Don't Say Goodbye

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I woke up the following morning with mixed emotions. I was excited to spend the day with Julian, but gutted it was my last day here. My brother was feeling pissed he was in meetings all day, but as soon as he'd heard Julian was taking me out he was okay, just as long as I spent the night with him having watching movies. That was fine by me.

I checked the clock, it was 9am. I had an hour and a half before Julian was picking me up. So I rolled out of bed and headed for the shower. Mentally raking through my wardrobe to think of what to wear. Today's plans were a mystery so I had a task in picking the right outfit.


An hour later I was ready to go. I'd picked out a pair of knee high boots, dark jeans and a knitted sweater. I grabbed my brothers scarf off the hat rack and my purse just as there was a knock on the door. I opened it up surprised to see Julian waiting for me. "oh hi" I smiled, not expecting him to be here yet. "hey, sorry I know I'm a little early, but I was done with training so I figured I'd just come straight to pick you up" he said, making me smile.


"c'mon, there's one more place we've got to go to" he smiled, grabbing my hand. I couldn't help the smile that crept over my face as he grinned at me playfully. My day with him was awesome and I truly didn't want it to end. We'd been for a walk round Piers Park, a coffee in 'our' coffee shop and a stop in the candy store in which we met, and that was just the morning. He took me to the Harbour in the afternoon for a few hours before making our way back into the heart of the city. 

We walked a few blocks and finally stopped outside of the Skywalk Observatory. I looked at the building and then at Julian. "c'mon, we've got dinner reservations" he said, nodding his head to the entrance.


"oh my God J...." my heart felt it was about to burst as I looked at the scene in front of me. Sitting in front of one of the huge windows, sat a candle lit table for two. I looked back at him, he was standing there looking pretty smug with himself, "c'mon, let's take a seat" he said, pulling me toward the table, pulling my chair out for me.

The sight from the windows took my breath away, you could see for miles. "I didn't know you could do this kind of thing here?" I said, finally looking back at him. His gaze was already on me and he was looking at me with a soft tender look in his blue eyes. "you can't" he grinned at me, making me blush. "I wanted to make your last night here memorable" he told me with a wink. I blushed a little more at his innuendo, honestly quite gutted that we couldn't do what he was suggesting, but 1, I wasn't the type of girl to just give it up, despite how hot he was and 2. I did want to spend my last night with my brother, after all, that's why I was there.

"well you've achieved your goal" I smiled at him shyly, he chuckled at my statement. "I'm glad I have. Cause I hoped it would be awesome" he told me, raising his glass.

"to new beginnings"
"to new beginnings" I repeated, tapping my champagne glass against his. Then we sat and had a meal for two as we watched the sun setting over Boston.


We both felt that we were desperately trying to cling on to every single moment we had together. In the car on the journey to my brothers house we sat content, Julian stretching his arm across to me to hold my hand. "so," I sighed, "what's your plans for tonight?" I asked him, seeing as though it was only 8.30, the night was young. I looked over to him as he glanced in his rear view, then back to the road. "I've been invited to a fashion show thing with Danny." he answered, "I wanted to take you, but obviously you're busy" he shrugged. "you'd have taken me?" I asked, a little surprised. Julian frowned and looked at me like I was stupid. "yeah" he sassed. "I'd show you off. And you'd get to meet Danny" he smiled. I tutted at him. "that's the real reason" I smirked. He chuckled, "he's my best friend. My girl gotta meet my best friend" he shrugged, glancing at me. "and yes you're my girl" he added, looking at me again. "thanks for telling me" I smirked. "you're welcome" he grinned smugly. But a sigh coming from his lips made me fill with worry. "we're home" he said in a sombre tone. I looked out of the window and saw we'd pulled up at my brothers house. My stomach dropped. I had to say goodbye.


We walked together up the steps and onto the front porch. My stomach was in knots and I was dreading saying the word.

"I'm gonna miss you" he was the first to start. I smiled up at him, blinking away my tears. He brushed my hair back off my face and held his hand against my cheek, his eyes looking sorrowful. "me too" I choked out a little. "how crazy is it we've only known each other a couple weeks and I know how crazy I'm gonna miss you" he let out a breathy laugh. I glanced away from his intense blue eyes and bit my lip as a coy smile grew across my features. "I have that kinda affect on people" I smiled, trying to lighten up the mood. "I have no doubt. And it worries me" he replied, making me smile more.

We stared at each other for what felt like hours, there was nothing left to say, nothing left to do but part. But we couldn't. "you gotta get going if you're going to the show" I whispered as we stared at each other still. He shook his head, rethreading his fingers through my hair. "I'd stay here all night long if it meant I could be close to you" he whispered, I giggled. "still the charmer I see" I smirked, he didn't react, just kept his gaze on me, "it's true. I don't want you to leave." he answered me straight. "I guess I'll be back soon" I said, maybe lying to us with that statement. I mean, I'd not agreed to anything with Nick yet and I still had my contract to see out. "I hope so baby." he whispered, edging closer to me, until our lips finally connected. It was a deep meaningful kiss, a heartfelt loving kiss. One I'd not shared with him before. They were usually just innocent, maybe after yesterday a little lustful and that's not all his doing.

When we parted, I looked into his eyes and smiled. "goodbye J" I swallowed back the tears once more. Julian shook his head. "never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting" he whispered, moving in and pressing one last kiss to my mouth. He pulled away, connecting our gaze for a few brief seconds and then without another word he turned and took the steps down to his car.

I chose to walk to the front door and not watch him, but I suddenly had a  thought and turned back around. "isn't that from Peter Pan?" I frowned. Julian turned back to me at hearing my words with a huge grin on his face. I rolled my eyes but laughed at him. He winked and then turned to climb in his car.

This time I watched and he started the engine, rolling the window down and hanging his arm out. I blew him a kiss which he cheesily caught and winked at me again, smiling that devilish smile he had, then he tore off into the night, as quickly as he burst into my life and just as playful. How was I supposed to go back to my boring mundane life tomorrow?

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