Ready Or Not

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Meanwhile, for the passed week...

It's been a strange week. Obviously since I landed here, I've literally dumped my stuff in my room at my brothers house and the next day I was starting my new job with him. Nick had suggested I took a day or two to settle in, sort my belongings out and stuff like that, but I really didn't want to be stuck in his house, or even hanging out in Boston, or Winchester even. I was still totally shut down from the outside world, besides work, and right now that's what I was happy with. I came home on a night, ate dinner with Nick and sometimes Ally and then I'd go sort through my clothes and the few belongings I'd brought that wasn't in storage and then head to bed. Of course I spoke to Olivia, and even Danny. But I just needed some time to clear my head and attempt to move on with things like he didn't exist.



She'd been acting like a hermit this week. I hated seeing my sister so upset. And I couldn't do anything to make it go away. I'd told her to take some time for herself but she was having none of it. She was a workaholic at the best of times, and now she was worse than ever. I was glad she was here though for me to watch over her until something had been sorted with Julian.

She'd told me what had happened from her point of view, and I believed she was well within her rights to be the way she was. Part of me felt that she needed to hear him out, even if it was just to put things to bed. But she was my sister, and I stood by her. That's what big brothers do right?

Anyway, by the end of the second week, she was finally getting to grips with living here. I mean, in all fairness it wasn't going to be such a hard task if I was being honest. She'd visited that many times she knew the way of life here. At work she got on great with everyone since she'd known them almost as long as I had and they welcomed her here like a friend. The most trying thing was simply navigating through her new life as a newly single woman in a strange new country where she knew a handful of people and that was it. I was soon hoping to change that though.

"so have you called Olivia about house hunting yet?" I asked her the second Saturday since she'd been here. She sighed and rolled her eyes at me. That always annoyed me about her, the attitude. "actually I have" she answered with a mouth full of cornflakes. "I'm heading out with O this afternoon, got an appointment with someone who's going to start looking for places" she replied. Thank god. "cool. Well if you want me to come along when you start looking just let me know" I offered, gaining a smile from her. "thanks" I nodded back, happy to see her give a genuine smile for once. "I'm actually happy to be looking now. I really need to look for somewhere, instead of being a third wheel around this place" she added, making me roll my eyes this time. "and all those nieces and nephews of mine that will be running this place with their tiny iron fists" I coughed up a fruit loop at her comment. She giggled at me and I shook my head with a sigh. "don't say that again" I said, managing to swallow them down this time. She didn't answer but smirked at me. "the sooner you get your own place the better" I mumbled making her smirk wider. Sisters.



I met up with Olivia halfway through my- I think it was my third week, but it's all just a blur at this point. I'd gone to her place after work to begin researching locations to look for an apartment. And of course talk turned to a certain team and a certain couple of players...

Olivia checked her phone and huffed. "everything okay?" I asked her, seeing her frown. "hmm" she sighed, not looking at me. "I'm not sure if I should say anything or not..."
"go on..." I groaned, knowing it was going to be Julian related. "Danny's having out with Jules tonight, and he's trying to get him to ask me how you are..." she said a little nervously. I sighed and shrugged. "he'd go mental if he knew you were here" she cringed. "well, you're gonna have to tell Danny though. I feel guilty as hell keeping it from him and for you lying to him too" I said, looking down away from her. "Danny will understand" she sighed, "I hope..." she pulled a face. "if he is pissed it should be at me, not you. You're looking out for me like he is for his friend. Even though his friend is a total womanising douchebag." I scoffed. "tell Danny tonight though. Please. It's been long enough." I said, feeling pretty nervous now, because as much as I can want Danny to keep it to himself that I'm here, Julian is his best friend. How can I expect to put him in the middle like this? I've asked it and more of Olivia and its not fair on them. If he finds out through him then so be it. I'll have to deal with it, whether I was ready to or not.

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