My First Game

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So, two days in, and I was about to have a dose of my first NFL game. I have to admit I had no clue about the rules, the teams or anything. My sport had always been Formula One at home. But I guess things would have to change. My brother had gotten quite into it since he had been living here. I guess when in Rome and all that... So here I was, standing in front of the Gillette Stadium about to witness the New England Patriots take on the New York Jets.


My brother led me into the stadium and I was blown away. The football grounds we have back home are huge but this was something else. Our seats were at the midfield sideline, a few rows up. "I'm gonna grab us some food. I won't be long" he said getting up off his seat. I nodded and just sat, taking in everything around me as the crowds became thicker by the minute.

"your first time huh?" I looked to my left and saw a girl around my age grinning at me. "that obvious?" I smiled. "kinda" she smiled back, scrunching up her nose. I laughed, "you don't get used to it either." she added, "I've been coming here for years, nothing stops me being here"

"you come alone?" I asked, noting there was no one to the other side of her yet. "I used to come with my ex, but he isn't a Pats fan all too much, thank the lord. I'd hate him sitting beside me right now" she said pulling a face making me laugh. The crowd suddenly roared and it took my attention to the field, seeing the players walking out to warm up.

"woo hoo here they come." the girl sighed, I looked back to the field and then to her, "there's my future husband" she cooed, I looked again to the field and had no clue who she was talking about. "who?" I laughed. "Amendola" she sighed again, I couldn't help but laugh at her. "number 80" she added, I scanned the players and spotted him. "everyone loves him. All the girls do" she rolled her eyes, making me grin. "you must have good taste huh" I said, looking back to the guy she liked. She grinned, still her eyes glued to him, but she carried on, "that guy he's stood with, he's a legend." she nodded, "let me guess that has to be Brady?" I asked, she smiled and nodded, "every knows who he is" I laughed. "But the other guy with them, he seems a little short doesn't he? For a player I mean" I added, the girl chuckled, "yeah, but he's awesome" she replied, "that's Edelman." she told me, looking back to him. "the guys wanna be him and the girls wanna be with him. He's such a cutie" she added. "woah, speaking of which, who is that at your three o'clock" she gasped. I frowned and looked across and saw my brother sitting down again. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at her. "that, is my brother" I snorted. She looked surprised and blushed, making me smirk. "hey if you fail to snag Amen... Amen..."

"Amendola" she giggled, "yeah if you don't snag him, I promise I'll introduce ya to my brother" I laughed. "Deal" she shook my hand and we laughed.


The game seemed to fly by, the Pats won 22-17. I can't tell you the specifics of the game and who scored what touch down, it's all a bit of a blur but I'll get the hang of it sooner or later. Regardless, I did enjoy it and I earned a friend out of it too. Olivia was doing her best to explain the rules to me, my brother was useless, engrossed in the game eating his mountain of food, too oblivious to even think of if I knew what the hell was going on.

"So are you going to be at the next game?" she asked, I smiled but shook my head. "Sadly not, but I imagine I'd probably end up with a season pass by the time I move over here" I laughed. "Sounds good to me" she grinned. "You gotta let me know when you're back here and you've moved. We'll have to celebrate" she told me, making me nod. "Sure, we can meet up before I head home if you want?" I offered. We exchanged numbers and a hug and soon enough we were all leaving the stadium to go home.

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