Enjoying The View

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"I've lived here 4 years and I still can't get used to how cold it is here in the winter." Nick huffed as we took our seats in the row behind the benches. I laughed at him, shivering in a sweater, heavy pea coat, gloves and a woolly hat. I was quite happy sitting in my Red hoodie I'd pinched from Julian, my Edelman jersey over that, and my two pairs of gloves and Navy All Saints hat. Somehow I didn't feel the cold as much tonight, but that was more likely due to the fact that some cutie on the field was giving me the eye. "my god, can you tell him to stop undressing you with his eyes" Nick scoffed, making me gasp and nudge him, "shut up! he's not!" I laughed, looking over at Julian. He was looking at me with a huge smile spread across his face. I blushed, smiling back at him, knowing how happy he was that I was there. He winked my way and my brother snorted again, "see" I clicked my tongue at him and rolled my eyes. "shut up and enjoy the game."


"These seats are awesome!" Nick yelled over the screaming and shouting as the Pats fans were singing in triumph at their teams victory over the Jets. I beamed him a smile in return, totally agreeing, but maybe I enjoyed them a little more, I mean, I got in smelling distance of J's sweat in these seats. Think it's disgusting? Sue me. Being able to see him close up in his kit, having ring side seats as it were, to take a good look at that tush of his may be shameless but I enjoyed every single second of it. "I still like being a little higher up, so I can get a good view of all the action" he added, Funny, I had all the action I wanted down here... I thought to myself with a smirk. Wait until Olivia gets her ticket down here, it'll be like a monsoon with the amount of drool we'll both be dropping up in here. "yeah I agree" I nodded, finally snapping out of my day dream, "I like being able to have a bird's eye view, but I gotta say, it's a total different experience being down here" The crowds were starting to diminish, so we took our chances and started making our way back up to the exits.

"so where is he meeting you?" my brother asks as we made it outside. "there's a car waiting for me, over by the reserved parking, um... Lot 22" I said, checking my phone for the third time. I knew where that was, it was where I'd met him the first time I'd knowingly seen him play. The night I found out who he was. "well I guess I better be heading out to Ally's house now too" He nodded, stepping to one side, seeing there was a group of Jets fans trudging along close by. "yeah, she'll be thinking I've dragged you along for some celebratory drinks instead" I grinned, knowing he would have more than likely joined us. "hmm" he looked at me with the same thought going around in his head. "Have an awesome time tomorrow little sis" pulling me against him tightly for a hug. "you too, I didn't ever guess this would be how we'd spend my first Christmas here" I laughed, pulling away. "hey, it's not your first official Christmas here yet" he smiled, making me as well. "next year you'll be totally moved and living here" he beamed a smile, "if you've not given me the sack before then" I laughed. He shook his head, "I know that won't happen. But I'm sorry I haven't managed to get you the paperwork through before now" he said, looking down sadly. "I know you wanted to give them to Julian tomorrow as his present." he said, making me feel a little downhearted. The guy who was dealing with all my stuff was a friend of Nick's and he was trying to tie things up before shut down for the holidays, but he had a family emergency and had to shelve it. Not that it changed anything in the long run, I still had a couple of months back home to work for my current boss, and also my lease on my apartment. I would just be giving up everything in one go and moving my life over to Boston. "It's okay, I'll tell him before I leave for home, I don't think he'd care how I told him" I shrugged, still really wanting to have a special moment with him, and I guess being with his family wasn't maybe the best place to tell him, I kind of wanted it to be just the two of us. But I'd figure something out. My phone began vibrating in my hand and I saw Julian's face flash onto the screen. "oh I bet he's wondering where I am" I said, realising we'd been stood there a little longer than expected. "you better go then" Nick laughed, I smiled and we embraced one last time, "merry Christmas Nicholas" I whispered to him. "Merry Christmas Penelope" he chuckled back. I planted a kiss on his cheek and then I promptly dashed off to find my awaiting car.


"hey babe" Julian sighed as he climbed into the car. "hey, sorry I got a little held up talking to my brother" I explained to him, he shook his head, "doesn't matter, I just got worried someone might have snatched you up" he grinned, shuffling across the seat to me, "nah, they'd have brought her back" another voice entered the car. I looked around J and saw the huge body of Rob Gronkowski lumbering into the car with us. I snorted and rolled my eyes as his remark. "very original" I sassed back, hearing him chuckle. Then to my surprise, some random girl followed him into the car, slamming the door closed behind her. "finally! let's go baby" she squeaked. I looked round at Julian and he just gave me a look that told me not to say a word. I rolled my eyes and looked out of the window as the car began to pull away. "there goes my plan of changing my outfit in the car" I huffed to myself. "you were gonna get naked up in here?" a whisper flew into my ear. I smirked and looked round to find Julian grinning at me. "I was going to change, yes" I answered. "god damn it" he grunted. I giggled at him and kissed his nose. "congrats on the win. again" I smiled, making him grin. "thank you shorty" he pressed a kiss to my lips and ran a hand over my thigh. "you don't have to change. You look hot anyways" he said softly, squeezing my leg. I blushed, feeling hot under his gaze. "I'm in your hoodie and jersey. Not exactly the same calibre as you, or even close to that over there" I whispered, nodding to the barely dressed 'girl' pawing at Rob as she sat on his knee. Julian grinned at my choice of words, "it is exactly why you look hot. what's better than my girl in my jersey? I said to you before, My name on the jersey-my property" he winked. I blushed darkly and bit my lip. "I'd happily help you undress if you wanna change when we get there though" he said, pushing up a little closer to me. I couldn't help but giggle girlishly at him. "I'm sure you would" I responded, before he pressed a heated kiss to my mouth. "but I think one of us in here is naked enough right now" I whispered, widening my eyes, glancing over J's shoulder, seeing the chick with Rob, and almost all of her 'assets' hanging out for us all to see. Julian glanced round at her and then back at me with a traumatised look on his face "I think I just went blind"

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