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The smell of bacon drifted up my nostrils, waking me from a dreamless sleep. I felt so peaceful layed under the featherdown duvet, opening my eyes to the sight of my handsome boyfriend staring back at me. "I love you" he whispered, the first words out of his mouth. I giggled at his cuteness, poking my tongue out and flicking the end of his nose. He crinkled up his face but smiled, "I love you too" I smiled back, moving to cuddle myself into his chest. "something smells good out there" I sighed, as my stomach grumbled. "yeah, my mom usually cooks up a mean breakfast today" he yawned, then kissing the top of my head. "we better head on down there before my brother and my dad eat it all up"


"how do you say bacon in England?"
"bacon" I laughed, "oh" the three little girls surrounding me giggled. "I hope you're not bugging Penny girls." Nicki said, joining us on the floor of the sitting room as we ate our bacon and pancakes. "no ma'am" the older of the three said quietly. "good. She has enough to cope with with uncle Jules" she added, smirking at me as the four of us giggled. "do you love him?" all four sets of eyes were on me. I felt my face blush but I couldn't hold the smile back as I nodded, "absolutely" I said, looking mainly at Nicki. She smiled at me and then looked to the girls. "would you take our plates to grandma girls?" the older girl huffed a little, I got the feeling she wanted to listen to our next conversation but they were a little too young. She nodded and stood up, ushering her two younger sisters with her.

Once the little ears were far enough away, and Nicki had glanced around, to see who was around to possibly listen, which made me anxious to what she was going to say, she looked back to me and shuffled round so we were both sat against the wall, looking out into the room. "tell me to mind my business," she said, looking to the cream carpet we sat on, "but I gotta ask" she glanced at me, "what have you done to my brother?" I was silent as I looked back at her, not having a clue how to answer that. She giggled lightly, "he's different" she added, still not helping my brain think of something to say. "he's never brought anyone home to meet us since he was drafted" she grinned at me, making me blush. I looked from her to the rest of the room, seeing Julian sat with his brother, deep in conversation. I couldn't help the fluttering in my stomach. "I can sure speak for everyone and say we're glad he's brought you home" she said, making me look back to her. I smiled at her appreciative of her kind words. "I'm happy he wanted to bring me home to meet you all." I finally said, "I've had a great time here, I hope I get to see you all again sometime" I added, looking back to Julian and then to the carpet. "I can safely say with the way my brother looks at you, you'll definitely be back" she giggled, nudging me with her shoulder. I blushed and looked up at her with a smile. "just get your frickin visa done!" she whispered playfully. I couldn't help it, but I gave her a look which she immediately read correctly, excitedly taking in a sharp breath, "shhh!" I whispered, trying to shut her down. "eee!" she squeaked, holding out her hand. We high fived and then she surprisingly threw her arms around me and cuddled me. I burst out laughing at her unexpected reaction but it felt good. 

"what's going on?!" that deep voice chuckled, making us pull away. We looked up to find Julian looking at us with a smile on his face. "what are you two plottin'?" he narrowed his eyes as us, "the sight of you two like this is making me nervous" he said, waving his finger at us. I bit my lip smiling at him. "no, nah, you two can't look at me with those innocent faces, I know you far too well Nicole" he said looking at his sister, "and you" he said, looking at me, "I'm beginning to wonder if it was wise letting you meet her. I'm gonna have to watch you two" he said smiling at me. I laughed, looking to Nicki and we fist bumped. "right baby, it's time I got you away from her" he said, holding his hand out to me. I rolled my eyes and stood up, his sister following behind us.


Our suitcase was packed up into the back of the car and we were almost ready to leave. "It was lovely to see you again Penny" Angie said, embracing me. "thank you for inviting me, I've had such a great time" I smiled back at her. "It would be nice to see you again before you leave" Frank added to that. "We'll get something sorted after the New Years game Pop" Julian said as he hugged his mum. "you better" Nicki chirped in, pushing Julian in the shoulder as she moved over to me. "see you soon sis" she said, teasing her brother, yet I noticed he didn't seem to react. "call me" she whispered as she embraced me. I nodded, laughing at her. "be safe Jules" she said, launching at her brother for a hug. 

We'd already said goodbye to his brother and his family earlier in the day before they had to catch their flight. I was a little bummed I'd not spent too much time with him and his wife, but I felt that there would be time for that sooner or later. "Be safe travelling home" Angie called out to us as we climbed into the car. "will do ma" Julian called back and then closed the door. They waved us out of the driveway and I sighed, relaxing back into my seat, genuinely sad to be leaving. I had an awesome time with his family. Julian grabbed my hand as he glanced at me, "I think my mom has gained another daughter this holiday season" 

******** sorry if this is a bit of a crappy chapter guys, not feeling it myself, but I was in need of a little filler chapter********

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