Happy New Year

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After a mad dash to the bathroom, (glam I know...) I headed back out into the main room to find Julian. "he's looking all over for you, it's almost midnight" Danny appeared, taking his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close to him. "he's over there" he pointed, over to the corner of the room where Julian stood, holding his phone to his ear, calling me. I could feel my phone vibrating in my purse. "shouldn't you be preparing to get your smooch on with Olivia?" I grinned at him, making him blush. Danny boy was just too cute. He smiled a bashful smile, "I guess I should huh" he nodded. "well go find her!" I giggled, shoving him a little in the shoulder. He nodded again and stepped away from me, only to move back and peck a kiss on my cheek. "happy new year" he winked, making me smile wider, "happy new year Danny boy" I replied, watching him then disappear off to find my friend. I sighed in contentment. We'd finally managed to get those two together, it may not have been down to Julian and I per say, but we would take credit anyway. I laughed to myself. Briefly forgetting about my mission. But then my eyes snapped back to the person I needed to prepare myself for. He'd stopped calling me, seemingly he'd spotted me and was watching me now, with a gentle smile on his face. Eyes on me as I moved through the crowds, dodging drunken men and screeching girls, all scrambling to find a random to kiss as the clock struck 12. Me? I knew damn well I was going to kiss him at midnight, but I still needed to tell him my news.

"babe where have you been?" he asked as I reached him, his arms moving around my waist, pulling me up against him. "hey Pond" a voice distracted me, I frowned at the use of my surname, but not surprised when I saw Rob winking at me. "Gronkowski" I rolled my eyes as I grinned at him. "J, I need to talk to you" I turned to my boy, ignoring his initial question, but I had mere minutes to tell him if I wanted to do it as I planned. "but it's almost midnight, can't it wait?" He frowned at me, I shook my head frantically. "no, I need to talk to you" I said, my eyes locked with his, hoping he just listened to me. He must have seen it in my eyes, because he nodded at me, his smile disappearing a little, "is everytjing alright?"
"just come here" I said after nodding. I took his hand and pulled him away from Gronk and some of the others.

"babe you're scaring me" Julian stopped me before I got over to the doors leading out to the patio. I moved round to look at his face, the look of pure worry on his handsome face. I just needed to tell him. "babe" he sighed, taking my hands in his. "tell me. Please." he almost begged.


I hurriedly pulled out the piece of crisp white paper that I'd pushed into my purse, handing it to him.


He opened it up, his eyes scanning over the words, and then his mouth dropped open. Eyes wide, darting up to look at me.

I bit my lip, trying to hold back an excited smile as my heart pounded against my chest.

"you're... You're..."

"I'm moving to Boston"

"2!...1!...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" everyone around us cheered as fireworks flew up into the night sky. Julian stared at me, just standing there as the words began to sink in.

"oof!" I let out a huff as he grabbed me, pulling me against his body as he planted a kiss against my lips. Immediately deepening it, sliding his tongue into my mouth, one hand on my bum, the other buried into my hair. I felt myself melt into him, feeling like there was no one else in the room. Desperately showing me how happy he was, until we needed air.

Panting slightly from the dizzying display of affection, I stared into his eyes, him doing the same to me, which made me blush. "Happy New year J" I smiled once I found my voice and my breathing levelled. The smile on his face Brightening up the room around him. "It's gonna be the best year ever baby" he beamed, "happy new year"

I squealed then, as he picked me up suddenly, spinning me around. "J!!" I yelled, laughing my head off. Everyone around us clueless to our special moment, which made this even more perfect. I looked down at his face as he beamed that smile, laughing with me, finally bringing me down to the ground once again, and into his arms.

"I can't believe this! When did you do all this?!" he grinned, looking at the piece of paper again. "I briefly explained what happened, knowing he'd want to know everything at some point, but right now wasn't the time. Half his team were running over to us to celebrate the new year. But Julian had something more important to tell everyone.

"My girl is moving here!" he yelled at them all as we embraced everyone welcoming in the new year. We got lots of wishes of congratulations and Happy New year's too, but Julian was already off on one and was repeating that I was moving over here. Which was incredibly funny, and cute.

"happy new year sweetie!" I finally had Olivia in front of me. "happy new year" I grinned, hugging her tight. "how was your kiss?!" I giggled, as I pulled away, seeing Olivia blush, "perfect" she smiled, biting her lip. "yeah!" I high fived her, laughing in joy of the night and being a little giddy from the alcohol we'd consumed.

"my girl is moving to Boston!" that voice boomed at us, interrupting us, Olivia and I looking toward him, his cheeky, playful grin making us smile wider. "Danny boy! She's moving! She's fucking moving over here!!" he yelled between us, to his friend, who moved up beside Olivia. Danny laughed and nodded, "yeah, congrats man... Penny" he nodded at me. "thanks" I laughed. Julian then joining me, pulling me against him, yet he was scanning the people around us, telling everyone he knew that I was moving to Boston. I cringed at him telling it to everyone, but found it utterly adorable that he was this excited for me to move here. "you! You didn't tell me!" he yelled jokingly at my brother, who in all the commotion had managed to evade J until now. "and spoil the surprise?!" he chuckled "man I can't believe you got this done so soon"  Julian said, looking at my brother. "it's sometimes who you know, rather than what you know that gets the job done." Nick grinned. "but congratulations little sister!" he raised his glass to me, "the hard work begins now" he winked at me, "nah, it begins the moment you pay me" I grinned, making everyone chuckle. Everyone around us was happy, happy welcoming in the brand new year, and happy for my new life that was about to begin. But no one more so than Julian. He seemed as hyped up as ever, suddenly he turned his head to look at me and gave me a boyish smile, "my mom is gonna go crazy"

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