Worth Fighting For

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Another small update for today guys! Enjoy!

The next day I was in the lab at work, running some tests with a couple of the techs when my phone began ringing. I had been screening my calls all morning, but this one I answered.

"hey Nicki" I smiled, leaving the lab. "hey Pen, just thought I'd call you now... He's in the shower" she said. "how is he?" I asked, why did I feel so anxious? "um, well, strangely he's pretty good..." she said sounding baffled. "he's hung over so bad" she giggled, "but he's like a totally different guy this morning" she said making me smile, "what did you do to him last night?!" she asked making me gasp. "Nicki!" I laughed, "I know he said he got into a little trouble, but he's sure not walking around like that this morning... I can hear him singing in there!" she exclaimed. I laughed even more, feeling my cheeks flush. "I didn't do anything I swear!" I promised her, hearing her give me a sceptical huff. My heart and butterflies were flipping for some reason. "well I'm glad he's feeling okay" I said, biting my lip as I leaned my head against the wall. "uh huh. He's gonna be unbearable today" she sighed making me laugh again. "well enjoy" I laughed, "and I'll see you tomorrow" I said, reminding her of our lunch date. "totally. God its been too long!" she exclaimed. "oh! He's coming out the bathroom, I'll see you tomorrow" she whispered and hung up, but not before I heard him singing in the background making me laugh.

I checked the time and saw a bunch of texts off my brother and Olivia. I was about to read them when my phone began to ring again. I frowned seeing an unknown number. I screened the call and immediately got a voicemail. Figured I'd listen to them at lunch. I wish I'd waited until after....

"hi, I hope this is Penny... It's Adriana...Lima... Um, I've been trying toget a hold of your number since that night.... I want to clear the air with you and I hoped you could meet me for dinner tonight before I fly out to New York? Call me back if you get this. Please."


Obviously I'd called Olivia. She was actually amazed that she'd called me. Naturally she told me I had to see her. The pessimistic side of me was expecting her to tell me it was all true and Julian had been playing me all the way along, but I just knew this wasn't true. But should I really meet with my ex's ex? And her? The unbelievably beautiful Victoria's Secret model. It wasn't good for my insecurities but I knew I had to do this.

So I called her back, but there was no answer. I felt a little confused, but I left a message and suggested where to meet her. An hour later I got a text off the same number telling me she'd meet me there at 8 tonight. This was going to be interesting....


I was about ten minutes away from leaving the office. I wanted to head home a little earlier than usual so I could get showered and changed before my dinner with Adriana. God just the thought of tonight had my stomach churning. I signed off of my computer and grabbed some files I wanted to look over at some point tonight, and made my way to the elevator.

Olivia: good luck for tonight sweetie! Don't stress about it, I'm sure it'll be fine xxxx

I smiled and typed a short reply as I headed down to the lobby. I waved to Jamie on reception and made my way to the door. "Miss Penny!" she called after me. I stopped and looked back, seeing her rushing over to me carrying a bouquet of roses. I grinned immediately, knowing who they were from.

"these were delivered earlier this afternoon for you" she smiled. "thank you Jamie" I smiled, taking them off her. "are they off Jake?" she asked. I looked at her, forgetting that she didn't know what had happened with him. "no," I said, looking for the card. "they're from my ex" I said, scanning over the card.

I'm sorry for last night, but you've always been worth fighting for. Julian x

"oh." she paused, "well, I'm kinda glad" she said, "Jake seemed like a bit of an asshole" she thought out loud. I wasn't expecting her to say that. "Julian would like you" I laughed. "what about Danny?!" she asked as I laughed louder. "I'll see you tomorrow Jamie!" I called back to her as I headed out the door.

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