The Truth

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As the night wore on, this totally different side to Julian came out. A more playful Julian, messing around, joking and laughing with us. I think Danny brought it out in him too. They were like two little kids when they were together. But all the while, Julian was making eyes at me, sitting with his arm on the back of the seat, then casually moving it to over my shoulders, rubbing his thumb on my skin as he spoke to me. "you want another drink?" he asked, his breath tickling my ear. I looked up at him and nodded with a smile. He winked and got up out of his seat, checking the other two wanted one as well. Amelia offered to go with him.

"you gotta tell him" Danny said once they had left us. I let out a puff of air and nodded, "I know, but I'm so unprepared for this..." I said, running my hands through my hair. "I really don't want to hurt him."
"so why are you staying here? It sounded like you were moving to Boston. But now you're not?" Danny asked sounding confused. I sighed again, "I heard all the stuff about the night you guys went to the show. I had doubts about things anyway, then I got this job offer and in my messed up head I accepted it." I told him. "I never expected him to come over here. I imagined he'd move on as soon as I'd left....I guess I thought he was taking our little thing as a fling." I blushed, feeling incredibly stupid. "I really don't wanna hurt him. I've been hurting enough for both of us." I added, glancing at Danny. "do you have feelings for him?" he asked as I looked back at him. Slowly I nodded. "then you gotta be straight with him. No matter how messy things are gonna get." he told me. I nodded, dreading the thought.


Another hour passed, another couple of drinks downed and Danny had taken Amelia to dance. I think they genuinely got on well, but I knew they both wanted to leave Julian and I alone to talk.

By the intense look Julian was giving me, that was the last thing he intended on doing...

"You look so sexy tonight" he purred, pulling me up against him, his eyes raking over my body. I blushed and shook my head, hating his words. He chuckled at me and kissed my temple. Oh lord.

"Did you like my flowers?"
"It was you?" I asked, turning a little to look at him. He grinned at me and I shook my head smiling "what was the card all about?!" I laughed at the thought. Julian winked at me making me giggle and blushing madly.

"I've missed that smile." He grinned at me, the charmer. I rolled my eyes. "Seriously, I've missed you. I don't wanna leave it like it was after you left."
"Look Julian-"
"Julian? You're still calling me Julian?" He grinned. "No, Julian, I need to talk to you about Boston." I said, dropping my smile. "I'm, I'm not coming back." I said, looking up into his eyes. He was frowning, trying to take in what I just said I presume. He never said a word so I chose to explain.

"I had a job offer here, the same as my brothers company in the States, so I figured why move my whole life when I can do the same thing here" I said like it was that simple. "but, I thought you were coming to live in Boston?" he frowned still, but moving to take my hand in his. I felt a little uncomfortable right now, especially as we were doing this in a club. "it was definately something I was willing to do, but that was before I had this job"
"you've accepted it?" he asked, shocked even more. I nodded and looked down to my lap. "oh man..." he sighed. "um, well I guess I'll have to try and convince you to unaccept it" he smiled. I could tell he was upset, but tried to cover it up. I know I'd ruined the surprise of him coming here, but I think we were determined to make the most of it.

My heart was breaking all over again, seeing his face when I told him I'd agreed to stay in the UK. We still wanted to talk and agreed we should at some point, but right now I wanted to put a smile back on that handsome face. A face like his should never be sad. So, I waited until he'd put his empty glass on the table, I grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the dance floor.

"you know this is making it really hard for me to not touch you right?" he groaned into my ear, his nose brushing the shell of my ear. I smiled and bit my lip as my bum brushed against his crotch once more. "I can move if you like?" I answered, moving away from him for like a millisecond, before I felt his hands grip onto my hips, pulling me tighter against him than I was before. "why would I want you to do that?" he asked, feeling his eyes burning into me as he looked down my body. "you make me want to touch you." he growled. "to take you back to my hotel and show you how sexy, how beautiful you are"

He knew all the right words to say, hell I was practically putty in his hands, but I couldn't let myself go. I just couldn't. So I turned around to face him, about to speak when he pressed his finger against my lips. "I'm not gonna try. I know, I get it. But I can't help wanting you that way" he told me, his eyes never once leaving mine. And when he removed his finger, he replaced that empty spot with his own lips. Pressing a passionate kiss to my mouth.

Things turned a little hotter than I'd anticipated, finding my hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him into me and his were splayed across my bum, kneading his fingers into it. It was the first time he'd touched me like that, and I'm guessing he'd been desperate to. His tongue swiped at my lower lip and involuntarily I smiled, opening my mouth a little and just like that he plunged his tongue into my mouth. It was a desperate, needy kiss from him, but one that held fire for me. I was making out with Julian Edelman. Finally. It took us for him to come over here to make the next move. Or maybe it was the fact it'd probably be the last time I was with him, and that's what sent us to it. And on that thought I pulled away.

"we need to talk." I stated, looking a little sheepish. Julian nodded at me, looking down into my eyes as his squeezed at my bum again. I couldn't help but giggle as he grinned that boyish grin my way. I slapped his chest lightly as my hands rested on his pecks and he chuckled. "c'mon, we'll go to my place." I told him, then stepping away for him to follow me. Which he did, trying to grab at my hand as I led us off the dance floor.

Amelia and Danny were at the bar catching another round of drinks when we told them we were leaving. They were quite happy in each other's company, but I prayed they didn't get on as well as Julian and I, one relationship drama was enough right now. So was said our goodbyes and with Julian's arm wrapped around my waist, we headed outside to grab a taxi. I just prayed that I didn't cave and do something I'd later regret...

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