Saying Goodbye

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The next morning came and my alarm clock woke me up to the realisation that my brain felt like it was going to explode. I dragged myself out of bed and into the shower to at least try and freshen up a little bit. It was nice to not have to go in my work clothes today, so I pulled on my favourite jeans, a plain black tee and some comfy heels and grabbed my purse off the counter as I headed to the door toake my way down to the garage to get my car.

It took less time to get to work on a weekend, as I wasn't in the rush hour traffic, so I arrived a little after 10am, my appointment with Bobby wasn't until 11, so I figured I'd hang out with some of the guys there until he was free.

I took in my usual coffee, and one for Amelia as she was in today too, and a couple bags of donuts for everyone too. "thanks" Amelia looked up at me glassy eyed as she took her take out cup from me. "don't say it." I said stiffly. Any soppy words from her and I'd crumble. So she nodded and took a donut from the paper bag instead. I took two and sat on the edge of her desk. "hey Steve!" I called over a few desks to his, he popped his head up and looked my way, grinning when he saw it was me, "heads up!" I grinned and threw the set of keys at him. "look after her" I smiled, making him wink. "she's in good hands" he promised making me nod at him. I'd left my car in the garage under the building like I'd promised. My cash was sitting in my bank as we speak, so there was another deal done.

I ended up sitting there talking them, Taylor and Warren and a girl from admin who came up to say goodbye. Of course Taylor and Warren were keen on asking me everything about J and the Pats. They were the NFL freaks of the building. I had them telling me they would come over once I was settled and see a game with me. I would of course love that, but I think it was really just to meet Julian. And of course I wouldn't deny them that either. But as they were in the middle of discussing the fact that the Patriots were 'without a doubt' going to smash the superbowl this season. I found it highly amusing watching the two of them geek out over it, I'd miss it so much. But my boss coming out of his office had me distracted. Normally everyone would be straight back to work, but today seemed to be the exception. Bobby walked over to us all, sitting around Amelia's desk, picked up a stray donut and looked at me, "c'mon Pond, let's get this over with" and turned to head back to his office. I took a deep breath and followed him inside.


I closed the door to his office and sat in the seat in front of his desk. "let's make this quick Penny, the longer you're here the more likely I am to beg you to stay" he chuckled at me, making me smile. "well here's my final copy of the two research papers I was working on, and I've also left some notes on other projects I started. I've left everything laid out pretty straight forward" I explained, sliding the folder across his desk. "don't worry Pen, I know it'll all be done" he nodded, taking the folder and putting it on his pile of work to go through. "Really I just wanted you here to say that we are all very sad to see you go; you've been an irreplaceable asset to the team, as was your brother. And I want to thank you for the years you've worked for me, and I hope that we stay in touch" I was quite surprised at his words, but incredibly touched too. I was completely speechless, "uh, well, y-yes of course, we will stay in touch" I stammered, "we'll need some contacts in the UK and you're the first name on our list" I grinned, making him nod, "glad to hear it" he chuckled. "now, I hear you're flying out tomorrow" I nodded, the butterflies in my stomach fluttering immediately. "well, I wish you good luck, enjoy the next chapter along your journey" he smiled, standing up from his chair. Wow that was a quick meeting. I stood up too as he joined me by the door. "and don't forget to invite me to the wedding" he winked. I paused as I was about to say thank you to him and I looked into his eyes. He was holding back a laugh until he saw me blushing, grinning. "haha I won't" I laughed with him. "thank you so much for making my job one I've loved for so long. And for understanding this is a move I needed to make" I said honestly, shaking his hand. "it's been a pleasure Penelope. A real pleasure" he nodded, holding my hand kindly. "now, get outta here," he winked opening the door for me, "well, after the guys have finished with you" he added. I frowned and looked out of the room, to find the guys huddled around Amelia's desk. Warren was stood holding a huge bouquet of flowers for me, Taylor with a card and Amelia with a bag from Tiffany's. That's when the tears welled up in my eyes.

I felt my face becoming more pink by the second as I walked out of the office and towards my colleagues. "we'll miss you Pen" Warren said, his face a little pink as he passed me the bouquet. I pecked a kiss to his cheek, making him turn even pinker. "I'll miss you guys so much" I smiled, looking between him and Taylor, who was pink too. "and I can barely look at you" I laughed lightly, glancing at Amelia. She was still stood there looking at me like she was going to burst into tears. She flung her arms around me, squeezing me tight. "it's not gonna be the same Pen" she whispered. I nodded, not daring to speak because the tears would come. I pulled away and looked at her, "good luck" she smiled, holding out the bag to me. I smiled at her and looked to the bag, "we wanted to get you a little something" she added, watching as I pulled out a velvet box, opening it up I gasped. Inside lay a traditional pair of diamond earrings. "my god guys" I gasped, looking at them. "you like them?" Amelia beamed. "yeah! I'd be crazy not to!" I laughed a little, so gobsmacked at them. "well done Amelia" I turned round and saw Bobby walking up to us all. "she knows me too well" I smiled, "it's coz I've worked with you almost everyday for the last 6 years" she laughed. I did too and closed the box and put it back in the bag with my card.

"I'm gonna miss you so much" she sighed, "me too" I whispered grabbing her for another hug. "come and see me whenever you want. Call me whenever you wanna talk too" I told her, she nodded and sniffled. "don't" I wanted her in a gentle whisper and she laughed, but tears started to fall. That's when mine began to drop too. "god damn it you too" Warren huffed, we pulled apart and looked at him, seeing him looking upset now too. It lightened the mood as we giggled, pulling them both in, and Bobby for a totally 'friends' style hug.


After like another two rounds of hugs and goodbyes, I actually managed to leave the office. I was a little more put together than I expected really. Steve offered me a lift home in my -his- car, but I wanted some time for myself and I opted to take the bus home.

I walked down the street, letting the cold air hit me as I tried to focus on my to do list, instead of the people I was leaving behind when I received a notification on my phone. I pulled it out of my bag, seeing a text. From an unknown number. I opened it up and loaded the picture message, and that's when I felt like my whole world was shattering around me.

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