Flying Away

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The next morning came and the only way to describe it was I was walking around like a bear with a sore head.

The guys at training were asking what'd got up my ass. I ignored them. But I'd soon see Danny running around telling everyone so they could keep their distance. I didn't care though. Firstly, a girl I'd actually spent most of the last two weeks with had gone back home. And I was gutted. I didn't know when she'd be back or when I'd see her again. And that leads me to my second point. I was so bummed out by it, I went to the fashion show after party and stupidly got off my face on liquor, so today I was hungover. Badly. And then my day was about to get worse.


"how's the head princess?" Danny chuckled as he ran beside me down the field. "next question" I grumbled in response, hearing him laugh a little more. "so you heard from her?" he asked, man he was brave. I shook my head. "not a damn thing." I sighed, that was making me have a heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach. "I've left her messages too." I added, stopping to do more stretches. "I have a really bad feeling man"


That afternoon I was hanging out at home with Danny. "still no fucking word" I sighed, throwing my phone down on the couch. "Um, I don't wanna worry you bro," I looked up at Danny, who was staring at his phone. "but you don't think she's seen the photos from last night do ya?" he asked, finally looking up at me. "what fucking photos?!" I snapped, almost grabbing Danny's phone from his hand. "what the fuck. When were these taken?!" I growled flicking over pictures on some website he'd found. "I dunno man, I'm as unaware as you" he replied, laying back against the couch. The photos were of me and Danny, talking to some of the models that were at the show. A couple of Danny with them and then there was one of me with some blonde chick I don't even remember the name of. We got introduced and spoke for like a minute and then I left to find Danny cause I'd had enough and I wanted to go home. I threw his phone back to him, then rubbed my face with my palms. "they've written something..." Danny said, and I waited for him to read it aloud. "The Pats star receiver looking dapper as expected as he attended the shows after party with friend and team mate Danny Amendola. Seen pictured here, with Holly Dune, the pair looked cosy after it is reported Edelman's mystery woman from the latest Pats game has fled the country and left him heart broken. Seems that Miss Dune is the next in line to the stars bed."

"fuck man that's deep" Danny sighed after reading the utter crap that the paper had written. The anger I was feeling was bubbling under my surface, I was shocked at how I hadn't erupted yet. The thoughts flying through my head were sending me crazy. Has Penny seen the photo? Read the article? Is that why she hadn't replied to me. This could ruin my chances with her. I needed to call her.

She didn't answer. "what the fuck do I do man?" I sighed in dispair, looking at Danny. He shrugged, "you gotta keep calling her til you get through to her. It's not like you can just go to her house and see her is it. It's gonna take a lot more work than that" he said. I knew that, it was gonna be tough this long distance thing. I'd never done it before but she was more than worth it.

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