The Plan: Phase II

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I was awake early the following morning. I guess I was just too nervous-excited about today and I couldn't sleep. I checked my phone and saw a message off Julian. I smiled, he'd not called me last night which totally upset me, and had me freaking out, maybe not as much cause I had already talked to Danny, but still. Anyway, he'd messaged instead telling me he missed me like crazy and wanted to know when I'd catch the game. Obviously not knowing I'd watched it live last night...

Phase two of my plan was now in action. I needed to keep him oblivious to the fact I was on American soil. Well for at least another four hours or so. And what better way to do that then waking up inappropriate Julian...

 And what better way to do that then waking up inappropriate Julian

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Wish you were here 😘😘😘 xxxx

J: You really know how to tease a guy xxxx

Me: I'm not teasing! Would love to have your naked self to rub my naked self upon 😉 xxx

J: baby don't do this to me now, I'm at work! Xxx

Me: oh please tell me you're wearing your kit 😍 I can easily waste a couple of hours thinking about you in those pants 😇😇xxx

J: sorry babe, not today, but this is just for you...

J: just waitin to hear those screams baby 🔥😉 xxx

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J: just waitin to hear those screams baby 🔥😉 xxx

Me: *bites lip* I think I need some time alone with that photo... Xxx

J: wait til we face time Damn it!! Xxx

I laughed out loud at his comment, blushing at what he was suggesting, again. But at least it would be the real thing soon enough. Whenever Olivia got here....I checked the clock, 9am. I sighed. Better start getting ready, I've gotta look exceptional today.


I showered, did my make up and hair and I was raking through my closet. I chewed on the inside of my cheek. Since more than half my clothes were still at my apartment in England, I had limited items to wear here. I pulled out my winter coat, that was an obvious choice, given it was snowing out there, like constantly since I arrived. My woolly bobble hat too, and a favourite grey jumper I had brought along. I guess a pair of jeans and over the knee boots would be a good idea too.


I checked my phone and saw a text off Danny:

Hey Penelope 😉 what have you said to Squirrel?! He's jumping about the place like an idiot!...passes are ready and waiting btw! See you soon, D x

I beamed a smile, okay yeah I was getting really nervous now. Everything was in place. I couldn't wait to get over there and start this thing. Although, surprising him was one thing, telling him I was moving over here permanently was a totally other situation I'd still to plan. Still, one thing at a time right?

Knock knock

I paused, frozen in my underwear and towel. Then the front door opened and I ran out my room and looked down the stairs. "you're early!" I sighed, seeing Olivia looking around at her surroundings. She looked up to where my voice was coming from and smirked. "I know you can't wait to see him, but don't you think you're a little under dressed for now?" I rolled my eyes and turned away from the bannister and headed back into my room.

"you think this will be okay?" I asked showing her my outfit of choice. She smiled and nodded. "you'll look cute." she told me. "I doubt Julian would even notice if you were wearing a trash bag" she snickered, making me roll my eyes again. I placed my damp towel on the radiator and proceeded to dress, while Olivia dropped down onto my bed. "so, you ready though?" she asked. I sighed, "I think so" I answered, sounding just as nervous as I felt. "how about you?" I grinned as I danced about, trying to get into my beyond skinny jeans. She raised her head to look at me. "I shall not answer that" she replied, dropping her head back down onto the mattress. "I'll take that as a 'I'm as nervous as you...'" I teased. "then you would be right"

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