Snap Out Of It

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The day and night pass by and the next thing I know, it's Wednesday. Nick and Allie had disappeared off this morning to one of her friends galleries, so I was left once again at home alone. Not that I minded. I was in a cleaning mood. The main bathroom was done, guests rooms and kitchen, and I was currently in the entrance hall, which linked to the living area at the front of the house. I loved the dark wood floors in this place and when they were swept and mopped they gleamed. Being home alone also meant that I could listen to some music as loud, (and sing as loud) as humanly possible without Nick coming in and shutting it off. My current playlist of choice was a little Florida Georgia Line and I was totally getting my groove on with the broom....



I knocked. And knocked. And knocked. I knew she was in, she'd told me her brother was out for the day. Figured I'd call in on her after being at training. Brought round some food for us. But she wasn't opening the damn door. I stood back and looked up at the windows. Not a sign she was there, but then all of a sudden I hear beats thumping through the frickin walls. How had I not heard that before? I moved back to the front door, trying the handle this time and luckily it was unlocked. So I walked straight on in.

Whatever she was listening to had her all zoned out. I chuckled to myself, quietly closing the door, I didn't want to interrupt her just yet. She was dancing about shaking her butt to the beat. My eyes roamed her shape, dressed in a sweater and the tiniest shorts I'd ever seen, not that I was complaining. I moved closer to her, reaching out my hands, staring at her ass, I was hit with an overwhelming urge to touch her. So I slipped my hands over that tight little ass. Then I was hit with something else. The fucking broom.



I couldn't help the yell that flew out my mouth as I was startled. The unexpected feeling of someone grabbing me made me instantly freak out. So I spun round, without thinking and took the broom handle, jabbing at the intruder, actually getting a pretty good blow to his rib.

"oh shit J!" I gasped, immediately dropping my weapon and moving to his side as soon as I realised it was him. He was sitting on the floor groaning whilst holding his side. "well at least I know you can handle yourself" he grumbled, throwing himself back to lay on the floor. I scoffed and rolled my eyes at his attempt at a poor joke. "well you shouldn't have crept up on me like that" I said, shoving him in the shoulder. "Argh" he cried out, making me scoff, "and you're definately not in pain" I rolled my eyes. "I am! I am!" he cries out, still holding his side. "I think my rib is sticking out my body." he pathetically groaned. I couldn't hold back the smirk from his feeble attempt at keeping my attention. I breathed out a laugh and lifted up his shirt. "want me to kiss it better?" I raised a brow at him, he winked at me and I blushed.

Pushing his hand out the way, I leaned closer. His scent filling my nostrils, I loved the smell of his cologne mixed with his skin and the fresh smell of his body wash when he'd taken a shower. But I pushed the thought from my mind and pressed a gentle kiss to his skin. Admittedly there was a slight red mark on him from my jab. "it's purple!" he corrected me, "it is not!" I snorted at his dramatics once again. "and anyway it should teach you not to sneak up on me like that!" I added, sitting beside him on the floor, he was still layed flat out might I add. "you weren't answering the door!" he whinged. "doesn't mean you can go all stealthy and sneak up on me like that" I threw back. He layed looking up at the ceiling, but held a smirk on his lips. "what?"
"just thinking of you bustin out some moves." he turned his head to look at me, "think I might have to get you to show me some more when we get back to my place" he winked. I blushed and shook my head. "get up" I sighed, playing off his flirtatious comment as I stood up from the floor. I could feel his eyes roaming over me without even looking at him. "wait a minute" he said, making me glance over at him. His smile had gone and he was frowning at me. "why the fuck are you wearing a Cowboys sweater?!"


"oh um..." I didn't actually have a reason, other than then fact I bought it back home and liked it. Simple as that. "I had no alliances to you or the Pats back then" I laughed, backing up away from him as he stood and moved towards me. Suddenly his 'painful' rib was all healed...  "well now you do, so take it off" he demanded, as he backed me up against the hallway wall. I raised a brow at him, but the look in his eye and the pout of his lips weren't playing. "off?" I asked, still with an amused expression. "off" I took a breath and crossed my arms at the bottom of my jumper and proceeded to pull it over my head.

The look on his face was priceless when I'd thrust the clothing at him. "oh.... Um, I..." he stumbled over his words, I knew he was trying to keep his eyes fixed on my face and I laughed. "you wanted it off" I whispered leaning up to his ear. I pressed a soft kiss to his stubbled cheek and then walked off to my bedroom to get a new jumper, and perhaps a bra to wear too...


"oh snap out of it" I sniggered as we sat in the kitchen eating lunch. He threw me a killer glance and shuffled in his seat and I couldn't help but grin. Ever since I'd taken my jumper off and flashed him my goodies, he'd been in a mood with me. "you told me to take it off" I shrugged innocently. He huffed and took a bite of his salmon. "well next time ignore me" he muttered. I giggled, knowing he was just pouting because he hadn't expected me to be wearing nothing else under my jumper and he couldn't do anything about it with his game coming up.

"so how was your morning?" I asked, wanting to change the subject. "good" he nodded, "just the usual, going over plays for the game. Have a good feeling about it." he nodded. "oh and I was talking to Tom" he added, "we've been invited to dinner" he said, acting a little vague. I frowned at him, hoping he'd elaborate a little more. "New years eve" he continued. "he and Gisele have invited us to dinner at their place." he said so nonchalantly. I sat the frozen, "they're not going to the party cause of the kids, so they've asked us to join them for dinner before we go" he said, carrying in eating like it was no big deal.

After a minute or two of somber he looked up at me and started laughing. "snap out of it" he teased, using my phrase from earlier. I screwed my face up at him. "shut up" I snorted at him, finally moving. "who else is going?" I asked. "just us" he shrugged. I froze again reaching for a salmon roll. The room was filled with Julian's laughter as I internally began freaking out.

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