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Hey guys! So I thought I'd let you all know where I'm at right now with this story...

I've got the final chapters kinda drafted up already, and of course there is plenty of Fluff and stuff going down.

I AM planning on doing a Sequel, however I do want to have a little break between writing. Partly for my own sanity and to let my brain develop some new ideas.

I've LOVED writing this book and I'm so thankful for all the love you've shown me. I could carry on this forever but I don't think I'd do it enough justice and wouldn't want you all getting bored!

So I hope you enjoy the final chapters that await you, and the wait for the second book doesn't drive you all crazy!

Lots of love,


Ps: I've been toying with the idea of doing a request book, whether it be Jules only requests, Pats or a general NFL teams is down to what gets requested I guess... Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

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