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Olivia had been in town for a few days, and we took total advantage of that. We'd met up a few days of the week for coffee, a night out and even a movie. The girl time was much needed after spending most of my time shared out between Nick and Julian.
"but you're coming to the game on Sunday?" I asked her knowing she was flying out Monday morning to spend the holidays with her parents. "yeah. But I guess I'll be sitting alone" she said hinting at me. I laughed and shook my head "nope" I smugly replied, popping the 'p' in my response. "I've agreed to watch the game, but I'm sitting up with you" I grinned, Olivia squealing at my plans. "I'll catch up with him after the game" I shrugged. "was he cool with that?" I nodded, "yeah coz I said I'd meet the guys afterwards" I laughed, remembering bargaining with him. "you've not met them yet?" she asked as she opened the door to her apartment. I shook my head, "only Rob. The others just at the stadium when I got here" I shrugged. "wow" she gasped, "what?" I frowned confused by her reaction. "nothing, I just guess coz you guys are so serious you'd have met his guys, I mean, you've met his mom for God's sakes" she said as we walked into the cafe we usually used when we were together. I laughed lightly as I followed her to a table.

"I guess his friends are kind of a sore point" I shrugged. "I mean the night I found out who he was, I was meant to meet them and I chickened out didn't I" I reminded her. "since then I think he's been reluctant to even mention them." I carried on, "but when I said I'd come with him after the game for a drink with them, he was practically giddy with excitement" I grinned, making Olivia laugh. "you not nervous?" she asked me wide eyed. I shrugged, "well let's face it, I wouldn't really know who any of them where if they came up to me on the street and drop kicked me." I stated, "they're just random guys to me so I guess no, it's not really bothering me" I laughed a little. "besides, I know Danny already so I'll be safe with him" I added, knowing the mere mention of that g it name made my friend gooey. The stupid smile on her face made me laugh hard.

She threw a packet of sugar at me, making me laugh more. "oh don't be like that" I grinned, "you're bummed you're not unwrapping him for Christmas" I teased her, making her whole face colour bright red. "shut up Pen!" she grinned, looking down at the table, fortunately for her the girl came over with our order.

"I'm gonna put on so much weight over the holidays eating like this" she sighed looking down at the donut she'd ordered. I nodded, already stuffing my face. "I know a few ways you could work it off" I grinned cheesily at her, causing her to scoff at me, "Jeez you're spending too much time with Edelman" she huffed. I laughed again, "but seriously O, you like him as much as you thought you would right?" I asked her, swallowing my chewed up glazed doughy goodness. She sighed, still staring at hers and nodded. "he's so sweet and cute, and god so sexy" she almost drooled, widening her eyes at that last part, making me grin. "so what's the hold up?" I asked, admittedly both Julian and I were desperate to set them up, surprised that they hadn't done something about it already. "I dunno Pen, maybe he doesn't like me like that" she sighed, looking all fullorn. I tutted and rolled my eyes. "please, you sound like me" I said, making her look up at me. "he's probably intimidated by you," Olivia scoffed at me this time. "shut up. You're gorgeous and he's probably too scared to approach you in that way." I said, ignoring her attempts to protest. "trust me, you wanna be sorting this out with him before Julian steps in" I warned her with a smirk. Then she'd have something to worry about...


I arrived back home at my brothers later that evening, ready for my bed. I really was wishing I'd rented a car for this trip. I stomped my boots on the porch, trying to rid as much snow from them as I could before I headed inside.

The heat from inside was welcoming as I dropped my boots on the mat and closed the door. I heard laughing from the family room, and then my name being called. "yeah it's me" I called back, moving towards the kitchen to flick on the kettle. I wanted to grab a hot chocolate before I headed on up to my room. "Pen," my brother whispered, appearing by the island. I looked up from my slumped state, resting back on the counter. "Allie is here" he told me, I frowned. In my exhaustion I totally forgot who this was. "my girlfriend" he glared at my blank face. My eyes opened wider in realisation. "oh! Oh my bad, I'll be up in my room in just a sec!" I whispered back, hastily moving to get my drink made. He huffed at me,asking look round to him. "I want you to meet her dumbass" he rolled his eyes. I pulled my tongue out at him. "child..." he mumbled at me, then calling out for her. I pulled another face at his remark and carried onaking my drink. As much as I cared to meet her, for my brother's sake, I just wanted to say hi and go to my bed. My phone had vibrated in my bag and I knew that would be Julian. I'd not seen him all day and I wanted to talk to him a little before I headed to bed.

"Allie, this is my little sister Penny. And Pen, this is Alison" my brother said, bringing me out of my Julian daze. I turned back around from mixing my drink to find a small, red haired girl looking back at me. "hi, nice to meet you" I grinned, holding my hand out to her. "hey, you too, and call me Allie, please" she smiled, brushing her thick rimmed glasses further up her nose. I grinned and nodded at her. "how's Julian?" nick asked, hoping to keep the conversation flowing. I shrugged. "haven't talk to him today, he's training most of the week for the game Sunday" I explained, pulling the stool out for my tired legs to relax on. "remember I said Julian plays for the Pats?" he said to Allie. "oh yeah" she said timidly, in contrast to the excitement erupt in my brothers eyes every time he talked about it. "don't worry, his name didn't exactly make a difference to me either" I said to her, making her smile and blush. "I swear he gets more of a rush talking about J than I do" I smirked, hearing my brother scoff at me again.

We made a little more small talk before I had to excuse myself and head up to bed. Why was I so tired?! I felt like I'd aged about ten years since I got here. It must be the snow, trudging around in the nasty white stuff took it out of me. I mean dint get me wrong it's all pretty when you're looking out of a window, but when you're in it and almost falling on your ass (which I usually did) it was nasty stuff.

I collapsed on my bed, fishing my phone out of my bag, checking the notifications I'd heard vibrating away whilst I was down there meeting my brothers girlfriend. Who was actually a really nice girl. I'd be happy to spend more time with this one. Anyway, I opened my WhatsApp and saw a message from my mister. It was a song file. I frowned, he'd never sent me anything like this before.

I listened to the track with a permanet smile glued to my face.

Me:😄😄 didn't have you down for a little bit of country xxx

J:I like a little bit of everything babe 😘 xxxx

Me:😉 duly noted. Xxx

J: babe, I'll go downtown on a girl like you 😉😉😉😉 xxx

J: babe? Xxx

J: you asleep? Xxx

J: Damn leavin me hangin. Sleep tight princess xxx

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