. Peace. My own little slice of tranquility in an otherwise crazy life right now. Sure I had my downtime with J, but nine times out of ten I was either being pulled out to a dinner or event he was attending, or something Olivia had going on, or I was at work. I loved life right now, but I was still a home bird at heart and loved my creature comforts in the sanctity of my home.

So, I planned on taking a shower, once I'd ordered a pizza, then my bum was gonna be firmly planted on the couch for me to catch up on the several episodes of The Walking Dead I'd missed. But my phone ringing interrupted my plans, but seeing it was Julian I chose to answer...

"hey Bubs"
"is that gonna be how you refer to me all the time now?" I asked hearing the way he addressed me. He chuckled. "course not sweet cheeks, I just like to mix it up a little" he answered. I rolled my eyes and headed to my bedroom. "how was your day?"
"boring as hell" I groaned, beginning to take off my heels and stockings. "that good huh?" he chuckled again. "yeah... But Olivia called me before I left the lab..." I said in a suspicious voice. "ah."
"J... ?" I responded to that sound with a suspicious warning, "all I'm gonna say is don't ask me questions and you'll find out all tomorrow" he said, and I huffed. I was so impatient and hated surprises. "just meet Olivia at her place and the car will pick you up" he said. I wasn't going to be mean and question him, he'd only get flustered and then it would ruin the surprise, and that wasn't fair on the guys really. No matter how much we wanted to know. "okay" I sighed, following that with asking about his day. We talked a little longer than normal, but that's because I wasn't going to see him until the following week.

I turned on the shower and and began to take down my skirt. "babe..." he whispered down the phone, "what?" I asked, "are you... Are you naked right now?" he whispered with excitement in his voice. I giggled but rolled my eyes. "almost. You interrupted my plans to shower" I said unbuttoning my shirt. A growl on the other end of the line had me giggling again. "you're insatiable"
"are you complaining?" he sassed, "well, not exactly..." I smiled, "uh huh" he replied, I could hear the smirk in his voice.

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