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The light pouring in from the window caused me to stir. I felt my eyes begin to flutter open, and the first thing in my mind was that there was a body underneath mine.

I absent-mindedly ran my hands down a warm, hard hairy chest as I curled into whoever it belonged to that little bit more. His cologne wafted into my nostrils and I smiled. It was good. I tried to squeeze my thighs together but I was made aware that my leg was draped over a very thick thigh. My eyes opened to the sight of a very attractive wide receiver, laying on his back, one arm tucked beneath his head, the other, wrapped around me, and his large palm gripped my bum cheek.

My hand running across his pecks stirred him and he growled a little as he opened his eyes slightly, turning his head to look my way. "morning" he greeted me with his husky morning voice. "morning" I smiled back, hoping I hid my blushes under my hair. It didn't help that he ran his hand along my thigh and gave my bum another squeeze. "did I tell you how good you look in my shirt?" he grinned, making me hide my face in my pillow. I felt myself going shy again. But then I got distracted from my shyness, by the feeling of said shirt being lifted up a little so my bum was exposed. my head shot up and I gasped, "JULIAN!" I shrieked, laughing at his boldness. He chuckled as I caught him looking at my behind and I swatted his hand away from lifting my shirt up. "my name on the Jersey, my property" he smirked, watching me roll over to face him. I knew he loved making me blush, he just seemed to do it a little too much. "and I bet you've used that line before" I rolled my eyes at him.

Then suddenly I was lifted up and placed upon his lap, I was surprised at how easily he picked me up. I was sat straddling his waist looking down at him. His face suddenly serious. "baby, I don't just give anyone my jersey like that" he said, looking into my eyes. "c'mon Julian, I'm not a stupid little girl" I rolled my eyes. "I don't." he answered  seemingly getting a little frustrated with me. I rolled my eyes at him, "whatever you say" I sassed, fighting off a yawn. I looked into his eyes and he huffed angrily, then suddenly without warning I was flipped over onto my back, him hovering over me. "damn right it's whatever I say baby. And right now you're gonna lay back and enjoy the ride" he purred at me, giving me his 'come to bed eyes'. I couldn't help the snort that came out of me, giggling at his comment. He pulled back from me and frowned. "those lines aren't gonna work on me Edelman" I said, pushing at his chest. He sat back on his legs and watched in amazement as I slipped out of the bed and walked over to my bathroom.

He never said a word, but I knew he was watching me, so I thought I'd tease him some more, and I pulled his shirt over my head as I walked to the bathroom door. Flinging the shirt back across to the bed as I closed the door and turned on the shower.


Don't get me wrong, every muscle in my body ached to be touched by him. I'd be crazy if I didn't find him incredibly attractive. But I knew I couldn't cross that line. I mean, I told him that I'd think about still moving to Boston, and if I'd have slept with him that would have made the whole thing more confusing, especially if I decided to stay here. I'd have looked a slag, and I would be messing with his head, and mine and I couldn't do that to him. But I felt I was already passed that stage already. I mean, we were acting like a new couple. Was it too late already?

So, after grabbing a quick shower, and getting dressed for my day at work, I walked back out to the bedroom, to find him still layed on the bed, just in his tight, very tight, boxers; having a conversation on his cell. He looked over at me and did a double take as his eyes raked over me. I desperately hid my blushes by heading to my dresser to pick out some jewellery to wear.

Once finished, I turned around to leave him to his conversation, to find he was done. He threw his cell phone on the bed and stood up, having a stretch. It was my turn now to let my eyes wander over his body, he had muscles on top of muscles. I had to snap out of my stare before I began to drool!

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