The Key

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I left Olivia outside of my apartment building. I figured I had roughly an hour and a half to get showered and changed and head across town to Julian's place. Olivia and I both agreed that he was bummed I wasn't going to meet them for lunch, "he won't be so disappointed when he finds out he's got you layed out on a plate for him though" Olivia sniggered as we discussed it earlier. I grinned. I just hoped nothing screwed it up.

I headed to the shower and rinsed my body of the sweat from my run with Olivia and washed my hair and made sure I was still fuzz free. I mentally scanned my wardrobe of what to pack. I never usually did this kind of thing without plenty of planning. So I was totally out of my comfort zone right now.

After I dried off, I rushed to my bedroom and grabbed a few different outfits, (maybe some pretty underwear) toiletries and my make up bag. Time was ticking, so I grabbed the rest of my smoothie out of the fridge, grabbed my keys and my purse and left the apartment.


"I'm on the bus right now" I sighed as I sat down by the window. "wow that must be a record... I've never known you get ready so fast" Olivia giggled. I rolled my eyes and huffed down the phone at her. "I guess it depends on who I'm going to see" I smirked hearing her huff back at me. I laughed, "have you figured out what you're gonna do?" she asked. "nope" I laughed, "figured I'll just wing it" I shrugged. "I don't suppose there's much to really figure out. Wait for him butt naked and job done" Olivia stated, making me blush. I glanced around the bus, almost positive someone would have heard her. "I guess you're right" I chuckled. "Does Danny know what's happening?" I asked, looking out of the window at the buildings that we were passing by. "I sent him a text warning him not to go into Jules' house. Just in case" she giggled, making me blush more. "my god no that would be horrendous" I said, gasping a little at the thought. "So dare I ask what you guys are doing tonight?" I asked with a laugh, hearing Olivia giggle. "well after he's left Jules, he's going home to shower and we're meeting for lunch, and then I think we're going to do a little shopping. I want something to wear for next weekend"

"aren't you being a little presumptuous?" I asked, "well, a girl can't have too many new outfits right?" I could practically hear her smiling, "I need something for the after party, and to wear at the game" she told me, making me nod. "What are you wearing?" she asked, making me snort, "god you're as bad as Gisele" I laughed, "I don't know that I'll be going. He's not asked me, we're still not official and quite honestly I still don't know if I should go" I shrugged. "oh shut up. You know he wants you there, he'll ask you to go and god damn it you are going" I sighed a little, not really knowing how to respond to her, I didn't exactly have a reason not to, and I really did want to go, but I'd have thought he would have asked me by now. So I didn't want to think about it too much, in case he wasn't going to ask me. Besides, right now I had more pressing matters to think about. Like the fact that I was only a couple of blocks from my stop. The nerves were staring to bubble up once again...


When I reached Julian's place, I already had my key in hand, moving to swiftly put it in the lock. I glanced around and unlocked the door. Hell I looked like I was being shifty, as well as feeling like I was breaking and entering. I moved into the house and closed the door, making sure to lock it behind me. I glanced around, kinda feeling now that I shouldn't be there. I mean, this was his house - his private space. "I shouldn't be here..." I sighed, freaking out as I spoke down the phone. "what? where are you?" Nicki was on the other end. "right now? I'm sitting in J's kitchen freaking out...."

"omg! you're doing the plan!! wait... you're not naked right now are you?" she asked making me laugh. "no! " I cried, "I've just got here. He's out on a run with Danny, but I've come here to surprise him, and now I'm in his house alone, uninvited, it just feels wrong" I said. "Penny, honey, don't worry. He won't even think about that. He gave you the key for you to do just what you're doing" she advised, "just ignore what's going through your head right now. And just do what you'd intended on when you set off from your place" She said, "and if it did go wrong, then blame me. I told you to do it" she said. I nodded, closing my eyes briefly. "you're right. I'm just being silly..." I tried to convince myself. "yes you are!" she laughed, "now go and do what you gotta do!" she added, making me chuckle, "thanks Nicki" I said, "anytime, that's what sisters are for right?" she said, making me laugh, "yeah," I said, "I'll see you soon sweetie. Love you! and good luck!" she laughed down the line to me, and then the phone went dead. Right. Here we go....


It felt like it was hours before I heard the key in the door. In actual fact it was probably about half an hour since I'd come off the phone with Nicki. I'd hidden my bags in a cupboard under the island in the kitchen, knowing it wasn't somewhere he was going to go as soon as he came into the house. And me? I was upstairs, laid on his bed, where I'd taken a selfie....

 And me? I was upstairs, laid on his bed, where I'd taken a selfie

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Me:guess where I am?! Xxx

I heard the door open, and him shuffle in. The door closed and then I heard him throw his keys onto the kitchen counter. I heard his phone ping with a notification. There was a few seconds of silence, and I saw he had just read my message. I heard him actually groan down there, and it made me become even more nervous.

J: wherever it is, I'd damn sure love to be there xxx

I giggled silently, biting my lip as I sent my reply

Me: come find

"what?" I heard him ask himself, then I think I could hear him moving around the kitchen, and finally move to the stairs.



I couldn't help the grin on my face after seeing the selfie Penny had sent me. I didn't know what she meant by finding her, but I wanted to head over there at some point, I wanted to see her again. The image of her in her workout pants earlier was burned into my brain. Man she looked hot in those. Anyway, I threw off my sneakers, socks and my shirt before I made my way up the stairs to head for a shower. I passed my gaming area, thinking that I needed to get Gronk over here for a rematch at ProEvo at some point. He was going down this time...and then I moved up to the next floor, to my bedroom.

I reached the top of the stairs and moved towards the bedroom, noticing the door was open. Like I never left my bedroom door open. That was weird. I shrugged it off and walked inside, only to stop dead in my tracks. "Holy fuck"

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