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I made it through the night, getting to my flight on time. I managed to get some sleep for a few hours, and caught a movie and had some lunch. Clock watching all of the time though, that was the killer. But several hours later, I was walking through the terminal, dragging my case behind me, in search of the fool I also called my brother...

"what took you so long?!" he gasped, teasing me when I finally met him. I scowled at his sarcastic comment and pushed my case towards him. He laughed and ruffled my hair. Good job it was in a messy bun, and without saying a word we turned to head off to his car.


"you're gonna have to look into getting a car when you're over here you know" he mentioned as we made it onto the freeway. I sighed and nodded, dreamily looking out of the window. "you know I want a shelby" I smiled, imaging the glistening dark blue body work of my favourite car. My brother chuckled, "you better get your ultra rich boyfriend to buy you one then" my head darted in his direction, "he's not my boyfriend" I replied. Nick gave me a "look". okay, maybe he sort of was, but it wasn't official yet....well maybe to everyone else, but not me. Tagging me on Instagram doesn't count for shit in my book. "besides you're gonna pay me well enough that I can buy my own" I smirked, this time Nick's head darted round to look at me, his face was priceless.

We spent the rest of the drive to the house talking about plans for the holidays, his work schedule; which I must note, does not include me. I was strictly here for vacation purposes. And the huge fact the he had also met someone too.

"she's an artist" he explained, "I met her at a gallery opening of Steven's," this being one of Nick's friends he'd made since being over here. "she supplied a lot of her work to his gallery. I was talking to her about a piece not knowing she had created it" he grinned, "cliche I know..." he chuckled. I laughed at his story, listening intently at parts, I just hoped she was a nice girl, not like the others he's had. "so she asked me a couple days ago if I'd like to spend the holidays with her and her family..." he said, looking a little guilty. I sighed, causing my brother to look across at me, "and let me come all this way just to leave me all alone at Christmas" I feigned sadness. He saw right through it, scoffing at me. "like you'd even care about anything else once you're back on Edelman's arm" he said. Well, he wasn't wrong. "I guess I can forgive you then..." I teased, making him smile.


We arrived at the house in time for dinner. I almost threw my clothes in the dresser sitting in my room, and practically leapt down the stairs and into the kitchen to see what was cooking. My nostrils flared at the aromas wafting through the air. Chicken Chasseur to be exact. A casserole style dish we loved back home, served with mashed potatoes, veg and Yorkshire puddings. My mouth watered at the sight. "perfect timing sis, can you set the table?"

Dinner was perfect and my first night back in Boston was how I liked them; belly full of food, TV on, snuggled under a blanket, sipping on a beer with my brother. "so, when are you seeing Julian?" Nick asked, his eyes still glued to the TV. "I'm not sure, I need to organise the surprise with Danny, find out what their schedule is"
"don't they have a game tomorrow?" he asked, I nodded, "I think he's going to call me after it," I replied, "I need to tell him that I'm actually here" I laughed, pulling my phone from the arm of the couch. Although I suspect Julian had mentioned it already, well, that he thought I was "home".

Hey Danny, it's Penny. Landed in Boston, home with my brother, totally ready to get this plan put into action... X

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